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Brad Bodnick was a drug dealer and personal friend of corrupt stockbroker, Jordan Belfort.


Stratton Oakmont []

In 1987, Brad Bodnick pushes drugs in New York City, often around the Bayside neighborhood of Queens. He specializes in selling quaaludes in the heyday of the drugs popularity, pushing it to various clients, from local kids to the elite. One client of his, is a start-up stockbroker, Jordan Belfort, who is trying to establish his own firm, named Stratton Oakmont. Jordan tried to enlist Brad into his business, due to his experience and ability to be integrated into Jordan's questionable practices to make money. Brad declines, saying he already has a racket. Brad would still be very integral to Jordan's life even after the refusal, as they are still friends and he supplies Jordan with ludes, playing into Jordan's long term drug abuse. Later, Brad married Chantelle, a stripper who was born in Switzerland to Slovenian immigrants.

Switzerland []

In 1993, Jordan gets into trouble with the FBI, as they lead an investigation to expose Jordan's fraudulent acts and convict him. As a result, he seeks to ship his money to Switzerland, into a foreign bank opened by conspirator Jean-Jacques Saurel, away from U.S. investigation. To move said money, Jordan enlists Brad and Chantalle, to move the money into Switzerland, as they plan to tape all the money onto Chantalle and send her off to Switzerland. They realize that they are going to need multiple trips for Chantalle to move all the money and as well have her family to move the money as well. Donnie Azoff, a partner to Jordan who was there during the scheme, as well asks for Brad to do a trip with his money, in an arrogant and dismissive attitude. Brad is rightfully irritated by Azoff, but is taken outside to argue privately with Jordan, as Jordan tries to calm him down and get him to move Azoff's money as well. However, the duo is eavesdropped by an enraged Azoff, who proceeds to smack talk Brad, but Brad knocks out Azoff, slapping him to the floor. Later on, even with their sour interaction, Jordan convinces Brad to accept the deal of moving Azoff's money, doing it as a friend to him, and not a favor to Azoff. The plan to move the money is executed successfully, as Chantelle is able to move the money with her family, getting the money into Saurel's hands.

Brad in the meanwhile honors his word, and meets up with Azoff, to send over the money for the next trip. Azoff initially seeming to be sincere towards Brad, trying to apologize to a cold recuperation by him. Brad wants the meeting to end quickly and just asks for Azoff to give him the money so they can be through with it. Azoff feels insulted by Brad's own dismissive attitude and spews heavy handed insults at Brad, with Brad trying to stay calm. Brad as well sees a patrol car nearby and pleads with Azoff to give him the money, but when Azoff insults Chantalle, Brad loses his temper and tries to pull a gun on Azoff, with the police patrol coming to intervene. Azoff bolts away, leaving Brad with his suitcase full of money, as Brad himself tries to escape. Brad is however able to dispose of his gun but is apprehended and taken away by the police. Brad curses at Azoff, who is driving away from the scene, as is taken into custody with the entire scam being on the brink of collapsing, due to Azoff's pretentious actions.

Brad covers his tracks by quickly disposing his gun before being arrested and unwilling to rat out Jordan. He also refuses to rat out Azoff, but it is unknown if it out of concern that it would blow the smuggling racket sky high or a desire not to upset Jordan. While no evidence is found linking him to money laudering, Brad is still convicted of contempt and sentenced to several months imprisonment. When Brad is released, Jordan takes his yacht on a sex fueled party with hookers and lap dancers. Jordan thanks and apologizes to Brad, for not squealing on him and assures Brad that he never needs to talk to or deal with Azoff ever again. He furthermore tries to repay Brad for his time in jail, but Brad denies the offer, as he was now out and free to enjoy the party.

In 1998, Brad died of a massive myocardial infarction. Whether or not that was induced by drug abuse was never disclosed. This was a severe emotional blow to Jordan as he considered Brad a loyal friend. Even worse, Saurel has been sexually active with the widowed Chantelle, which was also occurring when Brad was a living man. Brad had never discovered this adultery.

