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I know all the animals in these mountains, and I have never heard anything like this terrifying cry.
~ An anonymous person on El Gritón de Media Noche.

El Gritón de Media Noche, also known as the Midnight Screamer, is a hostile monster from Salvadoran and Honduran folklore.


The legend of El Gritón de Media Noche existed in Hispanic culture prior to the arrival of conquistadors to the area, having been originally conceived by one of the tribes populating the area that is now El Salvador. El Gritón de Media Noche is the son of a human woman and a demonic father, with the former meeting the latter after being expulsed from her community. After wandering the jungle of Cuscatlán for an unknown amount of time, she eventually was found by an unnamed demon, who forcibly took her as his wife. Through this dark matrimony, El Gritón de Media Noche was born, a creature of an abnormal size and strange appearance. Another version of the creature was never a half-demon at all, but rather a spirit of a muleteer, shrieking into the night as he fails to find his cattle. This secondary tale has El Gritón de Media Noche be far more humanoid in shape, wearing a large hat and riding a black mule with large ears.

Regardless of its origin, what is most notable about it was its ability to generate an extremely loud, unsettling shriek, being capable of uprooting trees and causing rivers to flood their banks. Due to these qualities and its heritage, the creature lives alone in the countryside and secluded hilltops, pursuing those who disturb its nighttime activities. Those who hear El Gritón de Media Noche's cries are said to be capable of falling over dead, struck down by the pure terror of hearing the beast. Those who survive aren't left much better, falling mysteriously ill, being left unable to speak as they recover.




Gods & Spirits
Gods & Goddesses:
Balor | Bres

Gods of Canaan
Anat | Baal | El | Mot | Yam

Gods of Egypt
Apep | Ammit | Geb | Nun | Set

Gods of Mesopotamia
Enlil | Ereshkigal | Inanna | Nergal | Qingu | Tiamat

Gods of Olympus
Ares | Atë | Chaos | Eris | Hades | Hera | Héraclès | Hermes | Limos | Phobos | Poseidon | Uranus | Zeus

Atlas | Kronos | Prometheus

Ymir | Loki | Hela | Sköll and Hati | Fenrir | Jormungandr | Surtr | Hræsvelgr | Utgard-Loki | Þjazi

Other deities
Angra Mainyu | Bila | Camazotz | Damballa | Kali | Kumarbi | Loviatar | Perkūnas | Marmoo | Sopona | Veles | Xolotl

Banshees | Blue Men of the Minch | Bell Witch | Crew of the Flying Dutchman | Dybbuk | El Silbón | Fetch | Gualichu | Hinnagami | Hendrik Van der Decken | La Llorona | La Sayona | La Viuda | La Santa Compaña | Mackenzie Poltergeist | Mokoi | Myling | Onryo | Poltergeists | Sluagh | Stingy Jack | Tunche | Umibōzu | Unseelie Court

Disambiguation Pages
God | Jesus Christ | Judas Iscariot | Angel

Ars Goetia
Andromalius | Asmodeus | Baal | Belphegor | Bifrons | Buer | Stolas

The Bible
The Devil
Abaddon | Antichrist | Beast | Beelzebub | Behemoth the Elephant | Fallen Angels | Gomorrahites | Legion | Lilith | Locusts of Abaddon | Mammon | Mastema | Samael | Unholy Trinity | Whore of Babylon | The Watchers

The Book of Mormon
King Noah | Amalickiah | Lamen and Lemue | Amaron | Captain Moroni | Giddianhi

Abasy | Arson-Dulai | Djinn | Ghouls | Iblis | Moloch | Termagant | Incubi | Zabaniyah

Abyzou | Cerberus | Demiurge | Hellhounds | Lamia

Ankou | Gargouilles | Mourioche | Xaphan

English, Scottish, Irish
Arawn | Banshee | Black Monk of Pontefract | Black Shuck | Bugbears | Boggarts | Crom Cruach | Davy Jones | Kelpie of Loch Ness | Setebos | Succubi | Incubus

Demons (The Garden of Earthly Delights)

Louhi | Ymir

Krampus | Frau Perchta | Mares | Imps

Spanish & Portuguese
Sack Man | Coco

Black Volga's Driver

Black Volga's Driver | Baba Yaga

Asuras | Kali | Kansa | Kroni | Mahishasura | Putana | Rakshasa | Ravana

King of the Loçolico | Melalo

Grand Saint of Nine Spirits | Erlik | Enma Daio | Mara

Aka Manto | Amanojaku | Amanozako | Ashiarai Yashiki | Eight Feet Tall | Kitsune | Krasue | Nure-Onna | Oni | Shuten-dōji | Wa Nyudo

North American
Jersey Devil | Malsumis | Raven Mocker | Wendigo

Latin American
El Gritón de Media Noche | El Charro Negro


Lamashtu | Marinette | Sack Man


Baphomet | Black Monk of Pontefract | King Paimon | Mephistopheles | Six Demons | Pazuzu | Zozo

Disambiguation Pages
Satan | Michael | Demiurge | Demon | Diablo | Hell | 666 | Pazuzu | Succubus | Antichrist | Baphomet | Krampus | Behemoth | Abaddon | Jersey Devil

Humans, Humanoids, Damned Souls
Absalom | Achan | Amnon | Anakim | Atlas | Baron Samedi | Cain | Davy Jones | Delilah | Giants | Golems | Goliath | Haman | Haman the Agagite | Herod | Herod the Great | Herodias | Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Humanity | Jezebel | Judas Iscariot | King Ahab | King Darius' Advisors | Nebuchadnezzar II | Pharaoh | Rephaites | Rich Man | Romans | Saul ben Kish | Shechem | Sitan | Sodomites | Surtr | The Pharisees | Zahhak

Grim Reaper | Skeletons | Undead | Zombies

Basilisk | Cockatrice | Cureloms | Groundhogs (Pastafarianism) | Lake Monsters | Leviathan | Nemean Lion | Sea Monsters | Sea Serpents | Tanuki

See Also


Notable Legends
Beldams | Bogeyman | Bunyip | Centaurs | Chupacabra | Cyclops | Dragons | Demons | Devil | Dullahan | Fairies | Ghosts | Ghost Pirates | Ghouls| Giants | Goblins | Golems | Gremlins | Grim Reaper | Hags | Headless Horseman | Kraken | Lake Monsters | Loch Ness Monster | Medusa | Minotaur | Monsters | Mothman | Mummies | Ogres | Revenants | Sea Monsters | Sirens | Skeletons | Spiders | Swamp Monsters | Trolls | Umibōzu | Undead | Vampires | Wendigo | Werewolves | Wyverns | Yeti | Zombies

Theology Legends (Demonology, Gods & Spirits)
Main: Theology Villains

Humans & Humanoids
Abhartach | Absalom | Aigamuxa | Ajax the Lesser | Amata | Ame-onna | Amaron | Amnon | Amulius | Amazons Andvari | Antaeus | Atreus | Aos Si | Astral Vampires | Bandits | Baobhan Siths | Baron Samedi | Bean Clan | Black Rock Witch | Blair Witch | Blunderbore | Bolster | Busiris | Cacus | Cain | Cassiopeia | Cercyon | Circe | Christie Cleek | Christman Genipperteinga | Chullachaki | Cleek's Clan | Creon | Cycnus | Danaides | Danaus| Davy Jones | Delilah | Draug | The Faceless Phantom of Venice | General Jan Smuts | Giddianhi | Goblins | Goliath | Gomorrahites | Green Knight | Green Man of Knowledge | Green Witch | Hags | Haman the Agagite | Hanako-San | Herod the Great | Herodias | Horsemen of the Apocalypse | Humanity | Iemon | Ixion | Jezebel | Judas Iscariot | Jure Grando | King Ahab | King Arthur | King Oenomaus | King Vortigern | Kuchisake-onna | Laius | La Tunda | Lilith | Lord William de Soulis | Louhi | Lucius Tiberius | Lycaon | Marry-san | Meg of Meldon | Morag | Morgan le Fay | Nanny Rutt | Nessus | Orang Minyak | Otus and Ephialtes | Pandarus | Paris | Phaedra | The Pharisees | Pisadeira | Polyphemus | Procrustes | Rich Man | Romans | Saci | Saul | Sawney Bean | Simeon | Sciron | Shechem | Sinis | Sko-Ella | Sodomites | Soumaoro Kanté | Tadodaho | Tamamo no Mae | Tantalus | Tereus | Thyestes | Turnus | Tydeus | Xenu | Yakub | Yallery Brown | Ysbaddaden | Zahhak

Ghosts, Paranormal Beings & Spirits
Bloody Mary| Bell Witch| Black Monk of Pontefract| Banshees| Duppy| Crew of the Flying Dutchman| El Silbón| Hendrik Van der Decken| Hanako-San| Hinnigami| Lord William de Soulis| La Llorona| La Santa Compaña| La Sayona| La Viuda| Tunche| Teke Teke| Onryo| Poltergeists| Stingy Jack| Mackenzie Poltergeist| Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square|

Aliens & Ufology
Aliens (AC) | Dover Demon | Greys| Reptoids| Hopskinville Goblins| Flatwoods Monster| Men in Black| Xenu

Abo Ragl Ma Slokha| Black Annis| Black Volga's Driver| Bugbears| Boggarts| Baba Yaga| Coco| Krampus| Grýla| Yule Cat| Yule Lads| Sack Man| Sacamantecas| Namahage| Metminwi| Tokoloshe| Whipfather| Wewe Gombel|

Monsters, Animals & Anthropomorphic Beings
Afanc | Ahuizotl | Akhlut | Akkorokamui | Amarok | Amemasu | A-mi’-kuk | Ao Ao | Averasboro Gallinipper | Bakeneko | Basilisk | Boneless | Chaneques | Chimera | Cirein-cròin | Clurichaun | Cockatrice | Count Dracula| Cuegle | Cuélebre/Culebre | Devil Monkeys | Dip | Dragon | Dry Body | El Comelenguas | Erymanthian Boar | Escornau | Fouke Monster | Giants of Voronezh | Goblins | Golden Cicada | Grendel | Grendel's Mother | Groundhogs | Hidebehind | Harpies | Herensuge | Hydra | Ijiraq | Jackalopes | Jasy Jatere | J'ba Fofi | Jiangshi | Krampus| Kappa | Kigatilik | Kinie Ger | Kurupi | Liches | La Cegua | Lambton Worm | Leviathan | Manticores | Michigan Dogman | Mikari Baba | Monster of Mount Bandai | Morag | Mordred | Morgan le Fay | Mungoon-Gali | Nekomata | Ojáncanu | Onamazu | Orcs | Paparrasolla | Pesanta | Pombero | Qallupilluk | Rougarou| Redcaps (Robin Redcap) | River Mumma | Scylla | Sphinx | Stymphalian Birds | Tailypo | Tarasque | Te Wheke-a-Muturangi | Tikbalang | Tizheruk | Thardid Jimbo | Thinan-malkia | Tokoloshe | Trolls | Trauco | Tupilaq | Typhon | Undead | Whowie | Will O' The Wisp

Beast of Bray Road | Beast of Gévaudan | Black Eyed Children | Black Stick Men | Blue Devil | Cherufe | Devil Monkeys | Dog-headed Men | Emela-Ntouka | Enfield Horror | Fear Liath | Flatwoods Monster | Ghosts | Goatman | Grafton Monster | Greys | Highgate Vampire | Hoop Snake | Indrid Cold | Jackalopes | Jersey Devil | Kelpie of Loch Ness | Kongamato | Malawi Terror Beast | Mamlambo | Manananggal | Maricoxi | Mngwa | Momonjii | Morag | Morbach Werewolf | Nobusuma | Ogua | Pope Lick Monster | Popobawa | Pukwudgies | Reptoids | Roc | Ropen | Salawa | Sea Serpents | Shadow People | Sheepsquatch | Slide-Rock Bolter | Snallygaster | Spring Heeled Jack | Tanuki | Thunderbird | Two-Toed Tom | Water Horses | White-Eyed Children | Yowie

Urban Legends
Aliens (AC) | Amanda the Doll | Black Goo | Bloody Mary | Bunnyman | Charlie | China Doll | Clown Doll | Crisis | Crying Boy | Ghost (Johnny, I Want My Liver Back) | Ghost Trains | Hairy-Armed Woman | Hatman | Homey the Clown | Hook Killer | John and Susan Buckley | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Kankandara | Kidney Thieves | Kunekune | La Tunda | Licking Maniac | The Man Upstairs | Martinez Dog Demon | Melon Heads | Men in Black | Momo | Mystery Killer | Nain Rouge | Nameless Thing of Berkeley Square | Orie Chef | Paimon | Patasola | Robert the Doll | The Seeker | Skinned Tom | The Spirit of Dark and Lonely Water | Teke Teke

Conspiracy Theories
Illuminati | Rain Man

Possessed Objects
Amanda the Doll | China Doll | Clown Doll | Coffin on Wheels | Curse Jar | Ghost Trains | Joliet the Haunted and Cursed Doll | Painting of the French War | Robert the Doll

See Also
Theology Villains | Creepypasta Villains | SCP Foundation Villains | Trevor Henderson Villains
