How to Disable Touch Screen on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to Disable Touch Screen on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Disabling the touch screen feature on Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few steps. By following the instructions below, you can easily turn off the touch screen functionality on your Windows 11 device.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Disable Touch Screen on Windows 11

Before we dive into the steps, let’s understand what we are trying to achieve here. Disabling the touch screen will prevent your Windows 11 device from registering any touch inputs on the screen, which can be useful if you are experiencing accidental touches or if the touch screen is malfunctioning.

Step 1: Open Device Manager

To get started, you need to open the Device Manager on your Windows 11 device. You can do this by searching for "Device Manager" in the Start menu or by right-clicking the Start button and selecting it from the menu.

Once you have the Device Manager open, you will see a list of all the hardware components connected to your computer. This is where you can manage and configure the settings for each component.

Step 2: Find the Touch Screen Device

In the Device Manager, you’ll need to locate the touch screen device. This is usually listed under the "Human Interface Devices" category.

When you find the touch screen device, it will likely be labeled as an "HID-compliant touch screen" or something similar. Make sure to select the correct device before proceeding to the next step.

Step 3: Disable the Touch Screen Device

Right-click on the touch screen device in the list and select "Disable device" from the context menu.

A confirmation dialog will appear, asking if you are sure you want to disable the touch screen. Click "Yes" to confirm. The touch screen functionality on your Windows 11 device will now be disabled, and you will no longer be able to interact with your device using touch inputs.

After completing these steps, your Windows 11 device’s touch screen will be disabled. You won’t be able to use touch gestures or tap on the screen to interact with your device. If you want to enable the touch screen again, simply follow the same steps and choose "Enable device" instead of "Disable device".

Tips on How to Disable Touch Screen on Windows 11

  • Make sure to create a system restore point before making changes to your device’s settings, just in case something goes wrong.
  • If you can’t find the touch screen device in the Device Manager, try updating your device drivers to ensure that the touch screen is recognized by the system.
  • If you’re using a 2-in-1 device or a tablet, disabling the touch screen may impact your ability to use the device as intended, so consider this before proceeding.
  • If you’re experiencing issues with your touch screen, try troubleshooting the hardware before disabling it, as the problem may be fixable.
  • Keep in mind that disabling the touch screen will not affect the use of a mouse or touchpad, so you can still navigate your device using these input methods.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I disable the touch screen on any Windows 11 device?

Yes, you can disable the touch screen on any Windows 11 device that has a touch screen feature. Just follow the steps outlined in this article.

Will disabling the touch screen affect the performance of my device?

No, disabling the touch screen will not affect the overall performance of your device. It will simply stop the touch screen from registering touch inputs.

Can I re-enable the touch screen after disabling it?

Yes, you can re-enable the touch screen at any time by following the same steps and choosing "Enable device" instead of "Disable device".

What should I do if I can’t find the touch screen device in the Device Manager?

If you can’t find the touch screen device in the Device Manager, try updating your device drivers or restarting your device. This may help the system recognize the touch screen.

Is it possible to disable the touch screen temporarily?

Yes, you can disable the touch screen temporarily by following the steps above. When you want to use the touch screen again, simply re-enable it in the Device Manager.


  1. Open Device Manager
  2. Find the Touch Screen Device
  3. Disable the Touch Screen Device


Disabling the touch screen on Windows 11 is a simple process that anyone can do. Whether you’re looking to avoid accidental touches, experiencing malfunctions with your touch screen, or simply prefer using a mouse or touchpad, the steps outlined in this article will help you achieve that. Remember to create a system restore point before making changes to your settings, and if you run into any issues, don’t hesitate to refer to the tips and frequently asked questions for additional guidance. With your touch screen disabled, you can enjoy a more controlled and customized experience with your Windows 11 device.

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