Imagine, just imagine if this happened to Biden! Front page news for weeks! : r/WhitePeopleTwitter Skip to main content

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Imagine, just imagine if this happened to Biden! Front page news for weeks!

r/WhitePeopleTwitter - Imagine, just imagine if this happened to Biden! Front page news for weeks!
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u/dragonfliesloveme avatar

Called the event workers crappy?? What an asshole, but besides that, he just has no filter. Not the kind of person you want knowing national security secrets.

This is the motherfucker who will use any excuse to stiff contractors.

and the American people

…..he stole classified documents and likely sold them to our enemies. The fact that he’s even a consideration shows how broken the system is.

MAGA and anyone voting for him want to see the destruction of America. Full stop. They want the country to end and a new country built for them to begin.

Didn't a whole load of undercover agents get killed in hostile countries shortly before the end of his presidency too?

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u/Much-Resource-5054 avatar

“You liberals overreact about everything”

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Far too many politicians and others, in key positions, who are wanting to turn back the hands of time to benefit white fundamentalist straight Christians. These people are hate filled and celebrate any injury to those who they were taught to hate.

I am pretty sure they want slavery back as well, along with all women pregnant, barefoot and in the kitchen. Oh, and all lgtqb+ folks, back in the closet with you! Let's not forget to make evangelical christianity the national religion. I am beyond angry that these hate filled bigoted fucks are trying to codify their reprehensible ideology into law, and they have this far been quite successful. My country is regressing back to the 17th century, and I. AM. FURIOUS.

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u/RuxxinsVinegarStroke avatar

With ALL of the blacks, all of the hispanics, all of the asians all of the gays all of the trans, all of the lesbians rounded up and marched at bayonet point out of the fucking country.

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u/princeofid avatar

This event was a fund raising dinner in MN with ticket prices of up to $100k for a photo op. In interviews prior to the event, he repeatedly claimed that MN was a disaster (it's not), that it would've burned to the ground after the Floyd murder if not for him (he did nothing but fan the flames), and that he won the state in 2020 (he lost by 7 points). So, he comes to MN on a grift, shits all over the state, and lies to our faces... and somehow he thinks he'll win the state in Nov (he won't).

Who in the bloody hell would pay 100k for a photo with Donald Trump

A stinky photo

u/Illustrious_Donkey61 avatar

Can he sign it with his stinky poop finger?

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That's the registration fee to bid on an ambassador position.

u/bitofadikdik avatar

Even morons can be wealthy

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u/PaperPlaythings avatar

People who want millions, or billions, of dollars worth of government handouts.

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u/Pleiadesfollower avatar

Especially when the mn gop is bankrupt.

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If he had told them his real weight then they built a podium that was properly load tested

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u/itsFromTheSimpsons avatar

Called the event workers crappy

he got what he paid for

u/mjbulmer83 avatar

Considering he hasn't paid bills from rallies in Texas in 2016 I doubt he paid these guys at all

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Once he couldn’t read his teleprompter in the wind so he said to the crowd in general not to pay the event crew. I’m sure he wasn’t joking.

Trump has been a tool of the Russian mob since the 80s. The issue is t him spilling secrets cuz he wont shut the fuck up, the issue is that he is literally a Russian asset first and foremost.

Only……he already does know them. And keeps getting daily briefings about them.

u/r0botosaurus avatar

Not exactly true. Intelligence briefings can be given to a nominee (but the law doesn't require it), and since Trump isn't the Republican nominee yet it's doubtful that he's getting briefings.

All former presidents get daily briefings though. So he most definitely is getting those.

Now, they may be just handing him colouring books from Burger King and he thinks they’re briefings…….but that’s irrelevant.

u/dragonfliesloveme avatar

I don’t think he is, i remember seeing something after Biden took office that they had decided to not give trump the briefings that other former presidents had received

u/r0botosaurus avatar

This article from 2021 says Biden did not extend that privilege to Trump. Just like with a nominee, these briefings are a privilege that can be taken away.

Now, if Trump becomes the official party nominee after the convention (remember he's still just running for the nomination at this point) he can receive an intelligence briefing if Biden extends that privilege to him. But keep in mind a nominee doesn't get nearly the amount of information an elected official can get, and doesn't always get more than one briefing. I pulled this from another article:

Intelligence briefings to presidential nominees focus on national security threats and are typically not as detailed as those provided to sitting presidents or presidents-elect, according to former intelligence officials. The briefings do not include classified documents or information related to intelligence sources, the former officials said.

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I think Biden canceled them due to Trump being a threat to national security!

u/georgyboyyyy avatar

You say this with such conviction, sources please…. because no former president was like trump, a criminal and a traitor

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u/VTinstaMom avatar

That is not true, Donald Trump's briefing privileges were revoked the moment he left office.

Turns out that the intelligence agencies don't give briefings to traitors.

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i mean he tweeted spy-sat photos...

It's never his fault, even if it is his fault.

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u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

Imagine if Biden said 1/10th the things this fuckstain says or does.

u/Johnnygunnz avatar

Almost falling over would be a week long story about how feeble he is to the point that he can barely stand and if he talked poorly about his staff, it would be about how angry and bitter he's becoming because of his dementia.

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

it's quite remarkable how much the press ignores Trump's mistakes/dementia fueled rants/sexual assaults/criminal behavior/profanity laden speeches/tangent stricken maniacal diatribes...etc. etc.

But if Biden says the wrong word in an intervirw one time it's BREAKING NEWS for a week.

There's a video yesterday over a half hour long of attendees consistently leaving the Jersey rally but the stunning part is his rambling in the background. You see why they're leaving, if it was Grandpa at Thanksgiving dinner you'd be looking for the doors or a full bottle.

u/239tree avatar

They got a selfie for their Facebook hate group. They don't like tr***, they like the permission he gives them to be stupid, hateful bigots.

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What's really telling about the mass exodus is that they are walking out, silently, some with smiles on their faces, still wearing his MAGA gear. You don't see big piles of hats and flags. He is spouting full-on crazy on stage, and his followers don't want to hear that, so they're leaving to preserve their illusions of him. And they will still vote for him.

u/PamelaELee avatar
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it's quite remarkable how much the press ignores Trump's mistakes/dementia fueled rants/sexual assaults/criminal behavior/profanity laden speeches/tangent stricken maniacal diatribes...etc. etc.

But if Biden says the wrong word in an intervirw one time it's BREAKING NEWS for a week.

The press have financial/rating/click reasons for stuff like that. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do, by the way. Moving on...

I find it more remarkable regular American voters do this. That even when we all may see the same footage, we come to radically different conclusions. Again: based on the same thing. The double standard is disgusting.

I'm personally a "friend" of someone like this and it's so nauseating how much he rationalises and has to explain all the shit Trump does and says, while at the same time shitting on Biden. His explanation of the "grab 'em by the pussy" was "to be fair, Trump didn't know he was being recorded". How is that "to be fair", exactly? All it means is this guy believes behind closed doors that rich, famous men can sexually assault women without consequences because the women will let them. I wanted to ask him how he'd feel about his daughters dating someone like that but I knew all it would do was start a fight...

The most ironic part is he got WORRIED when he briefly thought I got my news from Fox...

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

my sympathies.

I think we (normals) all have at least someone in our lives (wretched humans) who are really nothing more or less than cult members.

I have a friend (on the left thankfully) but he refuses to believe 74M Americans can be racist. I continually remind him that "All MAGAts are not racist, but all racists are MAGAts, and what does it say that MAGAts have no problem voting for a twice impeached, 88 times charged with felonies admitted pussy grabber who's been found liable for sexual assault, criminal fraud...etc. etc. " (He does agree with that reasoning.)

Your friend has to rationalize that behavior because he can't take responsibility for thinking the worst human being in the country is unfit for office (because he agrees with his most basic of policies which is to hate everything and everyone who's not like them).

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u/VTinstaMom avatar

The media are owned by conservatives.

People working for the media will therefore always do as their masters tell them, or they will lose their jobs.

All for profit media has been owned by billionaires for generations now. I cannot really understand why the average person trusts them at all, given up their only purpose is to advance the interests of their billionaire owners, by lying to our faces.

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Because his minions will threaten their lives, and have no problem making their loved ones’ lives hell.


Make no mistake, Biden is going after billionaires money. They don’t like it and they are putting a narrative against him. Trump is a sell out and benefits rich, rich will think they can control him unlike Biden

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u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

Because his minions will threaten their lives, and have no problem making their loved ones’ lives hell.

Democracy by fascism.

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u/Johnnygunnz avatar

He's been a piece of shit his entire life, so it's expected that he'll always be a piece of shit so it's not news to call him a piece of shit when he acts like a piece of shit. A lot of shameless, vile Republicans have figured this out, too.

u/smallhandsbigdick avatar

Exactly. I think people forget that the pussy grabbing incident happened 8 years ago! Were desensitized to it. It’s like watching violence or sex in movies. After a few times it just doesn’t shock anymore. This is a huge problem by the way.

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It's almost like the media is owned by a bunch of rich bastards.

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Biden is held to the highest possible standard. With Trump there are no standards whatsoever

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You just described the New York Post.

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u/Tallerthenmost avatar

Also the sedition

Tan suit and Dijon mustard all over again

My parents have seen a couple Biden speeches recently and are convinced they have him on amphetamines or something because of all the bullshit Fox News has been feeding them.

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

oh yeah, Dump is totally feeding that narrative now by insisting Biden take a drug test before the debate.

so imagine this scenario: Biden takes the test: no drugs found.


Biden can't win with them, so what's the point of even engaging anymore.

The debate will not swing one MAGAt to his side no matter how he does.

Now, like always, it's playing for the 3-5% in the middle who can change the outcome.

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It's clear to me at this point that the entire American press industry is happy to fall into fascist governance just for the ratings.

u/Johnnygunnz avatar

Well, the entire American (mainstream) press is owned by the same billionaires Trump would give tax cuts to.

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Obama: wears a tan suit.
Biden: makes a Dark Brandon meme.
Trump: attempts to overthrow the government.

Conservatives: “BOTH SIDES!”

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

Conservatives: “BOTH SIDES!”


"I didn't trust the email lady, so I'll vote for the rapist"

“Oh, the rapist and his family did the exact same thing the email lady did? Ehh, I’ll still vote for the rapist.”

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Trump: attempts to overthrow the government.

On CNN, Bill Barr he said all these negative things about Trump but still insisted he would vote for him over Biden in November. The CNN reporter, taken aback by this sudden 180, pointed out to him that Donald Trump tried to overthrow the government. Barr's replied "did he succeed?". Meaning the attempt alone isn't grounds for disqualification from voter support? He had to have succeeded?

u/VTinstaMom avatar

All of these shitty people can't say that they want to be dictators and rule over everyone else and have the power of life and death over everyone lower than them in the hierarchy.

So instead they make up bullshit.

That's all that's ever been happening. Media, owned by the billionaires, will never call this behavior out for what it is, but essentially the entire fake debate comes down to people who wish to control others, versus the rest of us.

“Attempted murder. Now honestly what is that? Can you win a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry?” -Sideshow Bob, Simpsons

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u/ejre5 avatar

Not true, fake news, Dems are worse, rinos, black people, brown people, it's because of the border, crime is up, doj is out to get us, wokeness, then it becomes "BOTH SIDES" but only after every other talking point is made.

u/blong217 avatar
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Joe Rogan insulted Biden by claiming he was incompetent after mentioning airports during the Revolutionary War. After an aide pointed out Biden was quoting Trump, he claimed it was no big deal.

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

exactly 🏆

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Someone needs to fake an article stating a bunch of Trump quotes and actions as being done by Biden and watch it blow up in MAGA

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

Jordan Klepper does this all the time when interviewing the Brain Deads.

u/tissuecollider avatar

Dude is ridiculously brave for interviewing those guys and exposing their hypocritical views.

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There's a good video of a YouTube journalist walking around a Romney rally doing this and attributing Romney quotes and beliefs to Obama. As soon as he tells them it's Romney, some of them just sort of break apart mentally, some just walk away, and some just tell him he's lying. That was for ROMNEY, who didn't have a cult. I don't think it would even matter to Trump supporters. They'd just shrug and say "oh it was Trump? Sounds good then!"

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They. Don't. Care.

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My favorite activity is to quote “Biden” to my MAGA in-laws, sit back as they rip into him, only to go “Oops, wait, sorry. It was Trump that said that.”

They get so mad about it.

u/Son0fSanf0rd avatar

ahhh, perfection

triggering the "untriggerables"

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u/PezRystar avatar

My favorite is to think if it had been Obama that had 5 kids with 3 different baby mommas, all of whom he had cheated on. The racist comments alone would have crashed the internet.