Revealing 10 Hidden Gems Of Mangalore For Travel With Family

Revealing 10 Hidden Gems Of Mangalore For Travel With Family

Web Desk Updated: May 12, 2024 9:00 AM IST IST

Best Places To Visit In Mangalore With Family

Mangalore is a place that is situated on the beautiful coastline of Karnataka, and it pulls globetrotters by its wealthy cultural inheritance, virgin beaches and mouth-watering dishes. The city keeps pace with all the modern trends but remains to be an ancient one as well offering diverse opportunities for families that want to have some rest and at the same time plunge into adventures. From its ancient temples and peaceful beaches to delicious food, there are so many things in Mangalore that will fascinate everyone in your family. Let's go through several great places to visit in Mangalore with your relatives.

1.Kudroli Gokarnath Temple:

Start off your spiritual journey at Kudroli Gokarnath Temple which is a significant landmark in Mangalore. The temple is devoted to Lord Shiva and impresses everyone by its exquisite Dravidian architecture featuring ornate carvings plus vivid paintings. Experience captivating rituals or immerse yourself into a calm atmosphere perfect for entire kinship.

2.Panambur Beach:

Panambur Beach among other popular ones is ideal for a whole day spent on sunbathing, swimming and just enjoying the sea time. This beach of pristine quality enfolded with palm groves makes you feel like walking along making sand castles or taking part in water sports activities offered here starting from surfing till jet skiing. Just relax by watching gentle waves touching the shore while basking under natural conditions.

3.Sultan Battery:

Visit Sultan Battery historical watchtower made by Tipu Sultan during 18th century dive right into history! Standing amidst dense forest with a view over Arabian Sea coast, this defensive structure offers overwhelming panoramic views around it too. Go deep down into long gone times thus igniting imagination both of young and old during serene picnic.

4.St Aloysius Chapel:

Also recognize the splendor of St Aloysius Chapel, which is famous for its astonishing frescoes depicting the story of Jesus Christ. Every inch of walls and ceilings in this place is covered with fantastic painting as you may see while getting inside there. For your family, it's an opportunity to be filled with spirituality and art.

5.Mangaladevi Temple:

Observe the mangala-devi temple that gave a name to the city being an ancient shrine having a lot of mythological stories about it. This temple contains an atmosphere of calmness and divinity within itself. Be present at its religious rituals or just feel spiritual aura around you providing rich cultural experience throughout all generations.

6.Pilikula Nisargadhama:

Take refuge into Mother Nature itself at Pilikula Nisargadhama sprawling eco park surrounded by lush scenery. The sanctuary has numerous attractions for nature enthusiasts ranging from dense forests to peaceful lakes or wildlife park. Participate in activities like boating, nature trails and wildlife safaris as they are perfect for ultimate family fun!

7.Ullal Beach:

Find out more about Ullal Beach undiscovered beauty hidden from prying eyes among crowds where tourists do not go that much. Due to its clean sandy beaches combined with blue sea waters, it serves as a wonderful spot for relaxation and rejuvenation. Feel gentle sea breeze nearby while engaging yourself in beachcombing, collecting shells or lying lazily on the shore.

8.Mangalore Zoo:

Start a wildlife tour at Mangalore Zoo, where a variety of rare species of animals and birds are kept. When you explore this place by walking through thick foliage you will come across very magnificent animals from different continents which make this experience useful to both children and grown-ups. The interactive exhibits, animal feedings as well as nature walks offered here help people develop love for wildlife preservation.

9. Tannirbhavi Beach:

Come across the paradise when you visit Tannirbhavi Beach that is known for its unspoiled nature and tranquility. Leave behind all the noises and business of the city while relaxing on golden arena among turquoise waters. You can also engage in thrilling activities such as parasailing, jet skiing or just watching the mesmerizing where from awesome sunset with your friends.

10. Mangalore Port:

After going through all these experiences end your discovery at Mangalore port which is a busy commercial seaport in India. All over these water bodies, large ships are seen coming from afar to demonstrate maritime history and economic significance of the city. Pass along promenade enjoying panoramic view over Arabian Sea before saying goodbye to this enchanting town forever.


If you want to have an unforgettable time with your family then plan a holiday trip to Mangalore that has got both cultural heritage and exotic natural beauty combined with welcoming locals. This coastal gem offers everything from ancient temples to virgin beaches or even rich flora and fauna so each family member can find something interesting here.This is why you need to get ready now for the journey because once there; there would be no forgetting such amazing escapades in their entire lives amidst sweet beautiful scenes of Mangalore landforms.