Eric Clapton’s Rainbow Concert (1973) — Your opinions and comments | Page 2 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

Eric Clapton’s Rainbow Concert (1973) — Your opinions and comments

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by Cryptical17, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. Señor Valasco!

    Señor Valasco! Yo bebo mi leche con tabasco

    It's nearly a identical copy of the Derek and the dominos version. Definitely not "Who" influenced
  2. Anthrax

    Anthrax Forum Resident

    It's alright, a good listen every once in a while when put in context of what it means in Clapton's career, but not as good as the stellar line-up might make you expect. It's the end of an era for Clapton and as such, along with the fact that there are people on stage there like Townshend, Capaldi, Winwood, etc., it makes for an interesting document, but it's not essential. More an event than a great concert. If pre-Ocean Boulevard Clapton on stage is what one's after, the Dominos' Fillmore sets are a much more satisfying proposition.
  3. John Buchanan

    John Buchanan I'm just a headphone kind of fellow. Stax Sigma

    IMHO, it’s a lame sounding indifferently played concert that shouldn’t have been released. Too many stars in a concert or film is never a good thing.
  4. Anthrax

    Anthrax Forum Resident

    Whatever hype and histrionics there may or may not be on Blind Faith, it's a much better listen than Rainbow Concert. I wish that band had lasted longer.
    Mark E. Moon likes this.
  5. Hey Vinyl Man

    Hey Vinyl Man Another bloody Yank down under...

    This is one of those albums where the sheer number of used copies I've seen for sale speaks for itself. I've never owned a copy or listened to any of it, and it doesn't sound like I'm missing anything. I am glad Pete got Clapton out of the house, though.
    kBear likes this.
  6. Cryptical17

    Cryptical17 Forum Resident Thread Starter

    New York
    *50th Anniversary bump!*
    It was 50 years ago today!
    All Down The Line and dee like this.
  7. rjp

    rjp Senior Member

    you are not missing anything
    Hey Vinyl Man likes this.
  8. keef285

    keef285 Forum Resident

    The bootlegs better.......warts 'n' all...
    RC1, chickendinna and Bossyman like this.
  9. healter skealter

    healter skealter Human animal

    I think it's one of the better EC/related live albums, because he's mostly drowned out by the superior musicians.
  10. Clarkophile

    Clarkophile Through the Morning, Through the Night

    Oakville, ON
    Perhaps not originally intended as such, but I’ve always felt the dramatic power chords in D&tD’s version were particularly Townshendian.
    E_Braunn_Fan likes this.
  11. Detroit Music Fan

    Detroit Music Fan Forum Resident

    I think it’s an okay show. It’s nothing spectacular. It has a lumbering quality to it. It really cannot compare to live Cream and Dominos.
  12. healter skealter

    healter skealter Human animal

    The insertion of 'dramatic power chords' into this beautiful & delicate song is EC/D&D's equivalent of thread-crapping. Goddamn f@cking dare they.
    mando_dan likes this.
  13. Eric Weinraub

    Eric Weinraub Forum Resident

    I would LOVE for that expanded CD to make a 2lP vinyl reissue. Its one of my favorites. the Audio Fidelity reissue is a significant audio improvement over the original.
    RC1, All Down The Line and Bossyman like this.
  14. Eric Weinraub

    Eric Weinraub Forum Resident

    the Audio Fidelity reissue tames a lot of the noise.
    Bossyman likes this.
  15. Detroit Music Fan

    Detroit Music Fan Forum Resident

    The available Dominos’ sets are fantastic, much better than the Rainbow concert.
    Anthrax likes this.
  16. Eric Weinraub

    Eric Weinraub Forum Resident

    I don't agree. Their rendition of a much more bluesy After Midnight was, to quote William Miller describing Stillwater, incendiary.
    revolution_vanderbilt likes this.
  17. TommyTremor

    TommyTremor Walkin' the boogie

    Rochester, NY
    I like this album but it's not a stellar performance for anyone involved. Feels sluggish, EC's voice is weak, and some tracks are pretty lackluster. However, the extra songs on the expanded version add some spark and overall it collects some of his best songs (if not performances of them) from the previous few years. I've always had a fondness for it because it involved Pete and Ronnie (two of my top guitar heroes from that period) helping get Clapton (a third) back to performing. Lotta love among the drug-ingesting guitar gods of the '70s, so bonus points for that!
    Detroit Music Fan likes this.
  18. Detroit Music Fan

    Detroit Music Fan Forum Resident

    I’m not aware of a Derek & the Dominos or Cream live performance of After Midnight.

    I find the Rainbow concert not particularly dynamic in interplay as it was in the Dominos and Cream.

    The Dominos and Cream are proto-jam bands, among other things that they were. Their live performances are all about extending out the songs and jamming. The Rainbow concert’s arrangements are nothing special, to my ears. There’s no extended jamming like on the Dominos “In Concert” or any of Cream’s live releases.
  19. Detroit Music Fan

    Detroit Music Fan Forum Resident

    It sounds like a concert where the star has been strung-out on smack and convalescing for a couple years, barely able to play like he used to do a few years earlier. In other words, the concert sounds exactly like what it was.
    TommyTremor likes this.
  20. Detroit Music Fan

    Detroit Music Fan Forum Resident

    Well, as someone else pointed out, that’s the arrangement on the Layla LP. Blame Eric and Duane Allman, I guess.

    That’s a pretty well regarded record and many think it’s a nice tribute to Jimi. Within two weeks of recording the song and prior to the album being released, Hendrix was dead, never to hear his friends’ and fellow axe slingers’ cover his work.

    Within a year, Duane would be dead, too.

    If the arrangement is overly bombastic, perhaps it seems more fitting as an unintentional tribute to their lives and work.
    Greenalishi likes this.
  21. healter skealter

    healter skealter Human animal

    Oh, I do.

    I know it's wrong to speak ill of the dead (musically, in the case of EC), but subtlety and nuance were never qualities associated with those two.
    Detroit Music Fan likes this.
  22. Detroit Music Fan

    Detroit Music Fan Forum Resident

    I think it’s a nice cover.
    Roland Stoves and Clarkophile like this.
  23. bRETT

    bRETT Senior Member

    Boston MA
    Has anyone been able to pick any significant Townshend guitar out of the mix? Does he solo anywhere?
  24. Eric Weinraub

    Eric Weinraub Forum Resident

    Great question, no, I don't think so. Honestly, its difficult to pull any one person, besides Clapton, out of the mix... Reminds me to take another listen tonight of the Audio Fidelity pressing. sadly, that level of care is not present on the expanded CD
    bRETT likes this.
  25. All Down The Line

    All Down The Line The Under Asst East Coast White Label Promo Man


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