Junior Weekly Roundup - 10th May 2024 | LEH Stories - Read more
Junior Weekly Roundup - 10th May 2024
  • Junior
  • Sport

This week, beyond the classroom, pupils have been busy outdoors, enjoying clubs and sports, and making the most of the sunshine. Long may it last! 

Form 1H delivered an exceptional assembly this morning. The girls captivated us with their singing, acting, and performance poetry, highlighting the importance of respect and responsibility. Well done, girls! Thank you to F1H, Mrs Hurley and Mr Estorninho for providing such an uplifting and entertaining end to the week. 

For parents who have not yet registered for Tooled Up Education, I highly recommend taking a few minutes to sign up for this invaluable resource. This week's ‘Wednesday Wisdom’ article discusses body image and the impact of 'body talk'. It features insights from Dr Kat Schneider, a Research Fellow at the Centre for Appearance Research at the University of the West of England, exploring how the words we use to describe ourselves and others can significantly influence body image. It is a thought-provoking read. 

Pupils in U2 are excited about their upcoming Bikeability course starting next week. A big thank you to U2 parents for arranging the transport of bicycles to school and to Mrs Walker for organising a week full of fun cycling activities! While they are learning to cycle safely, our Form 1 pupils will also be participating in road safety activities with the Richmond Borough Safe Walking team on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. 

We are thrilled to announce that on Wednesday, Niall McCann, a renowned explorer and conservationist, will be visiting the Junior School. He will be hosting a special assembly offering a chance for pupils to learn firsthand about his adventures and conservation efforts.

In the spotlight... 

U1 Science 

In Science this week, U1 have had a lovely time investigating static electricity. Using balloons, they observed how static electricity can cause attraction and repulsion forces and had a go at getting Mrs Keightley's hair to stand on end using the Van der Graaf generator. 

By Mrs Keightley 

L2 Art 

In L2 Art, the girls have been creating some fabulous ‘foodscapes’ for display during the Arts Festival. Inspired by the work of British artist Carl Warner, famed for his pictures using food, the girls have designed some wonderful scenes featuring everything from beaches and fantasy castles to the Great Wall of China and the Eiffel Tower!  

By Mrs Connor 

Fun Maths Club 

L2 and U2 have been discovering the properties of 2D and 3D shapes in Fun Maths club. They have been solving problems, building and constructing 3D shapes and completing tricky challenges.  

Mrs Wright

PE News  

We had an exciting week with the rest of our house swimming galas taking place, which were a great success! It was fantastic to see all the girls competing and cheering each other on. We are so proud of all the girls' efforts and how far they have come in their swimming. A huge well done to all the girls. 

Our tennis championships also started this week with the girls battling it out on the courts with winners going through to the next match. We look forward to seeing some fantastic tennis!   

By Mrs Chippendale 


On 30th April, five of our U2 swim squad travelled to Latymer School to compete in the English Schools swimming qualifiers.  We swam two relays: freestyle and medley. Both relays were phenomenal, and we qualified 1st for medley relay and 3rd for the front crawl. We will be participating in the final in Sheffield on the 15th of June. 

Annabel - Swimming Captain (U2E) 


  • LEH Junior Sport
  • LEH Juniors