Goodgame Empire delete Account

Goodgame Empire delete Account

  • Jun 04, 2024
  • 3090
  • 0

Your Account in the game "Goodgame Empire" you cannot delete the currently there self. However, you can contact the Support and the deactivation of your account ask. How to do this, we will show you in this practical tip.

To delete your Account in "Goodgame Empire"

  1. First go to the Support page of Goodgame Studios.
  2. Scroll then down a bit and click on the bottom right the Button "Email Support". Then a new form opens.
  3. Enter your Nick (in-game name), your Email address and the Server.
  4. Then, choose the Option "subject" and "Account" and under the category "Account deletion".
  5. You now need to enter for security reasons, your password, so that they can be identified by the Goodgame customer service as the owner of your account.
  6. You can now click in the last step on the Button "Submit". The large text field you can leave blank.
  7. After a few days you will receive a confirmation about the deletion of the "Goodgame Empire"-account via Email.
Goodgame Empire delete Account
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