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Nothin' means more to me than this gang. I would kill for it. I would happily die for it. I wish things were different... But it weren't us who changed.
~ Arthur in the last trailer.

Arthur Morgan is the protagonist of the 2018 action-adventure game Red Dead Redemption II and the posthumous overarching protagonist of its epilogue and of the 2010 action-adventure game Red Dead Redemption.

He is a notorious outlaw who serves as the lead enforcer of the Van der Linde gang, as well as their deadliest member. He assists his mentor Dutch van der Linde in trying to live the dream of living outside of the law, but after some mishaps and tragedies, Arthur begins to have doubts about his loyalty to the gang's leader. Throughout the game, he attempts to either achieve his redemption for his crimes or become even more ruthless and cold-blooded in his life.

He was portrayed by Roger Clark in motion capture.



Arthur Morgan was born in 1863 to Lyle and Beatrice Morgan, the former being a petty criminal, and the latter dying when he was young. Arthur described his father as being a "no good bastard", and witnessed his death. Despite not liking his father, or knowing his mother, he keeps their photos, sensing some fondness.

Becoming a Criminal[]

At a young age, he was picked up and adopted by Dutch van der Linde and Hosea Matthews, and become one of the first members of the Van der Linde Gang. At some point in his youth, Arthur met and fell in love with Mary Gills, but their relationship ended due to Arthur's criminal life, and her family's disapproval.

Later on, he met and slept with a young waitress named Eliza, who would father his son, Isaac. Arthur would give them support, and sometimes visit monthly and stay for a few days before returning to the gang. One day, Arthur went to their home and saw two graves and crosses outside, and knew they were dead.

He later learned that that the two were killed by robbers, who broke into their home, and killed them for ten dollars. The incident hardened Arthur, and he never knew how to deal with the pain for years.

Chapter 1[]

Arthur and the Van Der Linde gang are first seen fleeing away into the snowy mountains of Ambarino in order to escape the law after a heist-turned-massacre. One member, Davey Callander, dies right before they can reach the abandoned settlement of Colter. They encounter a widow named Sadie Adler, whose husband Jake was murdered by the O'Driscolls, a gang who serves as one of the Van Der Linde gang's rivals. They take her in and shelter her, before robbing a train owned by Leviticus Cornwall, a railroad magnate. They leave and head to the site of Horseshoe Overlook in Valentine, beginning Chapter 2.

Chapter 2[]

After escaping from the mountains, the Van der Linde gang settles in Horseshoe Overlook. Sadie Adler is still sad after her husband's death by the O'Driscoll gang. Later in the chapter, Micah gets arrested in Strawberry, a town in West Elizabeth. Arthur gets Lenny drunk to calm him down. Later in Strawberry, Arthur goes there for Dutch Van der Linde to save Micah Bell. He saves him and they are able to escape the law after killing half the town of Strawberry. Also in West Elizabeth, Van der Linde gang member, Sean MacGuire, gets captured by bounty hunters. Arthur, Javier Escuella, Charles Smith and Josiah Trelawny go and save Sean. Another gang member involved in the Blackwater Massacre, John Marston tells Arthur about a train robbery Mary- Beth was talking about. Arthur steals a wagon for John and Arthur, John, Sean and Charles rob a train in Scarlett Meadows. The Law turns up fast and Arthur thinks that someone set them up. Another person in the Van der Linde gang, Leopold Strauss, that is a Loan Shark and he sends Arthur to retrieve the debt from Thomas Downes, a sick man. Arthur pays him a visit and wounds him and Arthur leaves Thomas dying. Later, Arthur and John Marston herd cows in Valentine for money. After they do that, Arthur and John go to the saloon in Valentine and they meet with Dutch and Strauss. John and Strauss leave Arthur and Dutch and the two drink. John and Strauss get ambushed by Pinkertons and Leviticus Cornwall. Cornwall tells Dutch to come out but Cornwall leaves, leaving John and Strauss to be killed. Arthur and Dutch slowly walk out of the saloon and Dutch talks with the Pinkertons, leaving Arthur to kill the Pinkertons holding John and Strauss at gun point. The whole town gets shot up and Strauss gets shot in the leg. Everyone escapes from Valentine and Arthur returns to Horseshoe Overlook and the gang is packing up. Arthur asks Dutch what is happening and Dutch tells Arthur and Hosea that they need to move out of Horseshoe Overlook. Dutch tells the 2 that Micah found a good spot for a camp. Arthur and Charles go to the camp Micah suggests but they find a family. Arthur suggests that they leave the family but the daughter of the family tells Charles and Arthur that "men" kidnapped her father. Arthur and Charles save the father and later the gang makes their camp at Clemons Point.

Chapter 3[]

After the gang arrives at Clemons Point Arthur takes a break for a few days. When he resumes his usual activities he talks to Dutch and they take a ride to a creek to go fishing with Hosea Matthews. On the way there the trio come across a prison wagon carrying their friend Josiah Trelawny. The men in the wagon are thrown a key, in which they unlock the door to the wagon and make an escape on a passing train. Arthur is forced to chase the men down

Chapter 4[]


Chapter 5[]


Chapter 6[]



There's a good man within you... But he is wrestling with a giant.
~ Marry Linton to Arthur.

Arthur is a cold, ruthless and brutal outlaw, who often resorts to threats and violence, and has very few moral qualms about killing. At his worst, Arthur could be completely emotionless and unemphatic to the people he hurts and kills to the greatest displays. Despite being capable of committing such violence, Arthur does have a more playful and joyful side to his personality that comes out around those he is friendly with. He isn't above joking or employing sarcasm amongst his friends. Notably, Arthur was kind and polite to John Marston's son, Jack. Having a gentle demeanor around the young boy in contrast to his threatening persona.

Despite his ability to commit great acts of violence, Arthur has his own moral code and doesn't believe in what he deems as unnecessary killing. Especially if it endangers himself or those he cares about. He was also raised by Dutch to believe that revenge is a fruitless endeavor. It seems Arthur strictly believes that violence should be cold, necessary, and without feeling, never out of personal enjoyment or without reason.

In his own terms, Arthur is aware that he is a "bad man" and clearly understands that his bad behavior is morally wrong. However, he justifies his own actions as being different from most criminals. As the Van der Linde gang carries a philosophy that Arthur genuinely believed could help people. But he soon realized that this philosophy to be a ruse or an "excuse" as John Marston would later put it.

Arthur’s Honor can affect his overall personality as a whole; with high honor, Arthur can be seen as a selfless person who will think of others and more practically about situations, such as when he realized that the gang was fighting for an idea that didn't work anymore, and how he realized that the women and Jack would surely die if he didn’t help them leave the gang. With low honor, Arthur can be seen as a selfish person thinking of himself solely, such as caring about his own survival, even prioritizing revenge on Micah and getting the gang's money stash over helping John and his family.

Unlike most of the time period, Arthur does not hold sexist or racist views, even stating he hates everyone equally.

Skills & Abilities[]

  • Combat: Arthur is by far the deadliest and most skilled member of the gang.
    • Marksmanship: Arthur is the single best gunman in the gang, and a master of any and all fire arms
    • Dead Eye: Arthur's Dead Eye gives him astounding accuracy and aim, being able to gun down several opponents in moments
    • Weapon mastery: Arthur is highly skilled with a variety of melee weapons, including knives, throwing knives, machetes, tomahawks
    • Hand to hand combat: Arthur is a fearsome and powerful fighter, being able to win most fights with little difficulty. He defeated a man far bigger and stronger than him outside a saloon at Valentine. Even when dying and weakened by tuberculosis he is still highly skilled, fighting Micah Bell on equal footing.
    • Peak physical condition: Arthur is one of the toughest members of the gang, being strong, fast, and durable. He is able to lift and move heavy objects with some effort, whether on missions or helping at camp. His physical strength is second only to Charles Smith. After contracting tuberculosis, his health weakens immensely, although he remains a lethal fighter.
  • Survival skills: Living the outlaw life and often being on his own, Arthur is highly adaptable and possesses the skills to survive any place and any situation. He is a skilled fisherman, hunter, and survivor.
  • Illustrator: Authur Learn how to draw and write as a kid thanks to Dutch and Hosea. He have very neat handwriting and more higher quality drawings of what Authur sees during his adventure.


We're thieves, in a world that don't want us no more.
~ Arthur Morgan's view on the world.
Maybe when your mother is finished mourning your father... I'll keep her in black, on your behalf!
~ Arthur Morgan threatening Archie Downes.
Listen to me. When the time comes, you gotta run and don’t look back. This is over.
~ Arthur to John Marston.
We got lawmen in three different states after us. They chased us from the west, they chased us over the mountains.
~ Arthur on the gang's situation.
Where's our money!?
~ Arthur to Thomas Downes.
Be loyal to what matters.
~ Arthur to John Marston.
This whole thing is pretty much done. We're more ghosts than people.
~ Arthur to Sadie when agreeing to join on her revenge quest.
You know, all that mattered to me was loyalty. It's all I ever believed in.
~ Arthur to Marston.




  • He is of Welsh descent on his father's side and of English descent on his mother's side.
  • Arthur is the first protagonist in a Rockstar Games title to potentially die from an illness.
  • If Arthur's honour is high, he is represented by a deer. Deer symbolize the powers in nature that are not easily subdued.
  • Arthur's surname is possibly a reference to the Morgan horse breed, which appears in the game among a vast majority of horse breeds.
  • Arthur died at age 35 or 36, from tuberculosis. This is when the famous gunslinger Doc Holiday died in real life, who also had tuberculosis.
  • With low honour, Arthur is a villain protagonist who only really cares about himself. With high honour, Arthur is an anti-hero turned hero who becomes one of the most honest and good-hearted men in the gang. One who often goes out of his way to help strangers, despite his constant sarcasm about doing so, making him a Knight in Sour Armour. Although he often rebukes it because of the life he lived, many people consider him a great man.
  • If Arthur talks with Mary-Beth, Karen or Tilly while having low honor, Arthur can admit he feels like he's lost his mind and isn't in control of himself (a possible fourth wall break). He can even state that he's no better than Micah, or believe that Micah put a spell on him.
  • Arthur’s low honor also subtly affects his dialogue both in the story and in free roam. For example, during gunfights with lawmen or fistfights with NPCs, or when killing someone, his dialogue will be less sarcastic and more vicious. Also, when bumping into NPCs, he will respond in a nasty manner.
  • Arthur Morgan's actor, Roger Clark, received numerous nominations for his performance, and won the Best Performance at the The Game Awards.manner while they apologize (whereas the opposite occurs should Arthur have high honor).

External Links[]


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Red Dead Redemption II
Van der Linde gang
Arthur Morgan | Dutch Van Der Linde | Hosea Matthews | John Marston | Abigail Roberts | Bill Williamson | Javier Escuella | Lenny Summers | Sean MacGuire | Charles Smith | Sadie Adler | Susan Grimshaw | Karen Jones | Molly O'Shea | Tilly Jackson | Simon Pearson | Orville Swanson | Josiah Trelawny | Kieran Duffy

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