Dartford Grammar School for Girls - Travel

Dartford Grammar School for Girls


Travel to DGGS

Traffic in the Dartford area can be very difficult, especially at the start and end of school.  We encourage students to ensure they set out on their journey with plenty of time for this reason.  Trains and buses can have cancellations or delays, and again we encourage students to bear this in mind when choosing a service.  Students need to be in school by 8:30am, ready for their first lesson which starts at 8:40am. 


Location Map



Coaches to DGGS

There are coaches which run routes to DGGS, run by DJ coaches.  Please click here for further information

Public Transport

Kent County Council have a 16+ Travel Saver

Please click here for further information

Train services

Dartford Station is about a 15 minute walk from DGGS.  Please click here for further information.

Transport from other areas

Please click herefor other routes and details: