Mosquito Scientific Name, Species, and How to Rid of Them
mosquito scientific name

Mosquito Scientific Name, Species, and How to Rid of Them


When summer approaches, so does the unavoidable and ever-present annoyance of mosquitos and their irritating bites. In this blog post, we’ll go over the mosquito scientific name and species as well as some key tactics on how to both prevent and rid yourself of these infuriating pests.

Buzzing around, these pesky insects can disrupt your picnic or barbecue in a matter of minutes, leaving you frustrated and wondering how to get rid of them. Well lucky for us all, it’s easy to take back control (insert victory fist pump here!) by learning more about this particular species and where they come from!

So what are you waiting for? Let’s dive into the surprisingly fascinating world of adult mosquitoes!

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What is a Mosquito’s Scientific Name?

The scientific name of the mosquito is Culex Pipiens. This gives us an insight into its genus and species, which are both part of the Insecta order.

There are over 3,500 different species of adult mosquitoes worldwide, but only a few hundred actually bite humans. These include Anopheles, aedes mosquitoes, and Culex among others. Each species has their own habits and behaviors that can affect how you can rid yourself of them.

Mosquito Larvae

Mosquito larvae live and develop in water and go through four stages before emerging as winged mosquito adults. In every mosquito’s life story, the mosquito larvae
stage is essential to survival.

Mosquito larvae become quite large in number if left undisturbed over a short period of time. Sometimes, ants, moths, and flies provide nourishment for developing mosquito larvae.

Mosquito larvae undergo a process of metamorphosis, similar to other insects. The larvae begin as eggs laid on the surface of standing water by female mosquitoes. From these eggs, emerge tiny white larvae that will feed on algae and small organisms living in the water until they are ready to enter their pupa stage.

The pupa stage is when wings, eyes and other morphological characteristics form. The pupa will remain still in the water until it reaches maturity. When ready, they rise to the surface and molt into adult mosquitoes that can fly off in search of food. Adult female mosquitoes will feed on nectar from flowers and blood from mammals before laying eggs again starting the cycle anew.

It is a fascinating process to watch and appreciate, however it is important to remember that mosquito larvae can carry diseases and parasites that are extremely dangerous to humans and other animals.

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Disease Transmission: Do All Mosquitoes Carry Diseases?

Mosquitoes are a nuisance, but did you know some mosquito species aren’t known to transmit mosquito borne diseases?

While some mosquito species, such as aedes mosquitoes and Anopheles Alboasciatus, are known for transmitting diseases, there are other species out in our world that don’t even have the potential to do so.

These mosquito species might be fewer in number but they can still cause a painful headache if they bite you! But they’re not as deadly as those that carry mosquito borne diseases like Zika, eastern equine encephalitis, lacrosse encephalitis, and malaria.

When a mosquito feeds on an infected individual, the virus enters the mosquito and may then be passed on to another person via the mosquito’s saliva.

So while it isn’t necessarily safe to assume that all species are carriers of mosquito borne diseases, it most definitely isn’t a bad idea to protect yourself. Wear protective clothing when outdoors in mosquito prone areas!

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Only Female Mosquitoes Look for Blood Meals

It may surprise you to learn that female mosquitoes are the only gender that enjoys some extra protein in the form of human blood. Only female mosquitoes bite because they need our blood to develop their eggs and breed effectively.

While these energetic creatures may be small, when it comes to hunger, they don’t mess around – the average female mosquito can drink up to three times her own weight in one night of hunting! When a mosquito bites you, she is quickly taking what she needs to lay eggs and reproduce; then off she goes, ready to strike the next unsuspecting victim.

In female mosquitoes, the energy gained from sucking blood helps them produce eggs. Fortunately, mosquitoes aren’t trying to suck all the blood from our bodies!

Despite this incredible feat of female strength, male mosquitoes don’t let their female counterparts have all the fun — they still enjoy juicy fruits, plants and other insects instead. Unfortunately, males typically live for only about 7 days.

Adult mosquitoes lay eggs as they feed on blood, which they need to complete their life cycle. It’s unusual for most mosquitoes to go far from their breeding grounds, but some species has been found to fly as far as 40 miles from the salt marshes where they were born in search of a blood meal.

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7 Common Mosquito Types

The Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles genera each produce some of the most common mosquitoes found in the United States. They each have their own distinct traits and the capacity to spread different illnesses. Below are some of the most common types of mosquitoes found worldwide:

1. Aedes Aegypti

Aedes aegypti, aka the yellow-fever mosquito, is a species of aedes mosquitoes that is commonly known for transmitting a number of mosquito borne diseases like Zika virus, dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever.

Unfortunately, this species of aedes mosquitoes are highly adaptable to human environments, meaning they can live in a variety of climates and are just as likely to bite during the day as the night.

Although these mosquitoes are a large contributing factor to mosquito-borne disease outbreaks worldwide, we can still take steps to prevent them from multiplying around our homes. Keeping our yards and gardens clean and free from any standing water is a great way to limit their population.

So let’s stay one step ahead of our aedes mosquitoes enemies by blocking those breeding spots!

2. Culex Mosquitoes | Southern House Mosquito

Culex Mosquitoes, better known as the southern house mosquito, are nuisance mosquitoes. Culex Mosquitoes are, unfortunately, infamous because it has been linked to transmitting several mosquito borne diseases to humans, such as West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis.

A Southern House Mosquito is a persistent little insect that can be found in west and south regions of the United States. Culex Mosquitoes are known for their annoying yet tolerable buzzing sound. Culex mosquitoes has the ability to spread west nile virus if they bite an infected individual.

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3. Pitcher Plant Mosquito

The pitcher plant mosquito is a unique creature, unlike other insects. While other insects might feast on plants, flowers and other things, the pitcher plant mosquito has its own critical role to play in nature’s ecosystem.

This amazing species of insect lives inside the nectar-filled pitchers of North American carnivorous plants. Here, these hardy little mosquitoes feed on other insect species that wander into the cavity of the pitcher plant.

Its strange lifestyle makes it an incredibly fascinating species that adds complexity to terrestrial ecology. Only in the pitcher plant mosquito do some females bite while others do not. They are the only species that do this.

4. Ochlerotatus Triseriatus

These mosquitoes are more common in rural areas and can be found in standing water sources such as rain puddles or old tires. They feed on birds, reptiles, amphibians and occasionally humans.

5. Aedes Albopictus or Asian Tiger Mosquito

The Asian Tiger Mosquito is not your average bug! Unlike other mosquitoes and insects, this species is an active daytime biter, ready to snag you as soon as the sun’s out. Don’t bother dousing yourself in insect repellent either – it won’t ward off an asian tiger mosquito like it would other pesky insects.

In fact, the asian tiger mosquito thrives in warmer climates but has been spotted all over the world, showing that a little mosquito can’t be stopped by travel or borders. If we thought global travel was only fun for humans.. Asian Tiger Mosquitoes are here to show us that insects have moves too!

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6. Anopheles Mosquitoes

An anopheles mosquito isn’t your average pest. Anopheles mosquitoes
are insidious creatures. The Anopheles mosquito is the only species known to have spread malaria. They are a major carrier of Western Equine encephalitis and the filariasis parasite, which causes elephantiasis.

An anopheles mosquito can transmit malaria with a single bite, making it responsible for an estimated 435,000 deaths each year. But despite the dangers an anopheles mosquito presents, its tenacity and prevalence makes it a well-known species often discussed in scientific or medical circles.

Though anopheles mosquitoes may be an unpleasant problem that needs to be addressed, their uniqueness still astounds us and makes anopheles mosquitoes an important part of our study of nature.

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Mosquito Control: How to Rid of Mosquitoes

1. Eliminate Sources of Standing Water

A female mosquito lay its eggs in stagnant water, so eliminating potential breeding grounds is key to reducing mosquito populations. Clear storm drains and bird baths. If needed, fill in low-lying areas where puddles can form after rainfall.

2. Install a Fan

Installing an outdoor fan near your seating area or other outdoor living space will help keep an adult mosquito away as the wind created by the fan disrupts their flight patterns and keeps them from landing on you or your guests.

3. Plant Some Mosquito-repelling Plants

There are several varieties of plants that naturally repel bloodsucking mosquitoes, such as citronella, lavender, marigolds and catnip. Planting these around your outdoor living area will help keep mosquitoes away.

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4. Use a Natural Mosquito Repellent

You can buy or make a natural adult mosquito repellent from essential oils like lemon eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil and rosemary oil. Mix these in water at a ratio of about 10-20 drops per quart and spritz the mixture around your yard to help repel mosquitoes naturally.

5. Put Up Screens or Netting

Installing fine mesh screens on windows, doors and porch openings is another way to keep mosquitoes out of your home without using pesticides or harsh chemicals.

If you want to enjoy your backyard without being bothered by mosquitoes, consider setting up a screened-in area or investing in a mosquito net.

6. Try Some of the Newer Products

There are new products on the market that can help repel mosquitoes without using harsh pesticides or chemicals. Some of these include electronic mosquito repellents, ultrasonic devices and even special sprays. Be sure to check product reviews before buying one of these devices, as their effectiveness may vary from brand to brand or model to model.

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7. Call a Professional

If all else fails, consider calling a licensed pest control company to assess and treat your property for mosquitoes.

Following these tips can help you keep mosquitoes away from your backyard or home without using harsh chemicals or pesticides. And remember, the best way to control mosquitoes is to eliminate any potential breeding grounds.

8. Wear Light-Colored Clothes

Wearing light-colored clothing can help reduce the number of mosquitoes that are attracted to you, as darker colored clothing stands out more against their dark backgrounds and may attract them to you instead.

Also, opt for loose-fitting long sleeves and pants when spending time outdoors during peak mosquito season.

9. Make Use of Citronella Candles

If you’ve ever been outside on a hot summer night and been bombarded by bugs, then citronella candles are just the thing for you! Citronella has a signature scent that is known to repel mosquitoes, but it doesn’t stop there.

Citronella candles are a great way to naturally repel mosquitoes and fill your outdoor space with a pleasant scent. Place several candles around your yards or patio area when entertaining guests outdoors to help keep pesky mosquitoes away.

You can also use these special candles to keep other insects away, too – including flies, gnats, and even some ants! Plus they come in such an array of pleasant scents like lemon or eucalyptus that no one has to know that you’re trying to shoo away the irritating critters.

10. Use an Insect Repellent

If you’re planning to spend more than an hour outdoors during peak mosquito season, consider using a DEET-based insect repellent on exposed skin to further protect yourself from bites.

Be sure to follow the directions on the package for best results and wash off any excess after returning indoors. Follow these tips and take back control of your yard this summer!

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What Types of Mosquitoes Bite?

Most mosquitoes bite, although some only bite animals or birds. Bites can cause a variety of issues including itching, inflammation and infection. They can also transmit diseases such as malaria, Zika virus and West Nile virus.

What Are the Best Natural Repellents to Keep Mosquitoes Away?

The best natural repellents to keep mosquitoes away include plants like citronella, lavender and marigolds; essential oils like lemon eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil and rosemary oil; and electronic mosquito repellents, ultrasonic devices and special sprays.

Additionally, wearing light-colored clothing is believed to reduce the number of mosquitoes attracted to you, while citronella candles help to naturally repel mosquitoes.

For extended outdoor activities during peak mosquito season, insect repellents containing DEET can provide further protection from bites.

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Are There Any Professional Services Available for Controlling Mosquitoes?

Yes, there are professional services available for controlling mosquitoes. They may use traps or foggers to reduce the number of adult mosquitoes in the area.

It is important to choose a licensed and experienced provider when selecting a pest control company, as some treatments may require special licensing or training.

Do Mosquitoes Bite During the Day?

Some species of mosquitoes will bite during the day, but most are active from dusk until dawn. To minimize bites when outdoors during peak times, it is important to apply repellents and wear protective clothing such as long sleeves and pants.

Additionally, eliminating standing water can help reduce the number of mosquitoes in your area.

What Are Some Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Mosquitoes?

Some home remedies for getting rid of mosquitoes include using plants that naturally repel them such as citronella, lavender or marigolds; essential oils such as lemon eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil and rosemary oil; and electronic mosquito repellents, ultrasonic devices and special sprays. Finally, wearing light-colored clothing is believed to reduce the number of mosquitoes attracted to you while citronella candles help naturally repel them.

Where Do Mosquitoes Breed?

Mosquitoes breed in still water or wet soil that contains organic matter like leaves and grass clippings.

Common places where mosquitoes lay their eggs include open containers like buckets, old tires and flower pots; rain gutters; ditches; ponds; marshes; and any other areas that contain standing water for more than a few days.

Can I Prevent Mosquito Bites?

Yes, there are several steps you can take to prevent bites. Wearing light-colored clothing is believed to reduce the number of mosquitoes attracted to you while citronella candles and other natural repellents help naturally repel them.

Finally, be sure to follow the directions on the package for best results and wash off any excess after returning indoors. Following these tips will help keep those pesky mosquitoes away so that you can enjoy the outdoors.


What Are the Long-Term Effects of Mosquito Bites?

The long-term effects of bites depend on the type of mosquito and its saliva. In some cases, they can cause inflammation and an itchy rash.

In more extreme cases, some species may transmit diseases such as West Nile virus or malaria. Additionally, mosquitoes are known to spread parasites that can cause serious illnesses in humans if left untreated.

How Many Species Bite Humans?

There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide and only a few of these bite humans. In the United States, there are roughly 175 different species with about 60 that feed on human blood.

The most common species known for biting humans include Aedes aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) and Culex pipiens (common house mosquito). Both of these species transmit diseases such as West Nile virus and malaria. Additionally, certain species can also spread parasites that can cause serious illnesses in humans if left untreated.

Therefore, it is important to take steps to prevent bites by wearing light clothing and using insect repellents containing DEET when outdoors during peak times. Following these tips will help keep those pesky mosquitoes away so that you can enjoy the outdoors.


What is the Deadliest Type of Mosquito?

The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is one of the deadliest insects. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions but has spread to other areas in recent years due to human travel.

This species is known for transmitting debilitating diseases such as dengue, Zika virus and Chikungunya. Additionally, it can also spread parasites that can cause serious illnesses in humans if left untreated.

How Can I Protect Myself from Bites?

The best way to protect yourself from mosquito bites is to wear light clothing and use insect repellents containing DEET when outdoors during peak times.

Do All Mosquito Species Bite Humans?

No, not all mosquito species bite humans. There are over 3,500 species of mosquitoes worldwide, and only a few of these feed on human blood.

The most common species known for biting humans include Aedes aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) and Culex pipiens. Both of these species transmit debilitating diseases such as dengue, Zika virus and Chikungunya.

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Mosquito Control: What are Some Natural Mosquito Repellents?

There are several natural alternatives to conventional chemical-based mosquito repellents that may be effective in protecting against mosquito bites. These include citronella oil, lemon eucalyptus oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil and neem oil

How Do You Treat Mosquito Bites?

Mosquito bites can be infuriating, especially when you’re trying to enjoy the great outdoors. We all know female mosquitoes are the bloodsucking culprits, using their long proboscis to pierce our skin and draw out their lunchtime nourishment.

The good news is that there are lots of different ways to treat mosquito bites, from lotions and creams to taking an antihistamine – whatever works for you! Preventing mosquito bites is the greatest way to avoid these pests.

How Do I Identify Different Types of Mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes can be identified by their size, shape and markings. In general, small mosquitoes are usually black with white stripes on the body, while large mosquitoes have a brownish color. Some species have distinctive patterns such as spots or stripes on their wings.

To determine the exact type of mosquito you’re dealing with, it is best to contact an entomologist for help in identification.

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How Many Mosquito Viruses Are There?

Mosquitoes carry hundreds of diseases, including West Nile and Zika. These viruses can cause a range of illnesses, ranging from mild to severe.

It is important to take precautions such as using insect repellent when outdoors and draining sources of stagnant water around your home in order to prevent mosquito-borne illnesses.

What is the New Mosquito Virus 2022?

At the time of writing, there is no new mosquito virus for 2022. Educate yourself to protect yourself and your family from mosquito-borne illnesses. The CDC website often has updates on emerging mosquito-borne viruses, so check back regularly for more information.

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What is the Lifecycle of a Mosquito?

Mosquitoes have four stages in their lifecycle: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Larvae hatch from mass-laid eggs on or near standing water.  They feed on organic matter in the water. The larvae molt several times before changing into pupae. Finally, the pupae transforms into adult mosquitoes that can fly and breed.

The entire lifecycle can take as little as a week, depending on the species and environmental conditions.

How Do Mosquito Larvae Develop?

Mosquito larvae develop through several stages before becoming adults. They begin life as eggs, but the eggs hatch into larvae known as “wrigglers”. The wrigglers feed on organic matter in the water until they molt and become pupae, also known as “tumblers”.

Finally, the tumblers transform into adults that can fly and breed. This entire process takes several days to weeks depending on the species and environmental conditions.


Now that you know a little more about the enemy, it’s time to arm yourself with the best defense against these pesky pests. Be sure to implement some of the mosquito prevention tips we listed above and always have bug spray on hand when outdoors.

For those times when mosquitoes have already infiltrated your home, our traps are an effective way to get rid of them quickly. Don’t wait for summer to get here to get protection. Our insect traps are in store now.

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