Holy Ghost (2014) - Holy Ghost (2014) - User Reviews - IMDb
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A very well made, thought provoking doc
directorianballinger6 September 2014
I didn't know much about this documentary going into it. Aside from the promotional videos being released I didn't know what this film was going to be until I saw it. I loved it from beginning to end. Darren Wilson's directing, accompanied by Tony Anderson's beautiful, moving score honestly makes this one of my favorite movies. I really enjoyed it, as a follower of the Christ Jesus it was a very inspiring film, and overall it was just really good filmmaking. Having the perspectives of several different people from many different backgrounds and walks of lives really helped the film... I honestly enjoyed every part of the film. Definitely recommend it to everyone.
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Brilliant movie to encourage Christians to walk in the Spirit
kristina-translations19 September 2014
This movie is great for Christians to encourage them to use the power the Holy Spirit gives us, to walk in the Spirit, not be ashamed of Christ and lovingly spread the Gospel without judging, imposing.. just give the gifts of healing and restoration freely, just like Jesus has done.

The movie gives much glory to our Lord Jesus, and it shows His true face - reaching out to people who need Him, offering them love, salvation, health and happiness.

I love that the cast went to India and showed Jesus' light in such a dark place, filled with demonic religions and oppressed, lost people. Those are the exact people who need to hear the gospel the most. I would like to thank the creators of this movie for their courage, this has inspired me to listen to the Holy Spirit in me and act upon what He's prompting me to do, even when that means stepping out of my comfort zone. I want to thank guys from Korn and Lenny Kravitz for sharing their testimonies because they have much influence with the people, and Jesus can use them greatly.

I will share this movie as much as I can, and I can't wait for the sequel.
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"Can the Holy Ghost direct a movie?" No
cyclops_screener16 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Darren Wilson's "Holy Ghost" is like Christian "Crocodile Hunter", in which a band of white, Christian American males set out to prove the existence of the Holy Ghost. There is no script, no plan. The film's tagline is "Can the Holy Spirit direct a movie?" In a word: no.

Traveling across the globe with his fans' Kickstarter money, Darren Wilson and crew basically perform Christian Criss Angel street "magic" (but without even the illusion of anything happening), approaching strangers, praying with some and performing "miracles" (which is in parentheses because they are not medically verified). The screws of the already painful Criss Angel schtick are tightened further on the viewer when these street evangelists become like medium John Edward in their aggressive interrogation of the recipients of their prayers, pelting them with questions like: "Did you feel that? What did you feel? Tell me what you felt?" It's clear the recipients are pressured into saying they felt something, that the "healings" actually worked.

The Christian street magic is interspersed with a curious debate about "cessationism". For the vast majority of the world which has no idea what this term means, cessationism is the belief among some Christian sects that when Jesus Christ's apostles died, the Holy Ghost went with them, departing this world. The makers of this film don't believe in cessationism and eat up valuable screen time making a point that, to most viewers, doesn't have to be made.

As the Crusaders venture abroad, the stories of "miracles" continue, leading up to the grand climax -- a visit to Varanasi, India ("the oldest city in the world" as Wilson proclaims. Actually, the oldest city in the world is Damascus) where they intend to worship Jesus in a Hindu temple on the banks of the Ganges and to pray for people there. Wilson admits that he'd been told that to attempt this would be "suicide". This is where the militants live "and Christians were not allowed". The intercut interviews, afterward, with the crew shows a near-giddiness at the prospect of running into opposition. The guys sound almost hopeful that they will be attacked. The Regional Director of TellAsia Ministries says to that go to this region and openly worships Jesus could well lead to someone being killed.

Quite a build up.

A Christian musician in the group sits out in public and plays some songs near the Ganges. As would happen anywhere in the world, people are drawn to the music. The filmmaker believes it's more than that -- it's the Holy Ghost. After a modest crowd gathers to listen, the musician walks down narrow lanes, singing, playing. The group soon move on to a temple where the Buddha had once preached and a bigger crowd gathers.

As the musician plays, an evangelist works the crowd "healing" people.

The closest the group comes to a kerfuffle of any kind is at this temple. The musician sits upon some ancient stone structure and plays his guitar. People come forward to shake his hand. He shakes hands with them. Then comes The Moment. Some guy comes forward and instead of shaking hands, he tries to pull the musician from his perch! As has been done throughout the film -- particularly during the street magic section -- the drama is completely overblown.

The arrogance and cultural insensitivity at the heart of this excursion to India cannot be understated. This gaggle of white Christian men trample through some of India's holiest sites as though moving through the food court of a mall in California. They fully expect hostility -- they invite it with their actions -- but have no understanding why it might occur. Xenophobia runs high in the descriptions of where the group is going and what they plan to do. The end result is a dramatic fizzle that only compounds the widely held view that white Christian American men really don't have any respect for anyone's culture or practices but their own.

The film ends with an equally stark, incongruous and indelible image. With the remainder of the fans' Kickstarter money, Wilson and crew go to Rome, Italy. Rad evangelist Todd White walks right into what is described as a "Roman mob". Really? A mob? It's a march. From the looks of it, it was a completely peaceful march richly interspersed with good looking women. Talk about going into the lion's den! Undaunted by the peacefulness or the beautiful women, White wades in saying he's going to touch as many people as possible and doesn't even care if he gets punched in the face. It's unclear why he would think Christians are under fire in Italy, given the fact that the Vatican is located there and Christianity has flourished there for millennia. But even among friends, white Christian American males feel threatened.

In a stunning, but unsurprisingly ego-maniacal move, White sees a guy carrying a megaphone and risks a punch in the face by asking to use it. As with the militants in India, he is met with absolutely no opposition. The guy hands over the megaphone without question. White proceeds to shout "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!" into the mic.

What humility! That moment completely embodies the film.

Darren Wilson and his crew set out to find the Holy Ghost and found their egos instead.
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Importance of taking risk
Paul11496 September 2014
I didn't find this movie terribly entertaining, and it certainly wasn't comfortable to watch much of the time. It involved a lot of confrontation. Of course, the confrontation was motivated by love, but it was confrontation nonetheless, and at times you could see fear/trust dynamics in operation at the beginning of an interaction.

The biggest takeaway for me was the courage of the protagonists to answer the call to bring Jesus to a world in deep need of Him, and to do so even when it meant not only inconvenience, but also danger. Thus the theme of risk-taking.

Nothing gets accomplished unless we make the decision to take calculated risk. Each of us has a choice to make - our own comfort, or to make a difference in people's lives.

I would recommend viewing this movie not as a piece of entertainment, but with a heart open to what changes might need to be made to bring your life into all it can be.
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God is Real, and, He's Alive in You!
rajivness29 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Hugely compelling feature. Thought provoking. This movie explains the concept of the Trinity - The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is our Link to the Father as it is a physical/tangible experience that comes upon believers who want the Holy Ghost to fill them. With that presence, the believer is able to channel ALL the power of God - which can be used only for Good and to bless others in unlocking their own hidden potential. The documentary does a good job of globe trotting and showcasing how the Power of God is manifest in anyone who is bold enough to Trust in God and Follow as God directs them (obedience) and, that God's Power is more than mere belief or disbelief (as the case may be). God's power healed Athiest, Agnostic and Non-Believers alike - meaning that God is a Universal God of Love who will always be a Blessing.

Showcasing how members of Korn and Artists like Lenny Kravitz have turned to Jesus is extremely encouraging especially who Head and Fieldy of Korn did - praying over people before their concerts to heal and deliver people from their bondage. Whoaa!! Took my breath away. I experienced the Presence of God by Simply watching this powerful piece of work.

If there is a sequel, I'd love to see the director have a conversation with Agnostic/Atheist opinion leaders from Government and Entertainment like Bill Maher, Tom Cruise, Jay Z, Kanye West, Oprah Winfrey as well as other known Christian advocates like Dave Chappelle, Kat Williams, Bishop Gaspar Anastasi, Bishop TD Jakes, Dinesh D'Souza and Ravi Zaccharias - to name a few. I'd also like them to touch on issues like Homosexuality, Tithing, Female Pastors, etc.

A must watch for all christians of all denominations as well as non- christians.
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Holy Spirit reveals who He is,
aliveinhisspirit16 October 2014
Finally, a film that accurately portrays the Holy Spirit. I was blessed to follow the making of this movie through Kickstarter. The vision behind it, is something like (lets actually listen to Holy Spirit and film where He wants us to film. If He doesn't show up, well then there's not going to be a movie.) The film is very well put together. It's visually beautiful, the soundtrack is deep and emotionally pulling. The film is put together in a way that draws you in and builds up to a dramatic climax. I love that the story is unscripted, real, and raw.

If your tired of cheese dipped faith based films, check out Holy Ghost. This film raises the bar on so many levels. If your a believer, this will challenge you to step out and believe God for the impossible, if your not a believer, this will blow your mind.
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The Holy Spirit Directed Me to This Movie
eqmanson-6858820 May 2016
My wife and I had planned all week to go to our favorite karaoke bar. But God had other plans.

It started with an unexpected obstacle: a Hollywood thriller was shooting in the downtown area, and as a result my bus was trapped. My wife was working and could not get out of it. Should I wait 90 minutes and risk spoiling the schedule, or take the train and hope I could somehow get home from the station four miles from our house?

The Lord provided. My daughter happened to be in town, and like magic, she was actually free and able to come pick me up at the station. So I extended an invitation: would she come with us tonight? Due to a family problem, she didn't know whether she would be able to come to the karaoke. At home, while my daughter was drinking a smoothie, I thought to check the bar's Facebook page. Rats! Karaoke was cancelled and replaced by a band.

God was looking out for my daughter, who now did not have to disappoint us by rejecting the invitation. But He was also looking out for me and my wife. We had been listening to a podcast that discusses Christian movies in a less than flattering way. My wife was searching Netflix and, like it was pre-ordained, we found this movie! He is indeed a God that hides from us (Isaiah 45:15) but those who seek shall find (Matt 7:7).

Not only did we have a ton of laughs and a great conversation about arrogance, narcissism, con artistry and squandering Kickstarter money, we also have a movie to recommend to the podcasters. Instead of being disappointed that our night out was pre-empted, we got something so much more meaningful!
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c_matschke10 September 2014
So GOD actually made this movie, seriously? What kind of a marketing trick is that? Sounds like blasphemy to my (Catholic) ears. Just because HE doesn't interfere with our worldly matters and lets us have our way, we don't automatically have permission to attribute lukewarm and uninspired films like this to HIM, do we?

As it says in the storyline given above: no plan, no script - oh, yes, and no inspiration either.

It's one thing to go on a mission. It's another thing entirely to create a piece of art which is truly meaningful and valuable. This film-maker, it seems, has nothing new or original to say. Somebody should tell him the road to hell is paved with good intentions (assuming he had any).
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Leading the Holy Spirit, like a dog, on a chain.
skelton-ma-t28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The street preachers in this film click their fingers at the Holy Spirit. They order the Spirit around, they tell the Spirit to "double it" (whatever the victim may or may not be feeling) and even have the audacity to give the Spirit "Permission" to enter somebody. So watch this if you want God to be your cosmic lap dog, or if you have an Aladdin complex and want a giant blue genie called the Spirit of God. Last time I checked God was not a street magic trick. The one person who saw the Spirits potential to be misused like this in the Bible was cursed.

This is Sorcery. Not Christianity.

Nor is it a well done documentary.
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you don't know me
gsaint097 November 2014
Did you read the description of this thing? Did you read it? Read it now, I'll wait... ...Okay so how was I supposed to make a movie, I'm a disembodied spirit. And editing, don't get me started on editing. How am I supposed to edit? I have no fingers. I HAVE NO FINGERS.

And who is this director? I never heard of him. Did you ever hear of him? And cheeky. He claims to know me. He doesn't know me.

And talk about raising unrealistic expectations, calling me HOLY Ghost. Don't call me HOLY Ghost. My name is Ghost. Holy Ghost is my slave name.

Kind regards,

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True Chrisitan Biblical Critque of the film
contratodo22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
From a Biblical perspective there are problems with this film - 1. It's not free. 2. More than once in the film one of the guys says:

"There are many gods but only one Jesus" This is said at least twice in the film, and at the end they go into the biggest Hindu temple.

3. They say that to use "holy spirit" (they don't say 'the') one must be willing to "take risks" and "make mistakes" one must be willing to fail when trying to hear the voice of the spirit in order to know that it was not the spirit.

I must say it, and if i'm wrong may God strike me down right now, but it's actually enticing people to blaspheme the Holy Spirit by saying the above.

If one does not know that a voice or thought was from God/the Holy Spirit, but yet claims that it is, well, that is pretty much blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

As Christians we know that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is not forgiven (Matt 12:32), so we take great care in saying that anything we say or do is from the Spirit.

4. During a big dramatic prayer what is shown is images of the crowd during i guess a Korn concert, and they are all throwing up middle fingers and devils horns, why would a Christian film maker, editor, whoever, put that in as what is shown during a prayer for others to come to Jesus? Why not just continue to show the scene of them praying in the lobby? Look up the Necronomicon, it teaches how to conjure up fallen angels, there are 4 hand signs used, one is the middle finger another is the horn sign.

What it really takes to hear and fully interface with the Holy Spirit of God, is to be following the laws of Christ - Matthew 5 through 7 and Luke 6 (which includes praying in secret, and specifically, not in the streets, as in the film), and then on top of that when fully mature and really able to walk around and have miracles happen (as in the film) one would also be following a lot of the old Jewish laws in the old testament - like Deuteronomy 6:7-9 (they did not walk around talking about Gods law) One would even attribute some of Paul's teachings as laws, and therefore do them, no black makeup on your face because it appears evil, no showing of middle fingers and devil signs during a supposed prayer to Jesus, because it looks way evil. No going into the temple of some foreign "god", because there is no other God but God, who was manifested in the flesh as Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Together Philippians 4:13 and Hebrews 6:1-3 describe how to really have miracles (like raising the dead) happen through the believer.

Why we don't see miracles of the Holy Spirit like during the time of the apostles, is because the apostles were following all the law (Acts 10:14, 16:3), even the old testament 613 laws. After Christ, in total there are 616 laws, if and when one follows them all, God will grant anything, time travel, anything; through the power of Christ it is possible to follow them all, He even took care of all the sacrifices.
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sqaull-7700915 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary, was supposed to be about who the Holy Spirit is, but, all i saw was parlor tricks, done by magicians. As well, the people that are in the documentary, they didn't preach the gospel. The didn't preach anything at all. It was emotionalism, and hype, and well, pulling someones leg. I would not watch this, it doesn't show who Christ and who he is.

It goes from place to place, they say, being guided and directed by God the Holy Spirit, however, i didn't see that, i saw people, saying God was guiding them, but, there was no, proof. It was going to places, one moment, in the movie, i thought, "spoiler" OK, they are in India, this will be a good way to prove they are being guided by the Holy spirit, they get into the the temple of Shiva, one of the highest gods in India, that is worshiped. What do they do? Well, show whats in there, but they don't preach, they don't say much, they sing a song, that doesn't preach anything. Preaches freedom, but from what. I was sorely disappointed. God brings you to a place in the holy of hollies, in a Hindu temple, and you sing a song? No, preaching, just parlor tricks and car salesman tactics.
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riewbankit24 October 2015
Having watched 'Furious Love' and ''Father's light' this was a HUGE Disappointment. Just shows you that a film maker can easily go down hill when poverty of spirit is not maintained. Trying to 'repeat success' is the biggest antidote to maintaining blessing and anointing. I wept when watching the previous documentaries but most of us fell or almost fell asleep watching Holy Ghost. It was superficial boring and frankly speaking just spiritual show off. I loved the honesty that was in Furious Love which lacked in this new venture. My exhortation to the director is to go back to zero and not try to make God some magician of love. You should develop the concept of love that you began with and not remain in this evangelical magic show. Get deeper with every documentary. Not more bizarre and feathery . Jesus is depth. The prayers we witnessed were so casual. I can't believe that Jesus would have prayed like that nor His true disciples.I have miracles too to tell you about, but they are not borne so casually as portrayed. Unfortunately you provide entertainment not edification. At least for this documentary. Christians and those hungry need edification. What about follow up stories? It's alright to pray for this and that person. But what happened to them in the next few years will be the biggest story. Otherwise you are no different to a Benny or Joyce who make money or get attention from the the most superficial part of hmmmmmmm....Christianity????? You are right that most of Christiandom have lost it. Please don't do the same. God bless and wishing you all the best. Regards Riew
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