Class 4A Championship Halftime Show | We're live from Gainbridge Fieldhouse in Indy as we get set for the second half of the Class 4A State Championship between Chesterton & Indy Cathedral!... | By Region Sports Nation | Good morning, everyone. It’s halftime here in Indianapolis, Indiana, Gainbridge Fieldhouse, Chesterton Trojans Trail this one. 36 to 21 to the Indianapolis Cathedral fighting Irish. Isaiah, it was an ugly first quarter before the media timeout. Before the first media timeout came that I believe three minutes and 18 seconds. Uh they were down 15 to five. Chesterton. Uh but first quarter ended not great. However, in the second quarter, they showed some life there after a another charge. Uh Cathedral went on this little drought where they turned the ball over like three times in a row and Carson Parrish was able to knock down some shots and get it cut the deficit to around six or eight or no to eight points and then they close the half down fifteen in this one. So, Isaiah, what what are some things that we noticed in the first half? Yeah, I think you you hit it right on the head. They they came out a little shell shocked. You know, they came out a little show shocked. Obviously, dug themselves a hole but really played well since then, I think something they’ve done great at is getting to the free throw line. They’ve gotten to the free throw line nine times and only missed two free throws there. Uh so, I think that’s something that Irvin, coach Irvin, they’ve done well all year is make half-time adjustments. I think he’s going to do it again right here tonight. Yeah and another thing to mention when we look at the statistics is that Chesterton’s being out rebounded in this one. They turn the ball over more. They haven’t shot as well. So, when you look at this statistics. I mean, that kind of just goes to show you that that’s why they’re where they are. Um but beyond the numbers, there are couple things to look at. The fact that this Indianapolis Cathedral team is really, really fast. Yeah. And they get out and they run. It’s one of those things where as soon as you score a basket, in the blink of an eye, they’re getting to the paint and it’s that quick. So, being able to, you know, get back on defense but also being able to knock some shots down and not allow them to get run outs and get all these transition baskets that they this one. Yeah and to your point, I mean, they they are really quick but they’re also athletic. Uh Indianapolis Cathedral, they’ve probably had about five dunks so far in this game and that’s that’s a crowd booster right there. Their their crowd has been loud. Feels like they’ve been standing on their feet for quite some time but as we mentioned, if Chesterton can continue to get to the free throw line, that kind of quiet everybody down. Kinda help Chesterton calm the nerves a little bit. Think, because I mean, Chesterton is a half-court team in this type of game. Yeah that’s what they want to do. They they want to slow this game down. They want to get it to the half into the half court. They already know that it’s going to be a long game. We mentioned in the pregame about the fact that there’s any timeouts and that’s going to kind of drag us on a little bit longer but if you’re a team that’s trailing especially by more than fourteen points, fifteen to be exact at this moment. You do want to drag the game out. You wanted to be a long game and drag it out, drag it out and keep battling and keep fighting and that’s one thing they’re going to have to do but they’re going to have to knock down some shots. They they’re shooting 23% from the field at the end of the first half. The six of 26 and they’re two of ten from three. So, it’s one of those things where they’ve gotten some good looks but they just haven’t knocked them down. You know, I always say that water will find its level. So, I expect them to improve that shooting in the second half but they’re going to have to get some stops as well. Right and and they’ll also not only have to get stops, I have to limit the boards. Right now, they’re losing the boards by three which actually doesn’t sound bad but I I think the the case is where the of rebounds have come for Cathedral have resulted in actual baskets where on the contrast Chesterton side when they get offensive rebounds it it’s resulted in missed shots and or turnovers so converting on those missed shots and to make shots on the their end and then having Limit Cathedral to one and done will also play a big factor in the second half yeah and it’s important to note that you know when you when you break down the game right you always you always want to break it down you know on a quarter by quarter basis so In the third quarter, your goal is just to win the third quarter. I mean, you you lost the first quarter by twelve. You lose the second quarter by three. That’s where you are now down 15 and a half. Win the third quarter, get it to something reasonable and you have a chance getting into the fourth. I mean, truthfully, you do. I mean, this and this team has been a second half team all season long and they’ve been even more specifically a fourth quarter team talking about the Chesterton Trojans in this one but you know, looking at the floats like the possession chart that I was, you know, keeping in the first half. After they, so, Chester ten in the first quarter after the media timeout. They made they made a basket but then they missed two threes to turn the ball over. In those three stops for for Cathedral, they went and they scored seven points. They knocked down a three and then they had two baskets that they’re all in transition. So, it’s going to be one of those things where once you find the bottom of the net, you’re able to, you know, have half-court defense and reset and try to limit these drives, you know, and this penetration, you’re going to give yourself a chance but you’re going to have to get three stops and when you come into the second half. Definitely and the great part about it is it’s a new half. You know, they they’re going to come out. They understand what they’re facing against but at the end of the day, I just we all hope that they just embrace the moment. I mean, they’re playing pretty well against a really good team. Obviously, coach Painter in the building. Coach Enzo in the building. Now, all those nerves, you know, the shining lights, cameras everywhere, all those nerves are out the window now. Now, it’s time to, okay, settle in, do what you’ve been doing all year to get you to twenty-nine and oh. Yeah, in that second quarter was one of those things where did show that they, you know, they got some light to them obviously. You know, they were able to battle on that one only losing the second quarter by three points and so, you know, you go into the half, honestly, feeling a little bit confident knowing that if you do come out and get a couple stops and a couple scores, this is an entirely different ball game and so, in the second quarter, looking at it after that charge in with about six, you know, about 5 minutes left. He took a charge and Cathedral turned the ball over three times in a row. All in transition. I mean, an unforced things like that but you gotta be able to capitalize and score in those moments when Cathedral is going to go on one of those droughts. I don’t think Cathedral continues to shoot as well as they do. I mean, they were shooting 60% at the end of the first quarter. That’s not going to, that’s not going to, you know, last. It’s one of those things where there will be a regression to the knee but it in the meantime, it’s what are you doing? And so, we’ll see early in the second half how this third quarter is going to continue to perhaps or start and then continue to shake out. it’ll be interesting to see. It really will. I think one of the keys are going into the second half would definitely be keeping them out of the paint. They had twenty-4 points for the paint in the first half. If they can limit that, even cut that in half while also getting to the free throw line and cleaning up the rebounding situation as we mentioned. We could have ourselves a ball game. That’d be pleasure. So, for those of you folks watching at home, you know that you can watch all the action live on IHSAATV. org and then on our Facebook page, we’ll continue to update that scoreboard brought to you by Strathford Vantel and their home tour hometown scoreboard. Uh so, we’ll continue to give you some updates there but if you can watch the action here, it’s a good one in Chesterton. You know, prime for, you know, a big third quarter potentially and see if we can get this one going into the fourth and but you know, like you mentioned, Isaiah, you throw all the nerves out of it now. You play the half of basketball. You know, you mentioned stopping em things like that. We’ll see what coach Irvin does as his team sits twenty-nine and oh and there’s one more half left to this season. We’ll see how it plays out. Remember, you’re watching Game Guy two in the