Carlene Carter-Musical Shapes-"the lost Rockpile LP" | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Carlene Carter-Musical Shapes-"the lost Rockpile LP"

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by thebeatles67, Jan 20, 2010.

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  1. thebeatles67

    thebeatles67 Forum Resident In Memoriam Thread Starter

    Just pulled this disc out tonight for first time in a long time----It's basically Rockpile with Carlene on vocals. Listening to the Demon cd (2fer) with Musical Shapes and Blue Nun--my fav is Musical Shapes by a mile. "Baby Ride Easy" duet with Dave Edmunds is very nice. Anyone else like this one?
  2. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    love it as well...been in the collection for years. I still favor her debut album more...
  3. Actually I love both Rockpile & Carlene Carter & I got this album on vinyl years ago & it is beautiful. Love it!
  4. serge

    serge Forum Resident

    Arlington, VA
    I was dissapointed in this one.. when I saw it was ROCKPILE theband I thought it would be killer but...
  5. Bruce

    Bruce Senior Member

    Count me in as fan
  6. Alan G

    Alan G More A Lurker Than A Poster

    What a coincidence, I have this two-fer next to me in a pile I was going to list in the classifieds soon.
  7. alylemoss

    alylemoss Forum Resident

    +1. great tune.
  8. glea

    glea Forum Resident

    Both of those albums have some very good songs. I play I'm So Cool and Very First Kiss on the radio. Love Is A 4 Letter Verb on Blue Nun is also a killer track.
  9. Beattles

    Beattles Senior Member

    Florence, SC
    There are also twofers on Wounded Bird of Carlene CArter/Blue Nun and TWo Sides To Every Woman/Musical Shapes. I don't think the mastering and sound is as good as the Demon (one track actually has a repeat of the last couple of seconds after the song fades), but they have some great music. And Rockpile is all over them.

    Especially good are: Love Is Gone, Between You and Me (written by Graham Parker), Never Together But Close Sometime (Wr Rodney Crowel), Do It In A Heartbeat (Carter/Lowe), Radio Sweatheart (Elvis Costello)and Ring of Fire.
  10. I have 2 copies of this album. Adore it end to end, but especially "Baby Ride Easy" and "Blue Appalachian Eyes"

    Dave Edmunds and Nick Lowe have even signed one of them
    (separate concerts but the same cover, I've seen Nick several times).
  11. Please PM me when you do if it's the Demon version.
    I've never heard a good sounding Wounded Bird disc.
  12. Michael

    Michael I LOVE WIDE S-T-E-R-E-O!

    AGREED...they suck. I bought their Henry Paul Band CD...pityful.:(
  13. The Panda

    The Panda Forum Mutant

    Marple, PA, USA
    It's the first Carlene lp I bought. I'd never heard anything on it and bought it just for the Dave/Nick involvement. Ring of Fire was not necessary, but it's not unlistenable. I particularly love the opening three or four songs. Too Drunk to Remember is pretty funny.

    I always loved Blue Nun. It was like Nick told her she could do what she wanted and she really tries on different styles, mostly successfully. Her vocal on When You Comin Back sounds so gleeful and joyful.
  14. The Panda

    The Panda Forum Mutant

    Marple, PA, USA
    FYI, The two of them recorded a different version for the Dave Twangin' lp, but it never got released. Maybe that's why this alternate take surfaced.
  15. stereoptic

    stereoptic Anaglyphic GORT Staff

    Steve mastered this one:
    C'est C Bon. The Hindsight 20/20 collection is a bit loud. I was disppointed with the overuse of the autotune (and the mastering) on her latest album "Stronger". It is an excellent album otherwise. I enjoyed Musical Shapes back in the day when I was into everything Lowe/Edmunds/Rockpile.

    Funny, I'm ripping Dave's "plugged in" as we speak.
  16. gabbleratchet7

    gabbleratchet7 Forum Resident

    Toronto, Canada
    Just stumbled across this album in the used bins at Vortex in Toronto (45% off sale). I knew about the Baby Ride Easy duet with Dave Edmunds, but I didn't realize there was a whole Rockpile album along with it! What a pleasant surprise.
  17. benm1976

    benm1976 Well-Known Member

    My vinyl copy of Musical Shapes has that same repeat after the first song fades. Strange that no one caught that. It definitely doesn't sound intentional.
  18. I like Musical Shapes. I like Little Love Letters and Man Smart, Woman Smarter too.
  19. mlew

    mlew Pub Rocker

    Excellent album. My fave track is "Too Bad About Sandy"
    Carlene famous quote - " I'm gonna put the c_nt back into country"
    melstapler and benm1976 like this.
  20. ronton99

    ronton99 Forum Resident

    This album always sound more like a Nick Lowe production (using Rockpile as the band) than a Rockpile album to me.
    It came out after Nick's LPs Labour of Lust and before Nick the Knife.
    It features Nick's clever, tongue in cheek production touches, like the "cry, cry" vocal repeat after the first track - which is intentional and a typically "Nick" sequencing touch from those days, slamming as it does into track 2, Madness.
    It's a great segue, if you ask me.

    This album feels more like Nick's solo LPs mentioned above and Dave Edmunds' Tracks on Wax 4 - both utilized Rockpile as the backup band but feel fresher, happier and more adventurous than Rockpile's official LP, Seconds of Pleasure, which was a bit of a letdown.
    After Seconds of Pleasure there was no more Rockpile, so that says a lot......

    But Musical Shapes is a great record - I could not help but buy it several times on vinyl when I have run across minty copies!
    melstapler and benm1976 like this.
  21. benm1976

    benm1976 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for clearing up that that repeat is intentional!
  22. GodBlessTinyTim

    GodBlessTinyTim Forum Resident

    Ontario, Canada
    Picked up two copies today: A sealed copy of the Demon twofer CD for $7, and a signed LP for $20.

    I'll probably flip the CD since I already have a used copy, and Amazon says a new one is worth an astronomical sum. The autographed record is definitely a keeper, though. It reads,

    This is my favorite!
    clhboa and hutlock like this.
  23. ronton99

    ronton99 Forum Resident

    An autographed copy is a great catch - lucky you!
    GodBlessTinyTim likes this.
  24. segue

    segue Psychoacoustic Member

    Carlene filmed an episode of Austin City Limits back in the day that is amazing if you ever get the chance to see it. I ripped the stereo audio to CD and it still gets a ton of play on my system.
    Some of it was available on YT for awhile. She always had a killer band! Carlene rocked!
    clhboa and bluemooze like this.
  25. clhboa

    clhboa Forum Resident

    LOVE this album. One of my all time favorites. My Dad picked up a copy for me from the cut-out bin at Hill's Dept. Store back in the mid 80's. Picked up another copy still sealed rather cheaply a few years ago. I saw Carlene live last year. Her voice has held up very well.
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