Hibs' revolving door 'hard to watch' - Wotherspoon - BBC Sport

Hibs' revolving door 'hard to watch' - Wotherspoon

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Hibs' managerial upheaval in recent years has become "hard to watch", says former Easter Road midfielder David Wotherspoon.

The Leith club are searching for their sixth permanent boss in just over four years following Nick Montgomery's dismissal on Monday.

"It's hard to watch sometimes because I feel like there was a few years there where they had a bit of stability and a bit of direction," the Canada international told BBC's Scottish Football Podcast.

"Whereas when I was there, it was like a revolving door of players. There was just players coming in, players going out, managers coming in, managers going out. There's just not that stability.

"But it's down to the people that were making the decisions there, I guess."

Wotherspoon - who played for Hibs between 2009 and 2013 - believes Wednesday's home game with Motherwell should be used to celebrate the contributions of Lewis Stevenson and Paul Hanlon.

The veteran who will wave goodbye to Easter Road as they get set to depart the club after playing more than 1,100 games for Hibs between them.

"More importantly, it's Paul Hanlon and Lewis Stevenson's last games at home.

"They've been massive servants for the club and I think the fans will really enjoy that moment to say goodbye to their heroes because they've certainly made their mark and they’re icons at that club now because they’ve done it all for 20 years.

"They've been through the bad times and been through the good times and they’re certainly people to look up to for young kids trying to inspire to be professional footballers."

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