43 Facts about the movie The Equalizer - Facts.net
Yasmeen Borg

Written by Yasmeen Borg

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Plex.tv

The Equalizer is a thrilling action movie that captivated audiences when it hit the silver screen. Starring the iconic Denzel Washington as Robert McCall, a retired intelligence operative with a mysterious past, this film takes viewers on a heart-pounding journey filled with suspense, intense action sequences, and thought-provoking themes. Directed by Antoine Fuqua, The Equalizer combines the elements of a gripping thriller with a touch of vigilante justice.

In this article, we delve deep into the world of The Equalizer and present you with 43 fascinating facts that will leave you amazed and wanting to rewatch this incredible movie. From trivia about the cast and crew to behind-the-scenes insights, we uncover details that even the most dedicated fans may not know. So, get ready to dive into the exciting world of The Equalizer as we explore the story behind the movie that kept audiences on the edge of their seats.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Equalizer” is a gripping action-thriller film that follows the journey of Robert McCall, a retired intelligence officer turned vigilante. With intense action sequences and thought-provoking themes, it’s a must-watch for fans of the genre.
  • Denzel Washington’s powerful performance, combined with gritty realism and complex characters, makes “The Equalizer” a thrilling and thought-provoking cinematic experience. It’s a compelling blend of action and depth that leaves audiences eager for more.
Table of Contents

The Equalizer is a 2014 action-thriller film directed by Antoine Fuqua.

The Equalizer stars Denzel Washington as Robert McCall, a retired intelligence officer who becomes a vigilante to help those in need.

The movie is based on the television series of the same name, which aired from 1985 to 1989.

The TV series starred Edward Woodward as Robert McCall.

Denzel Washington trained extensively in martial arts and weapons handling for his role as Robert McCall.

He wanted to bring authenticity to the action sequences in the film.

The Equalizer was a commercial success, grossing over $192 million worldwide.

It was also met with positive reviews from critics.

The film’s screenplay was written by Richard Wenk.

He was inspired by the TV series and wanted to bring the character of Robert McCall to a wider audience.

The Equalizer was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song for the track “Glory” by Common and John Legend.

The song ultimately won the award.

The movie features intense and brutal fight scenes, showcasing Denzel Washington’s physical prowess.

The choreography and execution of the action sequences received praise from audiences.

Marton Csokas plays the main antagonist in the film, a sadistic Russian mobster named Teddy.

His performance added a layer of complexity to the character.

The Equalizer explores themes of justice, redemption, and the consequences of violence.

The film raises ethical questions about vigilantism and the price one must pay for seeking justice outside the law.

The movie was shot on location in various parts of Massachusetts, including Boston and Chelsea.

The gritty urban setting adds to the overall atmosphere of the film.

The Equalizer features a memorable scene where Robert McCall uses a corkscrew to incapacitate a group of adversaries.

This scene has become iconic and is often referenced in discussions about the film.

Chloe Grace Moretz plays a key supporting role in the movie as a young prostitute named Teri.

Her character’s relationship with Robert McCall forms one of the emotional cores of the story.

The film’s soundtrack was composed by Harry Gregson-Williams.

His score effectively enhances the tension and suspense of the movie.

The Equalizer explores the concept of the “equalizer mindset,” where one individual takes justice into their own hands.

This concept has resonated with audiences and sparked discussions about the ethics of personal vengeance.

The movie was originally intended to be the first installment of a potential franchise.

A sequel, “The Equalizer 2,” was released in 2018, continuing Robert McCall’s story.

The Equalizer received an R rating for its violence, language, and drug content.

The gritty and realistic portrayal of violence adds to the film’s intensity.

Melissa Leo plays Susan Plummer, a former colleague and close friend of Robert McCall.

Her character provides emotional support and acts as a confidante for McCall.

The movie showcases the efficient and meticulous methods used by McCall to gather information and plan his actions.

These scenes emphasize his background in intelligence work.

The Equalizer tackles social issues such as human trafficking and corruption within law enforcement.

The film sheds light on these problems while delivering its thrilling storyline.

The movie’s climactic showdown takes place in a hardware store, utilizing various tools and equipment as weapons.

This setting adds a unique twist to the action sequences.

The Equalizer features standout performances from its supporting cast, including Bill Pullman as Brian Plummer, a retired CIA operative.

The chemistry between the actors enhances the overall quality of the film.

The film’s pacing keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, with a perfect balance of action and character development.

This contributes to its overall appeal.

The Equalizer was praised for its visual style, with dark and atmospheric cinematography.

The use of shadows and lighting adds to the intensity of the scenes.

The movie’s tagline, “What do you see when you look at me?” reflects McCall’s hidden depths and his true nature.

It invites viewers to question their own assumptions and perspectives.

The Equalizer showcases the psychological toll that McCall’s actions have on him, adding depth to his character.

His internal struggle brings an emotional aspect to the film.

As the title suggests, The Equalizer represents a force of balance and justice in a world of inequality.

McCall’s actions are driven by a desire to right the wrongs he sees.

The movie’s themes are relatable and thought-provoking, prompting viewers to consider their own role in society.

It raises questions about our responsibility to stand up for what is right.

The Equalizer presents a realistic portrayal of the consequences that come with crossing the wrong people.

It shows the high stakes involved in challenging those in power.

The film’s screenplay features strong dialogue and memorable quotes that have become iconic in pop culture.

Lines like “Progress, not perfection,” showcase McCall’s philosophy.

The Equalizer received positive feedback for its representation of complex female characters, including Teri and Susan Plummer.

These characters are not simply damsels in distress but have agency and depth.

The movie’s action sequences are meticulously choreographed, showcasing Denzel Washington’s physicality and skill as an actor.

They are fast-paced and intense, leaving audiences on the edge of their seats.

The Equalizer tackles themes of redemption and personal growth as McCall seeks to find meaning and peace in his life.

It is a journey of self-discovery for the protagonist.

The film’s success led to a spin-off TV series, also titled “The Equalizer,” which premiered in 2021.

It stars Queen Latifah as the titular character, taking on the role originally played by Edward Woodward.

The Equalizer explores the idea that anyone can become a hero and make a difference, regardless of their past.

It sends a powerful message about the potential for redemption and personal transformation.

The movie features a distinctive visual style, with a color palette that reflects the gritty and dark nature of McCall’s world.

The cinematography adds to the overall atmosphere of the film.

The Equalizer received praise for its realistic portrayal of violence, avoiding glorification or gratuitousness.

The focus is on the consequences and implications of McCall’s actions.

The movie’s storyline is driven by McCall’s unwavering commitment to justice, making for a compelling and engaging narrative.

It keeps viewers invested in the character’s journey.

The Equalizer is a thrilling and action-packed film, but it also has moments of introspection and contemplation.

It offers a balance of excitement and depth.

The movie’s success can be attributed to the combination of Denzel Washington’s powerful performance and Antoine Fuqua’s skilled direction.

Their collaboration brings out the best in the story and characters.

The Equalizer’s soundtrack features a mix of original score and popular songs, adding to the overall cinematic experience.

The music enhances the emotional impact of the film.

The film’s editing and pacing keep the audience engaged throughout, with no dull or wasted moments.

The story moves at a brisk pace, never losing momentum.

The Equalizer showcases the importance of empathy and compassion, even in the face of adversity.

It reminds viewers of the power of kindness and understanding.

The movie’s ending leaves room for the possibility of more stories to be told, hinting at a potential future for the character of Robert McCall.

It leaves audiences eager for more adventures in the world of The Equalizer.


In conclusion, The Equalizer is a thrilling movie that captivates audiences with its action-packed storyline and compelling characters. With Denzel Washington delivering a powerhouse performance as Robert McCall, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. The intense action sequences, combined with a thought-provoking exploration of justice and morality, make The Equalizer a must-watch for fans of the genre. Whether you’re a fan of Denzel Washington or simply enjoy adrenaline-pumping movies, The Equalizer is sure to leave you entertained and wanting more.


Q: Who directed The Equalizer?

A: The Equalizer was directed by Antoine Fuqua, known for his work on films such as Training Day and Southpaw.

Q: Is The Equalizer based on a true story?

A: While The Equalizer is not based on a specific true story, it is loosely inspired by the television series of the same name, which aired from 1985 to 1989.

Q: What is the rating of The Equalizer?

A: The Equalizer has an R rating for strong bloody violence and language throughout.

Q: Are there any sequels or spin-offs to The Equalizer?

A: Yes, there is a sequel titled The Equalizer 2, which was released in 2018. Additionally, there is a television series spin-off called The Equalizer, starring Queen Latifah, which premiered in 2021.

Q: Where was The Equalizer filmed?

A: The Equalizer was primarily filmed in Massachusetts, with locations including Boston and Chelsea.

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