The Meaning Behind The Song: Clair by Gilbert O'Sullivan - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Clair by Gilbert O’Sullivan


Music has been a way of expressing emotions and telling stories since time immemorial. From love to heartbreak, politics to social issues, music puts into words what we sometimes cannot say. One such song that has stood the test of time is Clair by Gilbert O’Sullivan.

When it was first released, Clair was an instant hit, and over the years, it has continued to be celebrated by fans worldwide. But what is the meaning behind this iconic tune? In this article, we dive deep into the lyrics to uncover what the songwriter was trying to communicate.

The Inspiration Behind The Song:

Before we analyze the song’s lyrics, we need to understand what inspired Gilbert O’Sullivan to write Clair. According to the artist, the song was inspired by his manager’s young daughter, Claire. At the time, O’Sullivan was staying with his manager, and during the night, he would hear the little girl in the next room wake up and cry.

In an interview, O’Sullivan explained that he was also going through a tough time with his parents’ separation and the pressures of his rising fame. To distract himself from these challenges, he started playing with little Claire, and she helped him forget about everything else.

The Lyrics:

Now that we know what inspired the songwriter let’s take a look at the lyrics. The first verse goes:

“Clair, the moment I met you, I swear, I felt as if something, somewhere, had happened to me, which I couldn’t see. And then, the moment I met you again, I knew in my heart that we were friends. It had to be so, it couldn’t be no. But try as hard as I might do, I don’t know why, you get to me in a way I can’t describe.”

From this verse, we can tell that the songwriter endured a profound experience when he met Claire. Despite not being able to describe his feelings accurately, he felt a deep connection with the little girl, something that left him in awe and wonder. The last line of the first verse sets the tone for the rest of the song as the songwriter admits he can’t explain why Claire has such an impact on him.

The second verse is equally moving and emotional:

“Words cannot describe what I feel for you. Your smile, your face, is beautiful. I want you to stay, never go away. It’s alright, Clair, it’s alright.

The third verse:

“And if I am asleep, I know you’ll be there, because you came, you came to my show just to see me. That’s what friends are for, and friends do, oh, I do believe in you.”

In these two verses, the singer confirms his connection to the little girl and his desire to protect her and keep her close. He also acknowledges the special bond of friendship that exists between them and ensures that it’s mutual.

The chorus of the song is the most famous part and features the name of the little girl, Clair, in the repetition:

“Clair, Clair, if ever a moment so rare, was captured for all to compare, that moment is you in all that you do. But why in spite of our age difference do I cry each time I leave you?”

This chorus is perhaps the most touching part of the song, and it conveys the depth of Gilbert O’Sullivan’s love for Clair. Describing a beautiful moment in time that the singer never wants to forget, it’s a testament to the power of love and the connections we form with people, even those who are much younger or older than us.

The Meaning Behind The Song:

When you listen to the lyrics of Clair, it’s clear that the song is about love and friendship between individuals of different ages. What’s impressive is that the songwriter manages to capture this message without being explicit or controversial.

Some people will argue that the song’s lyrics are strange and creepy, given the age difference between the singer and the little girl. However, O’Sullivan has always made it clear that his relationship with Claire was innocent and pure. What he felt for the little girl was the love of a good friend or an older relative and not anything else.

Ultimately, Clair is a song that celebrates the beauty of friendship, the power of love, and the ability of music to bring people of all ages and backgrounds together. It’s a song that has stood the test of time because it’s relatable, honest, and authentic.

In Conclusion:

In an industry where songs are often superficial or meaningless, Clair by Gilbert O’Sullivan proves that music can have a profound impact on people’s lives. With its simple but poignant lyrics and memorable chorus, this song continues to inspire new generations of fans.

As we’ve seen, the meaning behind Clair is about love and friendship between people of different ages, something that we can all relate to. The songwriter’s inspiration, little Claire, remains forever etched in the story behind this iconic tune, making it even more special.

In closing, we can all learn something from this song: the power of relationships and connections, no matter how old or young we are. Through love and friendship, we can find solace, comfort, and a sense of belonging, something that Clair expresses perfectly.

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