General and Universal Agent in Real Estate | Comparison & Roles - Lesson |
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General and Universal Agent in Real Estate | Comparison & Roles

Katherine Williams, Tisha Collins Batis
  • Author
    Katherine Williams

    Katherine Williams has an Mth in Theological Ethics and Philosophy from The University of Aberdeen and a BA in Theatre Arts from Oral Roberts University. Katherine has 10+ years of experience teaching literacy, essay composition, philosophy, and world languages. Katherine is also a TEFL-Certified ESL teacher. She has 3 years of experience teaching and developing curriculum for ESL students.

  • Instructor
    Tisha Collins Batis

    Tisha is a licensed real estate agent in Texas. She holds bachelor's in legal studies and a master's degree in criminal justice.

Learn about universal and general agents. Understand the role of universal and general agents, and see a comparison of these two agents in real estate. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a general agent?

A general agent is a person who is responsible for the process of selling and finding a property in a given area. They are also known as a real estate agent or broker.

An example of a general agent in real estate would be someone who has access to lots of properties in one area and maintains contact with sellers or buyers to help them sell their properties or find new ones for sale at the time.

What is a universal agent in real estate?

A universal agent is a person who can perform the duties of a real estate agent in any state or region. Some universal agents specialize in certain areas, such as international real estate or luxury properties. The idea of a universal agent allows people to get into the real estate industry without moving around too much. This model is also beneficial for agents who want to establish themselves and work with multiple firms and clients.

A real estate agent may be an individual or a business owned by an individual. The term "real estate" covers land, residential housing, commercial property such as office buildings, industrial buildings, and warehouses. It also includes land use rights such as public utility easements and mining rights.

A general agent is a real estate broker who has certain legal rights in the state they are licensed to sell real estate. They help their client by finding them a home to buy. In return, the general agent receives a commission. They are mostly involved in real estate sales, but they can also do leasing activities.

The main characteristics of a general agent are that they are:

  • They are required to be licensed and registered with their state.
  • They have at least two years of experience in the industry.
  • Prove they can make 3-5 sales per month and spend 30% of their time marketing themselves or helping other agents succeed.

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  • 0:04 Real Estate Agents
  • 0:34 Universal vs General Agents
  • 1:40 Examples
  • 2:57 Comparisons
  • 3:48 Lesson Summary

A universal agent is an expert in a particular field who can help clients with their real estate needs. A universal agent is a person who can provide advice and representation services to real estate buyers and sellers. They are also called real estate brokers, agents, or consultants. The main characteristics of a universal agent are that they are multidisciplinary, have global reach, and can provide all services from one point. They are trained in real estate law, negotiation, and sales skills. A universal agent may also be able to use their specialized skillsets to help with legal transactions such as property transfers. They also work with less paperwork.

Universal agents have a broad range of skills and can help clients with every aspect of their real estate transactions. They can help them find sellers, assess the value of homes, and find new homes that suit their needs.

The main characteristics of the universal agent are that they are experts in a specific field, and they take care of all aspects of the transaction for clients. They sometimes represent themselves as generalists because they have skills in different areas like marketing and finance to offer to their clients, but as a rule of thumb, universal real estate agents are different from general real estate agents.

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