Katia Mann: A Life with Thomas Mann Documentary & Interview

Katja Mann: A Life with Thomas Mann

1969 / 80 min. / b&w
Directed by Michael Blackwood and Christian Blackwood
with the participation of Elizabeth von Plesson, Erika Mann, and Golo Mann

Katja and Thomas Mann were married for 50 years from 1905 to 1955 when Thomas died. Katja proudly tells of the fact that they were separated only for one day during those 50 years. Thomas’ literary accomplishments include Buddenbrooks, The Magic Mountain, Death in Venice, Joseph and His Brothers, and Doctor Faustus.

Born in Germany, the Manns were exiled to the United States during WWII, and returned to Europe after the war, settling in Kilchberg near Zurich. Katja (née Pringsheim) was a witness to all his writing and guarded him from interruptions through the years. She was a well educated, bright and cheerful woman, and mother of six gifted children – Erika, Klaus, Golo, Monika, Elisabeth and Michael. In this conversation with Elisabeth von Plessen, Katja describes their life in vivid detail and reveals the background to many of his important writings. Filmed in her home in Kilchberg in 1969.

Directed by
Christian Blackwood
Michael Blackwood

Erika Mann
Golo Mann
Katia Mann
Elisabeth Plessen

IMDB: www.imdb.com/title/tt11468970/


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