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William Walker Atkinson

William Walker Atkinson The Human Aura - Astral Colors and Thought Forms

The Human Aura - Astral Colors and Thought Forms


The above question is frequently asked the student of occultism by some
one who has heard the term but who is unfamiliar with its meaning. Simple
as the question may seem, it is by no means easy to answer it, plainly and
clearly in a few words, unless the hearer already has a general acquaintance
with the subject of occult science. Let us commence at the beginning, and
consider the question from the point of view of the person who has just
heard the term for the first time.
The dictionaries define the word aura as: "Any subtle, invisible emanation or
exhalation." The English authorities, as a rule, attribute the origin of the
word to a Latin term meaning "air," but the Hindu auth...

William Walker Atkinson Nuggets of the New Thought

Nuggets of the New Thought


"I Can and I Will"—The recognition—Equal to any task—A feeling of calm
confidence—An abiding sense of power, reserve force and security —The
Something within—The triple key to the door of attainment—The vibrations
of Success.
"I Can and I Will!!!" Have you ever said these words to yourself with a firm
conviction that you were speaking the truth—with the strong feeling that
needed no other proof. If so, you then felt within you a thrill which seemed
to cause every atom of your being to vibrate in harmony with some note in
the grand scale of Life, sounded by the Real Self. You caught a momentary
glimpse of the Inner Light—heard a stray note of the Song of the Soul—were
conscious f...

William Walker Atkinson Mind and Body

Mind and Body


In order to understand the nature of the influence of the mind upon the
body—the effect of mental states upon physical functions—we must know
something of that wonderful field of mental activity which in the New
Psychology is known as “The Subconscious Mind,” and which by some
writers has been styled the “Subjective Mind;” the “Involuntary Mind;” the
“Subliminal Mind;” the “Unconscious Mind,” etc., the difference in names
arising because of the comparative newness of the investigation and
Among the various functions of the Subconscious Mind, one of the most
important is that of the charge and control of the involuntary activities and
functions of the human body t...