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Only the toughest adventurers, hikers, and climbers brave Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, located in Nepal and Tibet.

With a summit of over 26,000 feet, Everest is no joke, and Rainbow Valley is a testament to how challenging it is to take on this majestic mountain escapade.

Thousands of climbers attempt to summit Everest every year. While some make it to the top, others give up and descend the mountain. Sadly, some don’t survive, many of whom end up in Rainbow Valley.

Despite its whimsical name, ‘Rainbow Valley’ is a positive spin on a rather grim area on the northeast slopes of Everest. Also called the ‘Death Zone,’ Rainbow Valley is an area underneath Everest’s northern ridge dotted with dead bodies.

Unfortunately, people die on Mount Everest every year, and Rainbow Valley has become a graveyard to over 200 bodies today.

Bodies on Mount Everest | Rainbow Valley Explained

Mount Everest in Nepal and Tibet

Rainbow Valley, Mt Everest, gets its euphemistic name from the multicolored jackets of the casualties who lost their lives on the mountain.

The colors of the rainbow – red, green, and blue – are present in the form of down suits peeking out from underneath the snow.

Many of the casualties will have fallen in the Death Zone. Alternatively, if they passed away on the mountain trail, other climbers would have been forced to push their bodies off the track and out of the way.

It’s a grim story, but unfortunately, climbers on Everest aren’t given much choice. With the trail dangerously narrow, icy, and slippery, every minute is a life or death situation.

Climbers who discover dead bodies must put their own lives first and do their utmost to survive. With the effects of altitude sickness reaching severe levels in the Death Zone, climbers must also fight not to fall asleep and freeze to death in the cold.

Mount Everest Rainbow Valley Conditions

Rainbow Valley is roughly 1,000 feet before the mountain’s summit. With an altitude of 26,000 feet, conditions at this height are extremely dangerous.

Flags at Mount Everest

If climbers can ascend without falling, they also have to worry about their oxygen canisters failing or running out of air before they can begin the descent.

It’s a treacherous path, and with hundreds of climbers crowding the trail, it can be a longer journey than you might expect.

The oxygen levels in the Death Zone are a third of what they are at sea level (what we’re used to), making this last portion of the summit grueling, to say the least.

The conditions wreak havoc on the body, essentially causing it to shut down and deteriorate more rapidly.

Altitude Sickness on Everest

Once climbers reach an altitude of 8,000 feet, they are at risk of suffering from altitude sickness. Also known as ‘acute mountain sickness,’ altitude sickness occurs due to insufficient oxygen to the brain.

As the altitude increases, the barometric pressure of the air decreases. This causes oxygen molecules to spread out, making the air thinner as climbers ascend the mountain.

With so little oxygen available to the brain, the body’s organs begin to shut down. Symptoms of altitude sickness include difficulty breathing, trouble walking, coughing up liquid, confusion, and even loss of consciousness.

Blood thickens, the body becomes dehydrated, and the risk of suffering from a stroke increases. Altitude sickness can also cause severe impairment of judgment. So, every heavy step you take is a race against the clock.

Surviving Rainbow Valley Mount Everest

Rainbow Valley Training in Everest

If you’re one of the many brave men and women who dream about climbing to the top of Everest, you’re going to need ample preparation before you embark on your journey.

So, how do you survive climbing Everest? Here are some essential tips to being prepared for the greatest challenge of your life.

Train, Train, and Train Some More

You need to be in top physical shape to take on Everest, but cardiovascular fitness alone won’t cut it. You need to train your body to handle the elevation you’ll experience on the mountain.

That means completing other climbs above 20,000 feet above sea level, practicing with your equipment and gear, and conditioning your body in new altitudes.

It’s also crucial that you prepare yourself mentally for the hurdles that await. If you suffer from symptoms of altitude sickness, you’ll need to have immense mental strength and willpower to continue despite them.

When training for your climb, you must also figure out what cognitive processes, tactics, and strategies work to keep you focused and determined, even when you feel your worst.

Buy the right gear

Rainbow Valley Equipment in Everest

Trekking Everest is an expensive undertaking that could set you back tens of thousands of dollars, much of which comes from the pricey gear you’ll need for your trip.

Make sure you don’t skimp on the essentials like footwear. You’ll be climbing in the harshest conditions of your life for over a month, so you want to be sure you’re more than prepared with the best gear possible.

Your down suit and mountaineering clothes should also be of the highest quality. If you’re traveling with a mountain guide, be sure to ask them what they recommend, as many of the guides have been up the mountain several times before.

When it comes to this climb, you’ll need all the advantages you can get, and expert advice is your best friend.

You’ll also need some of the following equipment for your climb:

Your equipment will come in handy on your next hiking trip, so you want to buy products that will last you for years to come.

Many climbers who survive Mt Everest’s Rainbow Valley go on to do hikes like the Kanchenjunga Base Camp Trek, one of the many rewarding treks in Nepal that you can check out.

Final Thoughts on Mt Everest Rainbow Valley

Rainbow Valley in Everest

With such a narrow trail to the summit, harsh weather conditions, and the carnage of Rainbow Valley, Mt. Everest is an immense physical, emotional, and mental feat.

This is why you need to be as prepared as possible for your adventure on the highest summit in the world.

If you have climbed Everest yourself, do share your experience with us in the comments below. We love to hear from fellow adventurers. Good luck on your epic journey. Stay safe and stay warm!

Adventure Awaits


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