I could be mistaken but I believe that William Jennings Bryan is the only candidate to be nominated for president by either the Democratic/Republican parties for 3 consecutive times. He lost all three.

It’s very possible that Trump will lose again this November. At that point, you have to think that even the most diehard Trump supporters would balk at the idea of running him again in 2028. It would be the fourth straight time that a guy has been the nominee of a major political party. He’d be 82. Surely even Trumpers would be sick of this and either welcome, or at least put up only feeble resistance, when some other fresher/younger candidate steps out from the wings and pushes for the GOP nomination. That’s not even taking into account Trump’s potential legal or health issues between now and then.

Then again, after 2020, there were many who thought Trump wouldn’t be able to get nominated again in 2024…and yet here we are.

And dare we consider…if Trump does in fact run in 2028 and loses, surely we wouldn’t be looking at a fifth straight Trump run in 2032…!?

MAGAts will be trying to nominate Trump’s cremated ashes for a 2032 run…

The question is not whether the GOP “lets” Trump run. The question is whether he lets them run somebody else without throwing a protracted tantrum and doing his best to create a schism in the party.

The “party” didn’t want him to run in 2016, or in 2024, as far as I can tell. It won’t matter what the party wants in 2028.

Assuming Trump is still alive in 2028…

I think even the MAGA crowd is getting bored with Trump. Don’t get me wrong, he’ll always have those diehard MAGAts, but Trump can’t even draw a crowd like he used to. Trump just isn’t as entertaining as he used to be.

Didn’t he have a really large crowd recently in New Jersey? You know, at the rally where he made a point of stating he had a larger crowd than Bruce Springsteen and praised Hannibal Lecter? (From the clips I saw, I’m not sure he knows that HL is a fictional character.)

He’s the electoral equivalent of an old band “touring” with 2 out of the 5 original members, doing free shows at local summer fairs where they play half-hearted versions of songs that hit the charts 30 years ago, for an audience that’s mostly there for the beer.

No, that was a photo from Brazil. It was mislabeled as New Jersey.

He will be a dribbling, drooling lump of putridity in 2028, if alive at all. It’s probably just wishful thinking on my part, but I predict we are soon to be shed of this piece of shit.

Love this!

I laughed. :grin:

As opposed to now?

Trump has people who follow his rallies from place to place like a bunch Deadheads and whatever you call Phish fans.

@Velocity, I agree, if Trump loses, I think he won’t be running in 2028. His time will have passed.

Phish followers started as Deadheads looking for a band to follow, then the built up their own fans. So honestly, Deadheads wouldn’t be a terrible thing to call them.

I just thought of something reading this thread. Hear me out.
Mr. Trump hates a loser. I think both sides can agree to that. What if “the election was stolen” crowd knows (as I’m sure they do) the Biden actually won the election. There is no way that they can admit the truth Why? Because that would make Trump a loser which he and MAGAs despise the most. So of course the story has to be he won and (like a flat earther) purposefully ignoring all of evidence to the contrary.

Grover Cleveland was nominated three times in a row by the Democrats. He won numbers 1 and 3. And of course, FDR was nominated 4 times in a row and won all of them.

And just in case anyone’s wondering, this is the 6th election since the 12th amendment was passed where it’s a rematch of the previous election.

If Trump loses this year, surely he will lose too much appeal for Republicans to run him again in 2028?

Didn’t we heard this a lot the last time he lost?

Not by my recollection. I think everyone was considering his running and nomination this year as a given back in January 2020.

Facepalm… Of course FDR was nominated 4 times. Yes. My coffee-and-Adderall-deprived brain today.

Yes. And I think that it would apply in 2028 as well–that is, ‘we’ would be certain the right wouldn’t want Trump again but we’d be wrong–IF Trump were a bit younger and less deteriorated than he demonstrably is now. But given his current state and the way he’s lost ground physically and mentally, I don’t think it actually will apply in 2028.

If he’s still standing after losing in 2024, he’ll immediately start a “Trump 2028” campaign, mainly out of certainty that the Roberts Court will take that as an excuse to make sure Trump faces no danger from either of the Jack Smith cases. (And Trump will be right about that.)

However, I’d predict that the trend of shrinking Trump rallies will be accelerated by a 2024 loss. As has been said in the thread, there are diehard Trumpheads who will continue to follow him around the country from rally to rally. But if he’s still alive in early 2028, I don’t think he’ll win the primaries. (Today’s Republican establishment, seeing his waning popularity, will fear him less by 2028.)

Even if he doesn’t win, his mere presence will encourage the other Republican candidates to “outTrump” him.