
  • Vivi, once Miss Wednesday, became a key ally of the Straw Hat pirates in the Alabasta arc.
  • The Princess showed immense growth traveling with the crew, learning hard decisions and trust.
  • Vivi's revealed ancestry as part of the D lineage hints at her potential role in the final One Piece saga.

Princess Vivi, then known as Miss Wednesday, was Introduced early on in the One Piece series before the Alabasta arc. As fate would have it, Vivi quickly turned into an ally of the Straw Hat pirates and sought their help in saving her country and defeating Crocodile. After the Alabasta arc of the series, Vivi and the Straw Hat pirates bonded so deeply that the Alabastan Princess almost joined the crew; however, as a princess, she has a duty to her country.

Now in the final saga of One Piece, Vivi's ancestry has been revealed, and her father murdered. To that extent, many fans wonder what role Vivi will play in the final saga and her stand against the World Government.

One Piece: The Devil Fruit Tree, Explained

The origin of the Devil fruits could be a tree located atop the Red Line.

The Princess Of Alabasta

From Spy To Leader Of A Nation

When Vivi was first introduced, she was introduced as a member of Baroque Works, a criminal organization led by Sir Crocodile. In Baroque Works, Vivi was working as an undercover spy alongside her trusted Royal Guard, Igaram. Together, both infiltrated Baroque Works to discover Crocodile’s secrets as Crocodile planned to overthrow her father, the King of Alabasta. With the involvement of the Straw Hats, one of Baroque Works’ strongholds, Whisky Peak, was quickly destroyed. Luffy and Zoro went on a rampage at Whisky Peak, and with one thing leading to another, Vivi joined the Straw Hat pirates to Alabasta, where they sought to defeat Crocodile.

Defeating Crocodile was no easy feat. The then-warlord had managed to send Alabasta into an era of civil unrest with a looming civil war. Moreover, with his Sand Sand fruit, Crocodile defeated Luffy on three separate occasions, in which the Straw Hat captain almost died each time. Thankfully, Luffy finally managed to defeat Crocodile, saving Vivi’s country from his tyranny. During the Straw Hat’s crew battles with Crocodile’s minions, Vivi was involved in stopping the civil war that had ensued. The Alabasta princess kept trying to ease her citizens, as she and the Royal guards confronted the rebellious faction who strode to overthrow her father.

Vivi’s Growth With The Straw Hat Pirates

Balancing Duty And Desire

During Vivi’s time with the Straw Hat pirates, the Alabastan Princess undoubtedly grew. Initially, as a princess sheltered from the world, Vivi had never really explored other parts of Alabasta apart from the capital. Traveling with the Straw Hat pirates enabled her to see the dastardly effects of Crocodile’s terror on the people of Alabasta. Moreover, Vivi also struggled with trusting her friends enough and was only content with risking her life. However, after Luffy’s heartfelt declaration that it was okay to risk his and his crew’s lives, the Princess became more open to trusting others.

At least try putting all of our lives on the line together! Aren't we friends?! —Luffy

During her time with the Straw Hat pirates, Vivi undoubtedly gained the ability to make hard decisions, which is a necessary skill for a ruler. For her country, Vivi learned to shelf her desire to follow the Straw Hats as she considered the well-being of her people and her father.

The History Behind Vivi

The Alabasta Royal Family Bears The Moniker D