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How to Read the MEP of BlackBerry Cell Phone by Cable

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Oct 1, 2007
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To order an*Unlock Code for BlackBerry OS10 (Z10, Z30, Q10, Q5) as well as BlackBerry*9315, 9320, 9720 we just need the IMEI (Serial Number) of your BlackBerry. But for any other models (the oldest BlackBerry), we need either “IMEI + MEP” or “IMEI + PRD“. Finding the PRD of your BlackBerry is the most easy solution (click-here to find method to find the PRD of your BlackBerry) but it’s not the most accurate method as many request of unlock*code will come back as “Not Available” using the PRD method. In this situation*what’s left is to find the MEP of your BlackBerry, and below is the most simple method to do it using the Original USB Cable of your BlackBerry and a computer with Windows.
[h=How to read the MEP of any BlackBerry using “Cable + Software” Method]2[/h]
First download the BlackBerry MEP Reader*on UnlockBase using this link

Download BlackBerry MEP Reader for Windows
Step 1: Close Blackberry desktop manager if its open
Step 2: If not already done, please install*BlackBerry Driver
Step 3: On your BlackBerry Cell Phone:
Go to “Options > Media Card/Memory Card
1) Media Card Support: off
2) Mass Storage Mode Support: off
3) Auto Enable Mass Storage: no
4) Save the settings and exit
Also make sure if theres a password on the phone its turned off
To turn off password:
Go to “Options > Security Options > General Settings
Step 4: When thats all done save the settings and follow the guideline:
1. Open Program
2. Click read phone
3. Connect phone to pc
4. Software will show the MEP
Finally with the IMEI + MEP you can order the Unlock Code of your BlackBerry from UnlockBase:
The post How to Read the MEP of BlackBerry Cell Phone by Cable appeared first on UnlockBase Blog.