Reconstruction projects in Potsdam (City Palace, baroque Quartier Barberini, Garrison Church etc.) | Page 129 | SkyscraperCity Forum
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OMG they are adding more! Hopefully we see something good! Mhmm mmm...
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Building is in Ebert Strasse:
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the color scheme is not right as it is and the window paneling is still off by miles. Fingers crossed people; fingers crossed!
OK this is again very nice and very good photos, so interesting to see. Today I also saw the photo of the Putti Staircase on the City Palace (now the parliament of Brandenburg) unfortunately I have been trying to get a close up of the putti staircase to no avail. Do you know if anyone has a close up of the staircase?
It looks great but why is there no door at the end of that staircase?
You are correct, originally there was a staircase, it was used by the Prussian Regiments to store their regimental flags in a small room. After the palace was destroyed in the second world war and with the rebuilding of the palace to make it a Parliament for Brandenburg, the decision was made that a door was not needed. The staircase now is rebuilt with the golden putties through private donations.
OK this is again very nice and very good photos, so interesting to see. Today I also saw the photo of the Putti Staircase on the City Palace (now the parliament of Brandenburg) unfortunately I have been trying to get a close up of the putti staircase to no avail. Do you know if anyone has a close up of the staircase? View attachment 6998219
Anything for you, Larry. Anything:

and the side of the parliament got repainted, to look more like stone. The rest is real stone.

Here an original drawing by F.t. Great and Mr. Boumann about the staircase, 24th of June 1751. We got all the original paperwork! Mr. Johann Boumann built it:



Fahnen Treppe, Engel Treppe, or Treppe beim Schloss called Staircase:


unify and Mr Potsdam-fan, thank you!
Here the "Langen Kerle" - The royal guard. Many large grown orphans applied for this job. Here in Potsdam is the place where the family name Langhans had its origin for some of them. There are many Langhans now around the world. Here some of them in action:

what is so special about this reconstruction is the fact that the putti and the handrailing's have been remade with the exact same materials and techniques!
And here a look inside Mr. Hoferick`s workshop:

clay Modell:





different layers:




Hoferick`s team does many jobs. There are now several workshops here in Potsdam, run by different people. All of these created jobs, too. And brings down prices due to competition!


don`t ask me the different stages we see here. But you can go on Mr. Hofericks website. It`s also in English and Russian:
source: Hoferick, thank you.
Here the "Langen Kerle" - The royal guard. Many large grown orphans applied for this job. Here in Potsdam is the place where the family name Langhans had its origin for some of them. There are many Langhans now around the world. Here some of them in action:
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what is so special about this reconstruction is the fact that the putti and the handrailing's have been remade with the exact same materials and techniques!
And here a look inside Mr. Hoferick`s workshop:
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clay Modell:
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different layers:
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Hoferick`s team does many jobs. There are now several workshops here in Potsdam, run by different people. All of these created jobs, too. And brings down prices due to competition!
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don`t ask me the different stages we see here. But you can go on Mr. Hofericks website. It`s also in English and Russian:
source: Hoferick, thank you.
Thank you very much for the photos and that of the staircase today. Much appreciated. Hopefully I will get to visit Potsdam again in the not so distant future. The last time I was in the city much of what you see today was under discussion. It would be great to see it in person.
'Red windows' is VERY ugly, and the only one which seriously interrupts the rhythms established but its neighbours. Reminiscent of a cheap 1980's commercial build. A great shame. I'm sure it will be seen as a regrettable mistake. One can only hope that there is a learning process at play.
Otherwise - although of course proper reconstruction would have been the best option in the long-term - the contemporary designs are not too offensive.
Thank you Eagle!
If you put a door in, you have to apply to current rules and regulation. The handrail would have to be much higher for today`s law.

Here some pictures from a ferry wheel ride during the Fruehling's Fest:
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time for the next block to go up, I`d say:
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by Spreetunnel.
It looks like there are new statues at the parapet. Is there new ornamental details on the exterior? or any idea when they will replace the urns and when all the statues will be installed? Any news on the Neptune fountain?
What many people don`t know is that all of this is incredible. Please keep in mind that just before the "Wende" in 1990 came, as German's shortcut the term "Reunification of both parts and end of socialist experiment", just before the Wende it looked like half of all surviving WW2 buildings needed demolishing, according to DDR management back in the day.

And because people did not liked Platten and the DDR had no construction materials, the engineers and city planners came up with the idea to replace old buildings with very cheap copycats. This would have been the future of Potsdam without Wende:

location intersection Jaeger Strasse/Gutenberg Strasse with DDR replacements seen here today:

you can zoom in at the corner with Restaurant: Google Maps

The DDR planned and already started to demolish another 45 downtowns across the country and additional started demolishing`s of entire neighborhoods in virtually every town and city including here in Potsdam. As you can see, Potsdam is a much bigger success as anyone could have thought. We went from losing to gaining.

Here one of those before - after examples everyone seems to like so much.
This corner is Gutenberg 25 in 1982. (Still lived in due to Housing shortage!!!) Same in 1994 and after in 2008! The neighbors cannibalized the roof with all its beams and tiles to fix their houses:

several west German cities had emergency shipments of free tiles to the east. Just to stop the collapse of real estate. Anyone, regardless of "who is the owner of this building" got free tiles. Many east German cities also done the new tiling free of charge without looking for the rightful owners. There was no time for that. Ownership was not clear many of times and took way more than 10 years to be sorted out criss cross the nation. The socialists had that one fucked up, too. Many owners fled the country, the DDR forced them to rent below cost and even sold the houses to someone else during the 1980`s privatization experiments. In 1991 for example, German courts got flooded with more than 500 000 property disputes alone! This almost killed many buildings, about to fall down.

The German government told people it could take up to five years before a court date could be booked. Sounds crazy, but they send all east German judges back to study the new law and back to office! People joked and called the east the "wild, wild east!" lol One lower employee at a court without judges due to training "parked" the departments money at the stock market. He did not steal it and made actually profit for his department. When asked why, he said: "What are we supposed to do? Just sit here and wait until we (are) open again? We will need all the money later anyway, with so many new court cases coming up!" And right he was. LOL Amazingly it all worked out at the end!

The west side of the Gutenberg Strasse was supposed to be demolished. The Wende saved these shown here! Number 106:

number 108. These are actually all timberframe:

number 11:

number 10.


number 9:

Nr. 8:

Nr. 7:

facing south:

and here an example of a row that was demolished during DDR times and rebuild simplified:
Dortu Strasse 66 - 73;

demolishing was forced to stop by the public in October 1989. Here more new builds:

Mantikor, unify and Mr. potsdam-fan. Thank you!
The city council is debating what was archived in Potsdam in the last 30 years and what the future could look like. Especially the CDU party is ripping everything apart. The CDU comes to the conclusion that the reconstruction downtown could have been much faster and better. Or so they think. But at least it`s consensus among our council now to streamline the process, learn from the past. The target is to start a new wave of reconstructions and to create better newbuilds in between.

The liberal side of the spectrum is criticized for social financial experiments preventing better newbuilds and reconstructions. In this the city did not allow private builders but forced for example the city own "Pro Potsdam" housing to build against their will. Only benefit is that private and gov. housing associations learn how to build. LOL

The other parties on the more conservative side are also criticized for not caring and most important for never showing up voting. The only exception is the very small political party is "Die Linke," aka the former communists. Die Linke always shows up in complete team during a vote on a subject. Other parties don`t show up at all. For the reconstruction projects, this is a disaster. It`s not so that most politicians are against reconstructions per se. It`s more that some political parties put up rules and regulations for other purposes that hinder reconstructions as a side note. As for example preventing "rich" people from coming in and reconstructing. Or denying "rich" people from donating directly to the housing associations.

The CDU is now spreading this flyer. It shows important and less important reconstructions and newbuilds among with future contenders:

Now you all wonder what does this mean? Here a little summery. It`s important. That is why I am posting this.
Let`s hope this debate in city council comes to success.

The CDU is doing a change of tactics. No blame game, only three minor changes:
O The city owned housing companies could do more reconstructions. This could open the door to at least three new reconstructions elsewhere in town. Should be easy, since "Gasthof Ploeger" is already an association built. Although private association.

O The city owned housing companies should be open to "historical donations" during renovations.
this means that newbuilds from the 1950`s and 60`s could see donations during normal maintenance renovations. Those donations could pay for facade reconstructions. There are some spectacular projects possible if this works out. We could see after war buildings replaced.

O The CDU wants the "financial logic" behind forcing associations to rebuild questioned. Building at the Stern Center area could produce 6 Euro par sq Meter units. Building downtown produces 11 Euro par sq Meter units. Private investors charge 25 - 27 Euro par sq Meter for newbuilds downtown. Either the associations charge normal rates, can easy make more by reconstructing something and use that money for more affordable units out of town. Or we leave it to the private hand and make reconstruction mandatory. Private investors have repeatedly stated that the profit margin would allow them to do so. Money is not the problem. Demand for luxury is very high. Reconstructions actually pay better.

- The current system is not helping poor people. The housing associations are charging double here that in the suburbs. But the profit is not double. The next problem is that the rental fixing will last only 20 years. It is fixed for 20 years. The associations will make a ton of mony down 20 years from now, but neither poor people nor the association makes anything for 20 years. Plus, gentrification will happen anyway, just 20 years from now.

Solutions? Either charge low rent like in the suburbs. But that would be illegal. After the spectacular bankruptcy of the DDR, everyone understands the need for profits. Save in good times for the bad times. The associations are not allowed to lose money. The alternative would be to make market rates and invest the surplus in the suburbs. But why not go all the way, reconstruct and charge big time. Experts calculated that most full reconstructions would have cost only 5% more, but the owners can charge 20% more. A no brainer. But we deal here with voters.

I am planning to post here some possible reconstructions, if the city council goes for it.
Give you an example what we are talking about. Take the "ProPotsdam". ProPotsdam is a city owned landlord. A big one, too. ProPotsdam has nine departments and even its own newspaper for members. I use ProPotsdam as an example.

They own this building here:


should be the number 25, or so:

The Wilhelm Platz is called today "Platz der Einheit" and is right next to our reconstructions:

This used to be here:

most will not recognize this building anymore. It`s original in Rom looks different now:

This is the original in Rom today. The "Hadrianeum". It used to be a temple 2000 years ago. 250 years ago, when Potsdam gotten a copy, the original in Rom still had it`s medieval "afterthoughts" in it! Those buildings were later removed. So, Potsdam gotten an inspired copy that no longer exists!

before the war:

the after war newbuild:


and after a total renovation in the 1990`s.:

Thanks, unify and Konstantindegeer!

We are in talks with its owner, to check out if we could collect donations for a reconstruction. Maybe not an interior one, but at least outside. You see: The building needs a complete renovation anyway. The tenants need moving anyway. The director is saying like: Yes, maybe. Maybe no. Alright. I don`t know. Would be too much work, would it not? I am not sure. We are city owned. Ask them!

So, the CDU is asking now the council: Can we do this or not?

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