Therapy with Sam | Online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
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Therapy with Sam

Online Therapy for Anxiety and Depression


Samuel Herbert

Hello and welcome! My name is Sam. I'm a registered Mental Health Nurse and accredited Cognitive Behavioural Therapist. I provide online CBT therapy sessions for anxiety and depression - working with adults over the age of 16. I'm registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and accredited with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). Currently, I split my time between working in a Talking Therapy service in London for Anxiety and Depression ( and a specialist outpatient clinic that supports people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Body Dysmorphic Disorder which is a particular interest of mine.

Professional Headshot of Samuel Herbert

Qualifications & Accreditation 

BSc (Hons) Psychology 

BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing​

PGDip Cognitive Behavioural Therapy 


Registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (

Accredited with the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (



Continued Professional Development 

  • Managing Rumination - Dr Rob Wilson

  • Treating Emetaphobia - Professor David Veale 

  • ACT Made Simple - Dr Russ Harris

  • CBT for adults with ADHD - Dr Antonia Dither

  • Adapting CBT for autistic people - Dr Ailsa Russell 

  • Working with Sexual Diversity - Professor Alan Laville

  • Introduction to CFT - Dr Chris Irons 

  • CBT for Insomnia Masterclass - Professor Colin Espie 

  • Working effectively with Anxiety - Dr Nick Grey 

  • CBT for Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Professor Moss-Morris

  • OCD & Eating Disorders - Professor David Veale


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has a strong evidence base and is recommended as a first-line treatment by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( for depression and a range of anxiety disorders. CBT is a collaborative and present-focused therapy - exploring the relationship between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. The key idea behind CBT is that we can get 'stuck' in negative thought processes and patterns of unhelpful behaviour which have a detrimental impact on how we feel. In therapy, we will gently explore how these thought processes and behaviours are impacting your life and consider what the alternatives might be - offering you a way to break the cycle of anxiety and depression, achieve your goals and live a more meaningful life. 


My approach to therapy...

I endeavour to bring warmth and compassion to every session, creating a safe space for you to be your authentic self. We will work collaboratively to make sure that you are getting everything you need from therapy - reviewing and adjusting sessions based on your individual goals. I also work in an integrative way which means that I bring other therapeutic approaches into sessions including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) when appropriate to do so. 

CBT - What is involved?


Phone Consultation

I can offer a free 10 minute phone consultation to discuss your current situation and explore your suitability for therapy. You can ask any questions that you might have before committing to booking any further sessions. This is a good opportunity for individuals to get a sense of the therapist's style and see how comfortable they would feel working with them. 


Assessment Session

The first session is what we call an 'assessment session' - to help us get a detailed understanding of what it is you are struggling with and how it is impacting your life. This session will last for up to 90 minutes and will also involve exploring any relevant experiences from earlier in your life. At the end of this session, we will discuss what your goals are and I will explain what therapy is likely to involve in order to support you to move forward in line with these. 


Treatment Session

Subsequent treatment sessions will last for up to 50 minutes and repeat on a regular basis - on a day and time that suits you. A good 'dose' of CBT will usually consist of 10-20 sessions although there is no obligation to commit to a minimum number of sessions. We will start by completing a psychological formulation (shared understanding of your difficulties) and then explore how to start breaking free from your cycles of anxiety and depression.

CBT - What can it help with?

Low Mood
Low Self-esteem 
Negative Body Image


General Anxiety
Stress and Worry
Social Anxiety
Health Anxiety
Specific Phobias
Panic Attacks
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Body Dysmorphic
Disorder (BDD)


Sleep Issues
Chronic Pain 
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


Image by Tim Chow


Assessment Session (90 mins) - £150

Treatment Session (50 mins) - £85


Please note - you cannot book a treatment session before booking an assessment session. Currently, I do not work with any health insurance providers and only accept self-funding clients.


‘I loved working with Sam. His insight and thoughtfulness helped me to understand what felt like complex problems and work with them in the framework of CBT. I found it really helped and I’m so glad we got to work together’
'I've made massive progress, which I honestly didn't think I would. I've tried CBT before and it's never helped, but these sessions have completely reframed how I view my anxiety and panic. I've learnt a lot, which I feel has equipped me really well for dealing with my anxiety going forward'
'Sam teamed such empathy, listening and understanding with practical steps at each session to build upon and implement that made a huge fundamental impact to my situation. Thank you Sam for your help, it has changed everything for me' 

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Therapy with Sam


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