Milan Records today releases Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire: Season 2 (Original Television Soundtrack) with music by composer Daniel Hart. Available everywhere now, the album features original score music composed by Hart for the second season of AMC and AMC+'s acclaimed adaptation of Anne Rice's classic novel. Hart returns to the series after composing its inaugural season, this time broadening his already extensive musical palette to encompass an even wider range of styles and genres. Also returning to the soundtrack as a featured vocalist is actor Sam Reid, who contributes a reprisal of his Season 1 original song "Come To Me." The second season of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire airs new episodes every Sunday at 9/8PM central on AMC and are available to stream on AMC+.

Of the soundtrack, composer Daniel Hart says, "I'm not sure it's possible to fit more music into a television show than we did in season 2 of Interview with the Vampire. And we made our way from medieval Latin chants to 18th century Western Classical chamber music, through the sweeping strings of the Romantic Era, past Stravinsky, Gershwin, and Ellington, a pseudo-Broadway showtune, and a healthy dose of Modern Minimalism. I even broke out the contrabass Paetzold recorder for a few key moments of creepy overblown stuttering, for Armand. I love these characters, and finding the right music to accompany them on their respective journeys this year has been the most satisfying challenge of my work life. And now it's time to take a nap."