Sign up to join LinkedIn

Last updated: 6 months ago

LinkedIn is the world's largest professional network with hundreds of millions of members. Our mission is to connect the world's professionals to make them more productive and successful.

To join LinkedIn and create your profile:
  1. Navigate to the LinkedIn sign up page.
  2. Type your first and last name, email address. Enter a password if prompted to do so.

    Note: You must use your true name when creating a profile. Company names and pseudonyms are not allowed, as we explain in our User Agreement.

    Do not use an email address that is associated with an office, position, or task, such as "" or ""

  3. Click Join now.
  4. Complete any additional steps as prompted.

Note: Creating multiple profiles is not allowed as stated in our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement.

You can also join LinkedIn using your Google login credentials or your Apple ID with just one click. Signing up with Google or Apple does not require a password. 

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