Activities, Guided Tours and Day Trips in London -
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105 excursions and activities
1,894,850 travellers have enjoyed tours here
115,699 real reviews
9.19 / 10 this is how they rate us
Latest reviews
  • Old City of London Free Tour
    10.00 05/20/2024
    Vancouver , Canada
    I travelled by myself
  • Harry Potter Free Walking Tour
    10.00 05/21/2024
    Dominik Mlakar

    It was awesome. Rob is a nice guide with a lot of knowledge. Totally recommend.

    I travelled by myself
  • Harry Potter Free Walking Tour
    10.00 05/18/2024
    Sleidinge , Belgium

    We had a wonderful and magical time with guide Becky! The stroll in theme of Harry Potter and J.K.'s mind child was great, we saw wonderful spots and it lived up to our expectations by far. A lot of energy, dedication and just happy vibes from her, so she really boosted our spirits and added a most welcome happy time on our couple (kid-free) trip to London City! All without a magical wand, but instead a jolly red umbrella Thank you for having us tag along until next time!

    I travelled with my partner

105 excursions and activities in London

105 activities
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