rule - 英汉词典


UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈruːl/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/rul/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(ro̅o̅l)

Inflections of 'rule' (v): (⇒ conjugate)
v 3rd person singular
v pres p
v past
v past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

rule n uncountable (law: judicial ruling) (司法)SCSimplified Chinese 裁决,判决 cái jué,pàn jué
TCTraditional Chinese 裁決,判決
 By court rule, the government must release the information.
rule n uncountable (law: government, control) (政府)SCSimplified Chinese 统治,管理,控制 tǒng zhì,guǎn lǐ,kòng zhì
TCTraditional Chinese 統治,管理,控制
 Government rule must be fair.
rule n (mathematical law) (数学)SCSimplified Chinese 计算规则,运算规则 jì suàn guī zé,yùn suàn guī zé
 There is a rule that governs negative numbers.
rule [sth] vtr (govern, as a sovereign)SCSimplified Chinese 统治 tǒng zhì
TCTraditional Chinese 統治
  SCSimplified Chinese 治理 tǒng zhì,zhì lǐ
TCTraditional Chinese 治理
 Catherine ruled Russia.
rule [sth] vtr (maintain discipline over)SCSimplified Chinese 统治 tǒng zhì
TCTraditional Chinese 統治
  SCSimplified Chinese 控制 tǒng zhì,kòng zhì
TCTraditional Chinese 控制
  SCSimplified Chinese 管理 tǒng zhì,guǎn lǐ
TCTraditional Chinese 管理
 The king ruled the provinces with an iron fist.
rule vi (make a decree) (司法)SCSimplified Chinese 判决,裁定,判定 pàn jué,cái dìng,pàn dìng
TCTraditional Chinese 判決,裁定,判定
 The court is about to rule.
rule n (ruler)SCSimplified Chinesechǐ
TCTraditional Chinese
  SCSimplified Chinese 尺子 chǐ ,chǐ zi
 Geometry students must have rules so that they can take measurements.
rule n (thin line on paper)SCSimplified Chinese (印在纸上的)格线 yìn zài zhǐ shàng de gé xiàn
 Duane picked a paper with a very fine rule.
rule vi (govern, as a sovereign)SCSimplified Chinese 统治 tǒng zhì
TCTraditional Chinese 統治
  SCSimplified Chinese 执政 tǒng zhì,zhí zhèng
TCTraditional Chinese 執政
 Presidents need a mandate to rule.
rule vi figurative, informal (be the best)SCSimplified Chinese 是最棒的
 Ms Hayes rules! She is the best math teacher ever.
rule [sb] vtr (control, influence)SCSimplified Chinese 管理 guǎn lǐ
TCTraditional Chinese 管理
  SCSimplified Chinese 通过影响来控制 guǎn lǐ,tōng guò yǐng xiǎng lái kòng zhì
 The manager ruled his employees' behaviour.
rule [sth],
rule that
(decree)SCSimplified Chinese 判决 pàn jué
TCTraditional Chinese 判決
  SCSimplified Chinese 裁决 pàn jué,cái jué
TCTraditional Chinese 裁決
 The queen ruled that everyone must bow to her.
rule [sth] vtr (make a line on paper) (用尺)SCSimplified Chinese 在…上画直线 zài shàng huà zhí xiàn
 You can use a ruler to help you rule lines on a piece of paper.
rule [sth] vtr (print guiding lines on paper)SCSimplified Chinese 在...上印线
  SCSimplified Chinese 给...印参考线
 The printer ruled the paper.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

rule [sb/sth] off vtr phrasal sep (disqualify [sb/sth] from contest)SCSimplified Chinese 取消...参赛资格
rule [sth] out,
rule out [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(eliminate, exclude)SCSimplified Chinese 排除 pái chú
TCTraditional Chinese 排除
  SCSimplified Chinese 不考虑 pái chú,bù kǎo lǜ
TCTraditional Chinese 不考慮
 The police ruled out the obvious suspect because he had an alibi for the time of the murder.
 Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the attack.
rule [sth] out,
rule out [sth]
vtr phrasal sep
(make impossible)SCSimplified Chinese 排除…的可能性
  SCSimplified Chinese 使…不可能
 It hadn't yet snowed, so skiing was ruled out.

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

as a general rule adv (usually)SCSimplified Chinese 一般来说 yì bān lái shuō
  SCSimplified Chinese 通常情况下
 I don't eat meat as a general rule, but I make an exception for my mother's cooking.
 Sometimes I'm late, but as a general rule I always try to be on time.
as a rule expr (usually)SCSimplified Chinese 一般而言 yì bān ér yán
  SCSimplified Chinese 通常来说 yì bān ér yán,tōng cháng lái shuō
 As a rule, we go to bed early on weeknights.
divide and rule expr (strategy to gain power)SCSimplified Chinese 分而治之
  SCSimplified Chinese 各个击破
gag rule n (law that restricts discussion)SCSimplified Chinese 言论禁止令 yán lùn jìn zhǐ lìng
  SCSimplified Chinese 言论限制令 yán lùn jìn zhǐ lìng,yán lùn xiàn zhì lìng
 Judge Mulrooney imposed a gag rule on everyone involved in the trial.
general rule n ([sth] customary)SCSimplified Chinese 一般规律 yì bān guī lǜ
TCTraditional Chinese 一般規律
  SCSimplified Chinese 通则 yì bān guī lǜ,tōng zé
 The general rule is that the bride's parents pay for the wedding.
golden rule n (fundamental guideline)SCSimplified Chinese 金科玉律 jīn kē yù lǜ
  SCSimplified Chinese 不二准则 jīn kē yù lǜ,bú èr zhǔn zé
 The golden rule is to treat others as you would like them to treat you.
ground rule n usually plural (fundamental principle)SCSimplified Chinese 基本规则 jī běn guī zé
TCTraditional Chinese 基本規則
  SCSimplified Chinese 原则 jī běn guī zé,yuán zé
TCTraditional Chinese 原則
 We need to agree on some ground rules before we go any further.
 No smoking in your room; that's a ground rule.
hard-and-fast rule n (rule: unbreakable)SCSimplified Chinese 不能变通的规则
  SCSimplified Chinese 硬性规则
 There's no hard-and-fast rule about what makes good picnic food.
hearsay rule n (law ruling out indirect testimony)SCSimplified Chinese 传闻证据规则 chuán wén zhèng jù guī zé
  SCSimplified Chinese 传闻规则 chuán wén zhèng jù guī zé,chuán wén guī zé
 He confessed his crime to me, but I can't testify against him because of the hearsay rule.
home rule,
Home Rule
(self-government)SCSimplified Chinese 家规 jiā guī
  SCSimplified Chinese 家庭约法制度 jiā guī,jiā tíng yuē fǎ zhì dù
 Greenland achieved home rule in 1979.
rule of law n (overriding legal principle)SCSimplified Chinese 法治
TCTraditional Chinese 法治
  SCSimplified Chinese 由法而治
 During the gold rush, there was no rule of law in the miners' camps.
rule of six n UK (pandemic group size ban) (防疫措施)SCSimplified Chinese 六人聚集规则
rule of thumb n (general indication, rough guide)SCSimplified Chinese 粗略的估算法 cū lüè de gū suàn fǎ
  SCSimplified Chinese 一般法则,粗略指南
 The rule of thumb when doing laundry is to keep light and dark clothes separate.
rule over [sth/sb] vi + prep (govern)SCSimplified Chinese 支配 zhī pèi
TCTraditional Chinese 支配
  SCSimplified Chinese 统治 zhī pèi,tǒng zhì
TCTraditional Chinese 統治
rule the roost v expr figurative (be in charge of a household)SCSimplified Chinese 当家
TCTraditional Chinese 當家
 In our family, it's my mother who rules the roost, not my father.
slide rule n (instrument for measurements and calculations)SCSimplified Chinese 计算尺 jì suàn chǐ
TCTraditional Chinese 計算尺
  SCSimplified Chinese 计量尺 jì suàn chǐ,jì liàng chǐ
  SCSimplified Chinese 伸缩尺 jì suàn chǐ,shēn suō chǐ
 We used to use a slide rule to calculate nearly everything.
the exception proves the rule,
it's the exception that proves the rule
(a truth: doesn't apply)SCSimplified Chinese 凡有规定,必有例外

Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011:

rule [ruːl]
I n
1 [c] (=regulation) 规(規)则(則) guīzé [条 tiáo]
2 [s] (=norm) 惯(慣)例 guànlì
3 [c] [of language, science] 规(規)则(則) guīzé [条 tiáo]
4 [u] (=government) 统(統)治 tǒngzhì
5 [c] (for measuring) 尺 chǐ
II vt [+ country, people] 统(統)治 tǒngzhì
III vi
1 [leader, monarch etc] 统(統)治 tǒngzhì
2 (on subject) 作出裁决(決) zuòchū cáijué
  • to rule in favour of/against/on
    (Law) 判定…/否决(決)…/对(對)…作出裁决(決) pàndìng…/fǒujué…/duì…zuòchū cáijué
  • to rule that…
    [umpire, judge etc] 裁决(決)… cáijué…
  • it's against the rules
    这(這)是不合规(規)定的 zhè shì bù hé guīdìng de
  • as a rule of thumb
    凭(憑)经(經)验(驗)行事 píng jīngyàn xíngshì
  • under British rule
    在英国(國)的统(統)治下 zài Yīngguó de tǒngzhì xià
  • to bend the rules
    通融一下 tōngróng yīxià
  • to rule over sb/sth
    [+ country, people]统(統)治某人/某地 tǒngzhì mǒurén/mǒudì
  • as a rule
    通常 tōngcháng
rule out vt [+ idea, possibility] 排除 páichú
[+ situation, competition] 使成为(為)不可能 shǐ chéngwéi bù kěnéng
  • murder cannot be ruled out
    不排除他杀(殺)的可能性 bù páichú tāshā de kěnéngxìng

习惯性搭配: rule over [the country, his people], the [basic, essential, fundamental] rules (of), the rule [book, guide, manual], 更多……

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