‎‘The Hunt’ review by gregisdead121 • Letterboxd
The Hunt

The Hunt ★★½

"It's perfectly fine to call them black people "

"Says who?"


Iconic fake out! Establishing two well known actors as the protagonists only to have them die in the first two minutes of the hunt is fantastic!
It's hilarious but it's political commentary though on the nose(perhaps too on the nose)is extremely weak. It reminds me of 2022's The Menu in that respect,although the menu took itself a lot more seriously. Which made for better results as this movie isn't as funny as it thinks it is and would be so much better if it didn't even try to be:it's premise is ridiculous enough to work on its own. But I guess during the climate of a politically tumultuous 2020 the writers thought humor wasn't just optional but incredibly necessary in diffusing tensions and letting us laugh at how ridiculous these opinions we hold so dear are. Which is kinda dumb because they aren't. But whatever I guess. At least the movie is a fun time.

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