“It’s just how they were”: Ang Lee Claims The Oscars Were ‘Too Backwards’ to Award Terrence Howard’s Movie Best Picture Over His Brokeback Mountain

Ang Lee was sure Brokeback Mountain did not win Best Picture because of its homoerotic themes.

Brokeback Mountain, Ang Lee
Credits: Kokuyo/Wikimedia commons


  • Ang Lee has won many Oscars in his life but none hurt like the loss of Brokeback Mountain.
  • He was fully under the impression that the movie would win but Crash won instead.
  • He believed that the film did not win because of the themes it tackled with.
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Ang Lee is regarded as one of the most distinguished filmmakers in the Hollywood industry. Having 9 Academy Award nominations and three wins, he already has a fair share of wins and perhaps even more to come. With such understanding and dedication to his movies, the filmmaker has been fighting against any norm thrown at him for as long as he can remember.

Ang Lee
Ang Lee | Credit: Wikimedia Commons/ Sean Reynolds

Despite holding so many wins in his pocket, regardless of it being an Oscar, a Golden Globe, or anything else, one loss is like a thorn in his back that forever hurts him. He has made many movies throughout his career but one stood out like no other. Starring Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Williams, and Anne Hathaway, Brokeback Mountain became the one that slipped away.

Ang Lee’s World Came Crashing Down

When Ang Lee won the Oscar for Best Director of Brokeback Mountain he wasn’t alone in thinking that the movie would also end up winning the Best Picture award. As shared by IndieWire, the director talked about how the win on his one hand felt like a loss on his other. He admitted that when he first got called for Best Director, he was then advised not to go back to his seat.

Heath Ledger with Jake Gyllenhaal in a still from Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Heath Ledger with Jake Gyllenhaal in a still from Brokeback Mountain | Credit: Paramount Pictures

I got my award, which was [second to] last to the big one, and I was walking off the stage, they called me down, and said, stay here. That’s your mark. Everybody assumes you will win, so stay at that mark, Lee continued. Right next to the stage was the curtain. The next was Best Picture. Stay here, just stay here. I saw Jack Nicholson, his profile, he opened the envelope, and I go, ‘Oh my god, oh my god.’ It took like 10 seconds before he announced, and then he went, ‘Crash.’

The reason for this was rather simple. Even the Oscars’ Stage Manager was under the impression that Brokeback Mountain would win. He said that it would be a hassle to go round and round again and would be best to just stand there and wait. However, the dread that followed wasn’t something he expected.

Jack Nicholson was the presenter and the movie he announced was not that of Lee but Paul Haggis’ Crash. He had not expected that under any circumstance and he knew there was something to blame for it.

Ang Lee Knew Exactly Who to Blame

Ang Lee saw Brokeback Mountain to be ahead of its time. The movie was already regarded to be the best and was highly praised. However, it was snubbed at the Oscars. Although Oscar snubs are far from uncommon, Lee had a finger to point at the Academy, the discrimination to be specific.

Brokeback Mountain - Ang Lee
Brokeback Mountain | Credit: Paramount Pictures

Back then, [‘Brokeback Mountain’] had a ceiling. We got a lot of support — up to that much, he stated. It has that feeling. I wasn’t holding a grudge or anything. It’s just how they were.

Lee confirmed that he wasn’t one to hold a grudge, but a loss was a loss. For Brokeback Mountain, he thought it was an undeserving loss. The movie was far too ahead of its time as he believed. It was far from what a heteronormative society would accept and the themes it tackled were controversial the deeper they went.
The director believed for this mindset to be the sole reason as to why the movie wasn’t picked up for Best Picture instead of Crash.
Brokeback Mountain is available to rent on Amazon Prime Video.
Adya Godboley

Written by Adya Godboley

Articles Published: 1509

An avid writer fluent in everything Marvel, Adya Godboley is an Assistant Anime Content Lead for FandomWire. She has rich experience in critically analyzing all that is said in between the lines. Hopelessly obsessed with Greek Mythology, she is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in English. Adya has written over 1400 articles on various topics expressing her passion and love for all things entertainment, from superheroes to anime and the occasional gacha games.