How to Make a Simple Paw Patrol Birthday Cake - Jen Around the World Skip to Content

How to Make a Simple Paw Patrol Birthday Cake

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I recently got to try my hand at making a simple Paw Patrol birthday cake for a friend and I thought I would share my easy tutorial with you too!

I love making cakes for people. It is literally one of my most favorite things in the world to do. It feels my love meter all the way up to be able to bless friends and family with one of my cakes!

I was recently asked about making a Paw Patrol cake. They didn't want anything fancy and elaborate.

They just wanted something simple and easy, so I did my best and found a way to give them a simple and easy Paw Patrol Cake.

How to Make a Simple Paw Patrol Cake

To start with, here are the supplies you are going to need to make this cake –

I use the Fat Daddio cake pans because they make the straightest edges, cook evenly, and the cakes literally fall out of the pan without any parchment paper or nonstick spray.

For the cake portion, I used two normal box cakes. I then used my trick for making a boxed cake taste like a bakery cake.

Decorating the Cake

For the icing, I used my homemade cream cheese frosting icing which was requested by my friend. She LOVES my frosting recipe and it holds up well to piping.

Since Paw Patrol's main colors are primary, we did red, blue, and yellow. We separated the icing once it was done and colored the three different colors in bowls of their own.

Then, I frosted the cake with what was leftover giving it that white background.

For the outer edge decoration, I used a star tip with my icing decorating tool. This tool is amazing and makes decorating cakes SO MUCH EASIER.

Once I got the edging done, I changed the tip to a round piping tip to make the paws.

Pipe one large circle and fill it in and then add three tiny circles at the top for the paw pads. Wet your fingertip with water and smooth out the paw prints.

I did them in different colors for the top and then did smaller paws on all the sides of the cake.

I used the round tip piping tip to write the Happy Birthday message and finished it off with some fun primary sprinkles.

If you don't have time to order any Paw Patrol cake decorations, you can do like I did and raid the toy aisle at the store for small Paw Patrol toys. We used bath puppets and an actual toy car for cake toppers making this a super simple and easy Paw Patrol Cake that you can make too!

And that's it! A simple and easy Paw Patrol Birthday cake you can make for your kids as well.

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