Louise Julie de Mailly

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Louise Julie de Mailly
Countess of Mailly
Portrait of a Lady, said to be the Countess of Mailly by Alexis Grimou.
Born 16 March 1710
Paris, France
Died 5 March 1755 (aged 41)
Spouse Louis Alexandre de Mailly, Count of Mailly
Full name
Louise Julie de Mailly
Father Louis de Mailly, Marquis of Nesle
Mother Armande Félice de La Porte

Louise Julie de Mailly (16 March 1710–1751) was the eldest of the five famous Nesle sisters, four of whom would become the mistress of King Louis XV of France. She was first the mistress of the Marquis of Puysieux and then of Louis XV from 1732 until 1742, and his official mistress from 1738 until 1742.


  1. Pauline Félicité de Mailly, Mademoiselle de Nesle, Marquise of Vintimille (1712 - 1741),
  2. Diane Adélaïde de Mailly, Mademoiselle de Montcavrel, Duchess of Lauraguais (1714 - 1769),
  3. Hortense Félicité de Mailly, Mademoiselle de Chalon, Marquise of Flavacourt (1715 - 1799).
  4. Marie Anne de Mailly, Mademoiselle de Monchy, Marquise of La Tournelle, Duchess of Châteauroux (1717 - 1744).