Sketch up your ideas with Draw

Create your way with Draw, a free online drawing tool. Made for all ages, kickstart your ideas right with Canva.

Preview of Draw, a freehand drawing tool on Canva
Preview of Draw, a freehand drawing tool, on Canva Docs

Introducing Draw

Unleash your creativity with Draw, Canva’s free drawing tool. Draw lets you add customized drawings and graphics to your designs, so they stand out from the crowd. Or, you can use it to mark up designs and leave notes for your team. Draw even has Shape Assist, an automatic shape detection feature, to help you create professional diagrams and flowcharts quickly.

Preview of the Draw and all the drawing tools you need

Unleash your creativity

Add a personal touch

Use Draw to sketch on all your Canva designs. It’s a fun way to add your personality, call attention to something, or even just doodle on your designs.

All the drawing tools you need

The Draw tool includes a pen, marker, highlighter, and eraser. Once you’ve selected your pen type, you can adjust colors and line thickness. Draw has you covered whether you want to highlight a point in your presentation or add a custom graphic to your Instagram story.

Adjust and customize your drawings, anytime

All your drawings can become Canva graphics, so you can adjust size and color to ensure they fit your design every time. You can even copy & paste your drawings.

Preview of Draw, a free drawing tool for annotation, highlighting, and sketching

Let your ideas flow

Quickly create flow charts, mind maps, and more

Draw has built-in Shape Assist to make sketching flow charts and diagrams a breeze. Simply sketch a basic shape or line and hold your pen down. You’ll have a hand-drawn Canva shape that lets you adjust colors and borders, add text, and more.

Quickly annotate and highlight

Use Draw to collaborate with your team and quickly markup designs. Circle, highlight, and underline like you would with a real pen and paper.

Use Draw on any device

Draw, customize, and annotate from wherever you are, on any design. The Draw tool works on Canva Apps, mobile, and web browsers.

Preview of Draw, a freehand drawing tool on Canva

Add some Magic (Coming Soon)

Use Draw's Sketch to Graphic mode to sketch out ideas and find your perfect graphic match. Work your magic across projects, creative ideas, and pitches.

Made for artists of all ages

  • Students


    With intuitive elements and automatic drawing tools, it’s easier to rekindle creativity and increase design confidence for students of all ages.

  • Teachers


    Improve communication and creativity in the classroom with automatic syncing to your whiteboard for class brainstorming.

  • Professionals


    Make your team process collaborative, with easy drawing & editing and a tool designed for brainstorming and project inspiration.

Start inspired

Get a head start with free templates you can customize in a few clicks.

Sitemap Whiteboard in Green Purple Basic Style
Project Plan Whiteboard
Classroom Time Capsule Whiteboard in Violet Pastel Pink Mint Green Style
General Spider Diagram Brainstorm Whiteboard in Orange Purple Pink Simple Colorful Style
Brand Mood Board
Business Model Whiteboard
Workflow Diagram Planning Whiteboard in Purple Blue Modern Professional Style
Weekly Gantt Chart Planning Whiteboard in Yellow Green Pink Spaced Color Blocks Style
SWOT Analysis Brainstorm Whiteboard in Orange Pink Modern Professional Style
Meetings Whiteboard
UML Diagram Whiteboard
Brand Mood Board Brainstorm Whiteboard
Mood Board Brainstorm Whiteboard
Stakeholder Map Team Whiteboard in Green Yellow Purple Trendy Stickers Style
Project Roadmap Whiteboard
Sales Process Brainstorm Whiteboard
Mood Board Whiteboard in Black Lilac Yellow Color Block Style
Concept Map Planning Whiteboard
Flow Chart Whiteboard in Red Blue Basic Style
Voting Board Whiteboard in Papercraft Style
Strategic Plan Whiteboard
Decision Tree Team Whiteboard in Green Blue Yellow Simple Colorful Style
Workflow Diagram Whiteboard
Calendar Planning Whiteboard in Blue Pink Spaced Color Blocks Style

All the features you need

Canva’s free drag-and-drop design tools make it easy to create any design, fast!

  • Thousands of free templates

    Plenty of template design inspiration for any occasion, no need to start from scratch and 100% customizable.
  • Millions of free images, icons, and graphics

    Get access to our entire library of millions of photos, icons, graphics, media elements, audio, sound effects, and more.

  • Real-time collaboration

    Create, collaborate, and get everyone on the same page, at the same time, from anywhere.

  • Customizable charts and tables

    Data visualization made beautiful, interactive, and easy—no complicated software to learn.

  • Access on any device

    Jump from mobile to desktop—design how you work best!

  • Your entire workflow in one tool

    Uncover your next idea and create anything from social media campaigns to strategy presentations without leaving Canva.
  • Easy sharing and exporting tools

    Spread the word with easy sharing and exporting options, including as a JPG, PNG, or PDF.

  • Assign tasks and gather feedback

    Easily assign tasks by adding comments, tagging team members, and gather feedback just as quickly.
  • Folder organization

    Save, repurpose, share, and store assets safely in team or personal folders.
  • Color palette generator

    Generate a color palette from any image that inspires you.
  • Autosave

    Canva autosaves your progress so you can update anything, anytime.
  • Cloud storage

    Get free 5GB storage or upgrade to Canva Pro and get unlimited folders with up to 100GB storage for all your designs.

How to sketch your ideas with Draw

  1. Launch Canva and start your project by selecting a design type on the Canva homepage. Choose from whiteboards, posters, presentations, and more.
  2. Open a pre-made template that fits your needs, or start with a blank slate.
  3. Begin drawing and customizing your template with Draw on the side panel. With our free drawing tool, you can adjust your pen’s color, thickness, and style to make your design your own. Don’t forget to include shapes, line connectors, blocks, and icons to truly perfect your mindmaps or projects.
  4. Edit solo, or grant editing access to others so you can update and create at the same time.
  5. Add your drawings to other Canva projects, save to a shared folder, and share with clients and teammates for their inspired feedback. Or, download your design in PDF, PNG, or JPG file formats.
How to sketch your ideas with Draw

Your questions, answered

  • Draw is Canva’s free drawing tool, with everything you need to inspire your team to develop exciting creative brainstorms and build zesty new projects. The floating draw tab simplifies your starting point with options to customize the color, thickness, and style of your pen and a one-touch eraser at hand.

    Draw is made for all levels of confidence. Elevate your sketches with shape assist. Start by sketching a simple shape, like a freehand circle, and it will be transformed into a perfectly polished circle. You can even collaborate with your team or class in real-time. 

  • Draw is made to support creativity everywhere! Freehand drawing is great for anything that requires visual thinking. A few classroom-based ideas to get you started include:

    • Brainstorm with your class 
    • Give feedback on classwork 
    • Diagram, mindmap, and more 
    • Annotate, highlight, and interact with classwork 

    And a few professional use ideas include:

    • Markup, highlight, and annotate designs to give feedback
    • Brainstorm ideas on your own, or with your team
    • Diagram, mindmap, and more 
    • Add custom graphics to your designs

  • Draw is completely free for all users and available across all Canva doctypes, except Canva Docs. You can use it for freehand drawing, sketching, and diagramming on posters, invitations, presentations, whiteboards, social media posts, and more.

  • To sketch on your Canva whiteboard, access and use Draw. Go to the left sidebar and click Draw. You’ll have three different pen options, with customizable colors and thicknesses, so you can truly make your design your own.

More resources

Start of list
Learn & Play - Whiteboard basics

Learn & Play - Whiteboard basics

Learn how to use Whiteboards while playing with fun tools.

Whiteboards cheatsheet

Whiteboards cheatsheet

A cheat sheet to get you started in using Whiteboards for lessons.

Brainstorms and team meetings

Brainstorms and team meetings

Level up brainstorms and workshops with Canva Whiteboards.

Project planning and moodboards

Project planning and moodboards

A guide on collaborative moodboards and project planning.

End of list

Sketch up your ideas with Draw

Create your way with Draw, a free online drawing tool. Made for all ages, kickstart your ideas right with Canva.