32 Facts about the movie The Color Purple - Facts.net
Junia Hager

Written by Junia Hager

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Syn.org.au

The Color Purple is a beloved American film that originally hit the silver screen in 1985. Directed by Steven Spielberg and based on Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name, the movie explores complex themes such as racism, sexism, and identity in the early 20th century. This powerful and poignant film showcases a remarkable cast, including the talented Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Danny Glover, who bring the story’s vibrant characters to life.

In this article, we will delve into 32 intriguing facts about The Color Purple that will deepen your appreciation for this cinematic gem. From interesting behind-the-scenes details to lesser-known trivia, these facts will provide you with a deeper understanding of the film’s impact on both the movie industry and its viewers.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Color Purple, released in 1985, received 11 Oscar nominations and sparked important conversations about equality and social justice, leaving a lasting impact on pop culture.
  • The film, set in rural Georgia, showcases powerful performances and addresses themes of resilience, self-discovery, and the importance of female friendships, resonating with audiences worldwide.
Table of Contents

The Color Purple was released in 1985.

The Color Purple, directed by Steven Spielberg, made its debut on the big screen in It is based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name by Alice Walker.

The film was nominated for 11 Academy Awards.

The Color Purple received widespread acclaim and garnered 11 Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, Best Actress (for Whoopi Goldberg), and Best Supporting Actress (for both Oprah Winfrey and Margaret Avery).

Whoopi Goldberg made her film debut in The Color Purple.

The Color Purple marked the first major film role for Whoopi Goldberg, who portrayed the protagonist, Celie. Her powerful performance earned her an Academy Award nomination.

Oprah Winfrey’s acting career took off with The Color Purple.

Oprah Winfrey, known primarily for her successful career as a talk show host, received critical acclaim for her role as Sofia in The Color Purple. The film catapulted her into the world of acting.

The Color Purple is set in rural Georgia.

The story is set in rural Georgia during the early 1900s and follows the journey of Celie, a young African American woman, as she navigates through various hardships and personal growth.

The Color Purple addresses important themes such as racism and sexism.

The movie tackles issues of racism and sexism, shedding light on the struggles faced by African American women during the time period.

Alice Walker, the author of the novel, was initially hesitant about a film adaptation.

Alice Walker had reservations about a film version of her novel but ultimately gave her approval to Steven Spielberg due to his passion and dedication to the project.

The Color Purple was a commercial success.

Despite some initial controversy, The Color Purple was a box office success, grossing over $142 million worldwide.

Quincy Jones composed the film’s score.

The movie features a beautiful and moving musical score composed by the renowned Quincy Jones, adding depth and emotion to the storytelling.

The Color Purple was criticized for its portrayal of African American men.

The film faced criticism for its depiction of African American men, with some arguing that it perpetuated negative stereotypes.

The Color Purple received numerous accolades.

In addition to its Academy Award nominations, the film won a number of other awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Motion Picture – Drama for Whoopi Goldberg.

The cast of The Color Purple included talented actors like Danny Glover and Margaret Avery.

In addition to Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey, the film also featured renowned actors Danny Glover and Margaret Avery, who delivered powerful performances in supporting roles.

Spielberg initially had doubts about directing The Color Purple.

Steven Spielberg was initially hesitant to direct The Color Purple due to concerns about accurately portraying the sensitive subject matter. However, he ultimately took on the project and delivered a powerful film.

The Color Purple sparked important discussions about representation in Hollywood.

The film’s release sparked conversations about the lack of diverse perspectives and stories being told in Hollywood, leading to increased efforts towards inclusion and representation.

The Color Purple was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.

In 2012, The Color Purple was chosen for preservation in the National Film Registry of the Library of Congress for its cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance.

The Color Purple was adapted into a Broadway musical.

In 2005, The Color Purple was transformed into a Tony Award-winning Broadway musical, introducing the powerful story and characters to a new generation of audiences.

The film explores the bond between women.

The Color Purple emphasizes the importance of female friendships and the strength that can be found in supporting one another.

The Color Purple was praised for its cinematography.

The film’s visually stunning cinematography, captured by Allen Daviau, was widely praised for its ability to convey both the beauty and harshness of the story’s setting.

The movie delves into the complexities of family dynamics.

The Color Purple explores the intricate dynamics within families, highlighting the impact of abuse, love, and forgiveness.

The Color Purple was a ground-breaking film for its representation of LGBTQ+ characters.

The movie portrays the character of Shug Avery, Celie’s love interest, as a bisexual woman, breaking barriers in terms of LGBTQ+ representation on the big screen.

The Color Purple received praise for its powerful performances.

The stellar performances by the cast, including Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Danny Glover, were widely lauded for their emotional depth and authenticity.

The film emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and empowerment.

The Color Purple inspires viewers to embark on a journey of self-discovery, learning to find their own voice and strength amidst adversity.

The Color Purple showcases the resilience of the human spirit.

Through its compelling narrative, The Color Purple highlights the indomitable spirit and perseverance of its characters, proving that even in the face of adversity, one can find the courage to rise above it.

The Color Purple left a lasting impact on pop culture.

The film’s memorable quotes, powerful performances, and thought-provoking themes have become ingrained in popular culture, continuing to resonate with audiences to this day.

The music in The Color Purple adds depth and emotion to the storytelling.

The film incorporates soulful and captivating musical performances, enhancing the emotional impact of the scenes and creating a lasting impression.

The Color Purple is praised for its authentic portrayal of the novel.

While some adaptations can fall short in capturing the essence of the source material, The Color Purple is widely regarded as a faithful and moving adaptation of Alice Walker’s powerful novel.

The film’s release sparked important conversations about social justice.

The Color Purple served as a catalyst for discussions about equality, social justice, and the ongoing fight against racism and sexism.

The Color Purple is considered a milestone in African American cinema.

The film is highly regarded as a groundbreaking work that paved the way for increased representation of African American stories and voices in mainstream cinema.

The Color Purple features a diverse and talented ensemble cast.

The film showcases a diverse range of actors who brought depth and authenticity to their roles, further enriching the storytelling experience.

The Color Purple continues to inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide.

Decades after its release, The Color Purple continues to captivate audiences, reminding them of the importance of love, resilience, and the power of the human spirit.

The Color Purple received praise for its sensitive treatment of difficult subject matter.

The film navigates through challenging themes such as abuse and oppression with sensitivity, evoking empathy and understanding from viewers.

The Color Purple is a timeless cinematic masterpiece.

With its powerful performances, compelling storytelling, and thought-provoking themes, The Color Purple has solidified its place as a timeless cinematic masterpiece, touching the hearts of audiences for generations to come.


In conclusion, “The Color Purple” is a powerful and impactful movie that has left a lasting impression on audiences since its release. With its incredible performances, poignant storytelling, and important themes, it has become a classic in the realm of cinema. The movie’s portrayal of racism, sexism, and the resilience of the human spirit continues to resonate with viewers and spark important discussions. Whether you’re a fan of the book, the musical, or the movie adaptation itself, “The Color Purple” offers a thought-provoking and emotionally charged experience that is not to be missed.


1. Is “The Color Purple” based on a true story?

No, “The Color Purple” is not based on a true story. It is an adaptation of Alice Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel of the same name.

2. Who directed “The Color Purple”?

The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg, known for his exceptional storytelling and ability to bring complex narratives to life.

3. What is the significance of the title?

The title “The Color Purple” has multiple meanings within the context of the story. It is a symbolic representation of beauty, spirituality, and the strength of the female characters in the movie.

4. Who are the main cast members of “The Color Purple”?

The movie features an ensemble cast including Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey, Danny Glover, and Margaret Avery, who deliver unforgettable performances.

5. Has “The Color Purple” received any awards?

Yes, “The Color Purple” received numerous accolades, including 11 Academy Award nominations. While it did not win any Oscars, the film remains highly regarded for its artistic and cinematic achievements.

6. Are there any differences between the movie and the book?

Like most adaptations, there are some differences between the movie and the book. However, both mediums successfully capture the essence of the story and its important themes.

7. What impact did “The Color Purple” have on popular culture?

“The Color Purple” paved the way for more diverse storytelling in Hollywood and challenged societal norms. The movie broke barriers and shed light on important issues, leaving a lasting influence on both film and social consciousness.

Exploring "The Color Purple" is an incredible journey, but there's so much more to discover. Dive into the powerful story of Malcolm X's fight for civil rights, learn about the talented Whoopi Goldberg's life and career, or immerse yourself in the emotional world of drama films like "As Tears Go By". Each topic offers a unique perspective, captivating insights, and a chance to expand your knowledge. So, what are you waiting for? Choose your next adventure and let the fascinating facts guide you.

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