Why is 'War and Peace' hailed as 'the greatest novel of all time' - ReadingAndThinking.com

Why is 'War and Peace' hailed as 'the greatest novel of all time'

What is "War and Peace" mainly about, and why is "War and Peace" called the greatest novel in human history in the world?

What is "War and Peace" mainly about, and why is "War and Peace" called the greatest novel in human history in the world?

First of all, from the perspective of the author, Leo Tolstoy is the greatest writer in the history of modern literature, with a high status in the history of literature. 

Secondly, the work has far-reaching influence both in terms of literary significance and historical significance. 

Leo Tolstoy is the greatest Russian critical realist writer, and his works are "one of the most first-class works in world literature". The content is meaningful. 

Finally, "War and Peace" vividly and vividly depicts an exciting group of characters in the history of Russian literature with extremely concise text and excellent and amazing psychological analysis. 

The whole work is grand in conception and vigorous in momentum, powerfully showing the most magnificent page in Russian history - the Great Patriotic War in 1812, and showing the magnificent picture of social life in Russia before and after the war. 

"War and Peace" is an epic masterpiece completed by the great writer Tolstoy in 7 years. 

The novel is framed by the performance of the four nobles in war and peace, reflecting the historical destiny and life trajectory of the members of the four nobles, reproducing the social and life scenes of Russia in the 19th century. 

The novel has a historical time span of 15 years, and it reflects a relatively wide range of levels and dimensions. It shows the spirit and personality of the Russian people. It is a completely Russian-style work.

"War" and "peace", are two opposite situations and structures, put together as the title of the novel and the main line of the novel, Tolstoy presents a panoramic scene. 

The novel is magnificent and voluminous, and it truly exposes and portrays all kinds of worldly situations in the war.

You know, when Tolstoy wrote the beginning of this novel, he made 15 drafts, and the first 14 drafts were not formed. 

After the 15th Beginning was written, Tolstoy decided to officially start the creation of the novel. , completed this epic work of alternating war and peace, allowing people to understand the real and comprehensive life of the people during the Great Patriotic War in Russia. 

It can witness the national spirit and spirit of the Russian people to face the cruel plunder of powerful enemies and the ruthless impact of war without discouragement, to stop unjust wars with just wars, and to strive for a peaceful life. This is "War and War" Meaning of Peace.

Leo Tolstoy
"War and Peace" centered on the Great Patriotic War, with grand and vast but delicate handwriting, described all kinds of different characters from all walks of life in society.

These characters covered a wide range, from tsars to ordinary farmers, from nobles to soldiers, There is no doubt that the historical features of each social class are obvious, and Tolstoy has reflected all aspects of Russian national life in nearly 20 years with his magical pen.

I think that the so-called great men have only a small role in historical events... I don't know if this is a mistake, but I completely believe that in the process of writing, when I describe the historical events of 1807, especially 18 During the historical events of one or two years, the law of fate is particularly obvious. I can't add the meaning of those people. 

They seem to control the events, but in fact, they are less likely to act as free people than other event participants. ---"Slightly Discussing War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy.

What is "War and Peace" about?

War and Peace mainly focus on the Great Patriotic War in 1812, reflecting important historical events from 1805 to 1820. 

Taking the specific experiences of the four nobles of Balcons, Bezukhov, Rostov, and Kuragin as the main line, many events and characters are connected in series in the alternate descriptions of war and peace. 

The author describes the two kinds of life and two clues of "war" and "peace" interspersedly, forming an encyclopedia-style magnificent epic. 

The basic theme of "War and Peace" is to affirm the just resistance of the Russian people in this war and to praise the patriotic enthusiasm and heroism shown by the Russian people in the war. 

But the keynote of the work is religious benevolence and humanitarianism. The writer opposes the war and gives deep sympathy for the suffering of all parties in the war.

Why is "War and Peace" called the greatest novel in the world?

As a panoramic novel, "War and Peace" takes Napoleon's invasion of Russia as the background in the early 19th century and describes the lives of Russian nobles and ordinary people in that era. Whether in thought or in art, "War and Peace" is a rare masterpiece. 

Compared with contemporary Russian writers, Tolstoy wrote this novel more from the standpoint of human nature, which is why this novel can last for a long time.

We all know that Russia in the 19th century was an era of shining stars, and a large number of show writers emerged, including Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, etc.; Tolstoy, author of War and Peace.

Tolstoy's full name is Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, September 9, 1828-November 20, 1910, a Russian critical realist writer, thinker, and philosopher in the mid-19th century. 

His representative works include "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection" and so on. If you want to talk about which of his novels is the most famous, it is really hard to say for a while. 

As a person, I prefer his "Resurrection", which is a novel that can make people feel anxious. But if we really want to talk about fame, it may have to be "War and Peace". Regardless of the grand narrative scene, it vividly shows that period of history.

"War and Peace" allows us to have a more direct and accurate understanding of the character and temperament of the Russian people, as well as the life of Russia as a whole, than reading hundreds of works of ethnology and history.

War and Peace was written in the mid-19th century and published between 1865 and 1869.

The story of "War and Peace" centers on the Russo-French War in 1812 and reflects major events from 1805 to 1820, including the Battle of Austerlitz, the Battle of Borodino, the Great Fire of Moscow, and Napoleon's retreat. 

The author shows the style of Russian society at that time by describing the thoughts and actions of the four families Andrei, Pierre, and Natasha in the environment of war and peace.

A friend of the noble lady Natasha's family, the young noble Pierre often spends time in and out of social places after returning from studying in France. 

Pierre's best friend, Prince Andre, fell in love with Natasha at first sight, but Andre's father firmly opposed their marriage. 

While waiting, Natasha couldn't stand the seduction of the prodigal Anatoly and planned to elope with him, and Andre was hit hard. 

In the Russo-French War, both sides suffered heavy casualties, and Andrei was seriously injured. When he was dying, he forgave Natasha. 

In the winter of 1812, Napoleon withdrew his troops from Moscow, and the Russian people restarted from the ruins.

In "War and Peace", there are as many as 559 characters, each of which is a living flesh and blood body, each with its own unique personality, and full of life throbbing, human joy, pain, and various inner thoughts. — it’s all there in this painting. 

Only Homer's works can compare with the epic glorious rhythm and broad horizon in the book.

This is why "War and Peace" can become the greatest novel.

2016 BBC version of the TV series Three Protagonists

On the Peak of Literature "War and Peace"

After reading "War and Peace", you will feel that Andre, Natasha, Pierre, and even Platon seem to be your old friends, and they will visit you in the next second, and you will want to go to Moscow, Peter Fort, and Tongshan, follow their footsteps, to see where they lived. 

Tolstoy wanted people to love the countless inexhaustible lives, and he did, and more than 150 years after War and Peace were written, people are still crying, laughing, and loving life over what he wrote. 

Because there is the deepest resonance here, and behind the straightforward words are the truest you and me.

Maugham believes that the greatest novelist is Balzac, and the greatest novel is "War and Peace". 

He commented in his notes that Tolstoy differed from other Russian nobles only in that he left two works, one is "Anna Karenina" and the other is "War and Peace". 

"War and Peace" mainly writes about the social landscape of Russia during the Russo-French War (that is, Russia's "Patriotic War") in 1812. 

It has both grand historical changes and delicate family stories, revealing the charm of epic legends, while avoiding The dullness of historical chronicle.

Many people read the banquet scene at Anna Scheler's house and found it boring to see the extravagant and gossipy aristocratic life. 

In fact, writing a novel is like painting. The outlines of the characters change from vague to delicate and clear. A panorama. 

As a reader, once you can grasp the character of the characters, it is a process of enjoyment that is getting better and better, just like stepping into a comfort zone, and you will feel uncomfortable if you stop reading at this time. 

As the protagonist gradually appeared on the stage, the author’s perspective also began to switch between macro and micro. 

The macro refers to the situation of the two armies, and the micro refers to the exchanges and love and hatred between several major families. The two always coexist harmoniously in the same story. 

The combination of fiction and reality is also very ingenious. Napoleon I, Alexander I, Murat, Kutuzov, etc. are real, while the protagonists of the novel are all fictional characters. 

There is no clear division between the subject and the background between the two. Pay attention to distinguishing between Prince Andrei and Kutuzov.


At the heart of the novel are three noble families: Bezukhov, Bolkonsky, and Rostov. Natasha Rostov is a popular female character in Russian literature and even world literature. 

She is one of the few images of a girl with flesh and blood: behind the innocence is a compassionate heart, and under the kindness, there is also the desire of ordinary people. 

Natasha is the core force that promotes the development of the plot and an important link between the various families. She is born with cheerful, optimistic, and lively positive qualities, and is a rare and pure person. 

Andrei Bolkonsky (Prince Andrei) did not live to the end, but this did not prevent him from being one of the main characters. Instead of making him a hero, Tolstoy wrote him as an attractive, moral, and thoughtful man. 

The profound speculative dialogue between Prince Andrew and Pierre Bezukhov reflects Tolstoy's own reflection on life and faith. 

throughout the book, they are the two characters that the author digs deepest, and they are also the two most thoughtful people. 

As for Pierre, he is the most simple and sincere, he is not good at socializing and disdains, but because he inherited the family property, he became one of the richest people. 

He is always struggling with his own heart, always thinking, and trying to gain insight into the meaning of life. 

He tried to emancipate the serfs, joined the Freemasonry, and finally, what he saw during the Russo-French war made him mature and decisive.

The author's derogation of Napoleon and appreciation of Kutuzov can be clearly seen between the lines. 

The ancient capital of Moscow was occupied, why was it the French army that retreated, but Napoleon's First Empire that fell? The insightful Kutuzov believes that the strength of the army and the changes in national power cannot be judged from superficial gains and losses. 

He saw the spontaneous formation of civilian guerrillas and felt the eagerness of the soldiers to fight back against the French army, so he decided to temporarily lose Moscow. 

It doesn't matter, in such an atmosphere of "people's war", the final victory must belong to Russia. Sure enough, the second half of the Great Patriotic War became a "people's war". 

The high morale of every soldier, landlord, and peasant allowed the Russians to finally defeat the French invaders. 


At the end of the novel, the rare peace finally comes. Eight years later, in 1820, those who survived the difficult times began to live a happy and peaceful life, but at the same time, they were also ordinary. 

Let’s take a description of Natasha: “She has become fatter and her body has become thicker. It is difficult to recognize the lively and slender Natasha from this strong mother now. 

Her face is fixed, with a demure, Gentle, and cheerful. Her face no longer has the charm of youth." 200 years later, our trajectory of change is like this.


For Tsar Alexander I, the most important experience for a person is life and death; for human civilization, the most worthy of attention is war. 

"War and Peace" has four volumes, 1.1 million words in length, and 559 characters, from before the Battle of Austerlitz to after the Russo-French War, from the peak of Napoleon to the decline and fall of the First French Empire. 

Judging from the length, the war part is much longer than the peace part. Except for the "true peace" at the end, the Russians have always lived under the shadow of being invaded. 

Regardless of whether one is a duke or an earl, no matter how much wealth, how many serfs, and how big a manor he owns, a person must be half adoring and half hating Napoleon, repelling France while speaking French in social situations. 

Russia in the early 19th century described by Earl Tolstoy is no different from the world today - war and power never sleep, similar intrigues and emotional disputes are always repeated, and new things for an era or a person, It has been staged countless times on this ancient stage. 

The epic and magnificent composition of the novel cannot conceal the author's compassion for small individuals. 

"But they are human too!" From the commander-in-chief to the ordinary soldiers, this exclamation has been said many times by people of different identities on both sides of the enemy. 

Corresponding to this is the unthinking attack on the battlefield and the ruthless killing of prisoners on the march.

The author adds a lot of discussion in the third-person narrative and uses it to show his own worldview. 

Tolstoy has a strong view of fatalism and agnosticism, he believes that everything that happens around is not only to achieve everyone's purpose, but may have a purpose that people do not understand, or that everyone has their own purpose, 

This kind of purpose serves a general purpose that human beings cannot understand—what human beings can achieve is just to observe the corresponding relationship of life phenomena. 

The course of history and the victory or defeat of wars are determined by the mysterious power that drives mankind: the victory of the Battle of Austerlitz was by no means due to Napoleon’s wise leadership, and the French army’s defeat in Moscow was not due to his wrong military command—genius Like Napoleon, he was just a puppet of fate. 

At the same time, Tolstoy objected to the fact that individuals will play any decisive role in war because, on a chaotic battlefield involving thousands of people, the orders of generals cannot be carried out, which is the main reason why military reports are full of lies. 

The outcome of a battle never depends on someone's command as historians say but is determined by a combination of factors, and the thoughts and behaviors of every soldier need to be taken into consideration. 

In other words, war is an extremely complex and chaotic system, and it is impossible to obey the will of the leaders of the two armies. His fatalism is not contradictory to the theory of war. 

It can be said that the sum of all small actions leads to the outcome of the war, and the outcome of the war can be explained as God's will.


The author recently read a review, and I strongly agree with one of the sentences.

It said that "War and Peace" is not the best of all Tolstoy's novels, but the greatest. In terms of art, "War and Peace" may not have achieved the perfection of "Anna Karenina". 

There is no other work in the world that can be compared with it, a flawless art treasure, and the author himself is an unprecedented art master." 

But when it comes to the historical significance and the waves left in the hearts of generations of readers, the magnificent "War and Peace" seems to be unprecedented and unprecedented.



In this era of fragmented reading and video is king, 1.1 million words seem too long, but I can say bluntly that you can find things that are not available in reality or that you can’t ask for here. 

In addition, after reading it, you may say that it turns out that this is the feeling of "once the sea was too difficult to find water".

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