• Kelly Osbourne has confirmed that she underwent gastric sleeve surgery almost two years ago as she works to maintain her 85-pound weight loss.
  • During a recent podcast, Kelly revealed that the procedure helped her curtail emotional overeating. "It doesn’t solve all your problems. It’s not a quick fix," she added.
  • Fans say they are impressed by her admission, adding it's "refreshing to see someone be honest about it."

In true Kelly Osbourne fashion, the 35-year-old Australia's Got Talent judge and former Fashion Police host is baring all in new revelations on her weight loss journey, just a few days after revealing that she's lost 85 pounds so far. In a recent Hollywood Raw podcast, Kelly confronted rumors head on on how she's managed to lose all the weight: "I had surgery, I don't give a f--- what anyone has to say," Osbourne shared in a conversation with hosts Adam Glyn and Dax Holt. "I did it, I'm proud of it, they can suck s---. I did the gastric sleeve. All it does is change the shape of your stomach. I got that almost two years ago."

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The former Osbournes' reality star, who recently said she's "worked hard" to maintain her weight loss over the last few years on Instagram, says the gastric sleeve operation required her to be in a mindset that enabled her to make a total lifestyle change. "I will never ever, ever lie about it, ever. It is the best thing I have ever done," Kelly said, who has also adopted a fitness routine and is reportedly enjoying a vegan lifestyle. "The kind of surgery I had… if you don’t work out and you don’t eat right, you gain weight. All it does is move you in the right direction… So, anyone who’s thinking of doing something like this, really think about that.”

Since a sleeve gastrectomy surgery removes a portion of the stomach, those who undergo the surgery must commit to a string of changes in their diet and fitness routines. Kelly shared that she also had to prepare herself before going under the knife: “I had to do a year of stand-alone therapy to prepare myself for the surgery before I even had it,” she said. “What people don’t realize is, it cuts out this hormone that if you have addiction issues, it stops your cravings and it makes you not emotionally eat, which is a huge problem for me... All it is, is a push in the right direction. It doesn’t solve all your problems. It’s not a quick fix.”

Kelly's weight loss journey, a decade-long affair that kicked off during her appearance on Dancing With the Stars in 2009, is also inextricably linked to her sobriety. Working on her sobriety — Kelly quit drinking outright in 2017 after suffering a relapse — enabled her to also work on her own sense of self worth and happiness, which she once again confirmed during her podcast appearance. "The number one thing I had to do was get happy. I had to fix my head before I could fix my body," she explained. "You can never go into this if you're not in a good mindset."

Kelly's fans and followers alike have already left supportive comments on previous Instagram posts ("You are ALWAYS so beautiful," one follower shared), but her recent revelation and raw honesty has some fans in total awe. After Kelly admitted to making "a lot of mistakes" and facing "bumps in the road" on the recent podcast, many have shared that they find her openness about her procedure exciting and beneficial for all. "Good for her she’s said herself she struggled with weight, so if that helps her, fair enough," one fan shared on Twitter. "Refreshing to see someone be honest about it."

Another thanked Kelly for "speaking [her] truth" and shedding light on those who turn to weight loss surgery for a lifestyle change for good.

Kelly herself has admitted that the work isn't over yet, and her openness comes at a time where she's grappling with the pain she's experienced in the past. “This has been two years of me working on this. Figuring out if I wanted to be in this [Hollywood] industry, figuring out if I was even capable of even losing this weight,” she said. “My weight loss made me resentful at Hollywood… Because when I was fat, I was invisible. They didn’t want to work with me, they didn’t want to do anything with me.”

Now, Kelly said she's focusing on moving forward: "In retrospect, I know exactly who I'll work with and who I won’t. Because I know who called me fat, I know who didn’t want to work with me. I know exactly who said it,” she said. “I’ve got really thick skin, but I take that, and I put it into my memory bank. I remember what you said about me, and that’s the best revenge.”