Reservations | Ruth's Chris Marina del Rey
Ruth's Chris Steak House

Make a Reservation

Plan your next visit to Ruth’s Chris Marina del Rey today by making a reservation online through the form below.

Reservation FAQs

Making a reservation is an important part of planning a visit to Ruth’s Chris Marina del Rey. We’ve answered all of the common questions we receive below. Please don’t hesitate to call us at (310) 821-4593 if we missed anything.

How do I make a reservation?

What is your reservation policy?

Can I modify or cancel a reservation?

Can I request a special table, booth or window seat?

Are walk-ins accepted or are reservations required?

Can you make reservations in the bar?

Can I make a reservation for a large group or private event?

What are the busiest times for Ruth’s Chris Steak House?

What happens if I am late for my reservation?

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