outside the box

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outside (of) the box

Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional. I've been trying to think out of the box for my term paper topic because I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas. The plan was pretty outside of the box, but it sounded like it might just work.
See also: box, outside

outside the box

Outside of or beyond what is considered usual, traditional, or conventional. I've been trying to think outside of the box about what I want this term paper to be about. I know the professor hates unoriginal ideas. OK, team, we need some ideas that are really outside the box if we're going to impress the CEO!
See also: box, outside
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

outside the box

Also, to think outside the box. To think or behave in an unconventional way, in a novel or often creative fashion. The “box” in question represents the limits of what is usually thought or done. In discussing a new surgical approach for treating multiple sclerosis, Denise Grady wrote, “The new theory has taken off on the Internet. . . . Supporters consider it an outside-the-box idea that could transform treatment of the disease” (New York Times, June 29, 2010). Novelist Jo Bannister similarly used the phrase adjectivally: “Instead of driving off he found himself indulging in some out-of-the-box thinking” (Liars All, 2009). And the Boston Globe headlined an article about an interdisciplinary program offering an alternative to classroom education, “Teaching Outside the Box” (August 18, 2010). See also thinking inside the box.
See also: box, outside
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
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References in periodicals archive ?
Outside The Box Design has helped various small business owners around Connecticut in transforming their online presence leading to more growth and brand awareness.
Derby scored 13 goals from outside the box last season in the Championship, so Wilson's contribution accounted for roughly 54% of his team's output from range.
"Arguably, if it's outside the box I have seen fouls given for those things but inside the box rarely is a foul given for that, so I was surprised to see that one."
Striker Glenn Murray scored a brace and Jose Izquierdo curled in a shot from outside the box to lift promotedBrightonto 10th in the standings, leavingWestHamin 17th just above the relegation zone.
Eden Hazard at 8/1 (Unibet) to 'score from outside the box'.
Thinking "outside the box" is rampant in Lang's work.
In its third meeting, JMEC resolved that the parties to the ARCISS should solve the problem of 28 States through -- "Outside the box".
Bardsley then smashed home a low effort from outside the box in the 75th minute to seal what will be Stoke's first League Cup semi-final appearance since 1971-72, the year they raised the trophy.
It was a lead which was only to last five minutes, however, as Berwick equalised through fullback Ewan McNeil, who bagged his first goal for the club with a shot from outside the box.
Last year, the Post reported how Brighton-based charitable trust Thinking Outside the Box had secured planning permission to convert the four boxes into small business units.
Had a scoring chance in the dying stages with a right-footed shot from outside the box but put it wide of the mark.
After a quiet start to the first half, Kuwait began to find their rhythm, and managed the first shot on goal in the 11th minute when captain Mesaed Al Enzi fired in a free-kick from just outside the box on the right which sailed over the bar.
Pellegrini was particularly unhappy that Eriksson awarded a penalty to Barcelona for a foul by Martin Demichelis on Lionel Messi that was shown to be outside the box, while he felt there was a foul on Jesus Navas in the build-up.
Uri Murad, CEO of the company's USA division, summarized this approach when he said, "We have been thinking outside the box throughout our entire history."