Indrani Mukerjea: Family aware of what happened to Sheena, have proof - India Today

Family aware of what happened to Sheena, have proof: Indrani Mukerjea | Exclusive

Indrani Mukerjea, the prime accused in her daughter Sheena Bora's murder, claims she has enough evidence to believe that her family members were aware of what happened to Bora.

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Indrani Mukherjea is the prime accusedin the murder of her daughter, Sheena Bora.
Indrani Mukerjea is the prime accused in the murder of her daughter, Sheena Bora.

In Short

  • Indrani Mukerjea claims family members know about Sheena Bora's murder
  • Mukerjea implies ex-husband Peter could be involved
  • Claims DNA report of discovered body was forged

Indrani Mukerjee, the prime accused in the murder of her daughter Sheena Bora, asserts that members of her family know what happened to Bora, and she has evidence to implicate them, indirectly referring to her former husband, Peter Mukerjea.

In an exclusive interview with India Today, Indrani Mukerjea also said she has enough evidence to prove the claim, and many of them have already been submitted to the court.


"I think there are people in the family who are aware of what has happened to Sheena,” she said when asked about what she thought about what had happened to her daughter Sheena Bora, who went missing in 2012.

"I am absolutely convinced about this fact, and in fact, I have filed an application in court to that effect. But I don’t want to say anything until and unless I do not have concrete evidence,” she added.

When asked whether she was referring to Peter Mukerjea, she said, “I should not say that right now. But, definitely, I have reasons to believe that.”

“I think there is enough evidence which has already come on record. And there is more evidence which we will put forward from our defence side,” she added.

Indrani and Peter got married in 2002 and divorced in 2017. Peter Mukerjea, was a media baron associated with Star India and INX Media. Sheena was Indrani's daughter from her first marriage with Siddharta Das.

Mukerjee, 52, was speaking to India Today against the backdrop of the release of a new Netflix documentary 'The Indrani Mukerjea Story: The Buried Truth'. The CBI had opposed the release but it was finally streamed on February 29 after the Bombay High Court allowed it.

Regarding the DNA results that matched the samples of a body discovered in 2015, Indrani told India Today that the DNA expert himself deposed in court that the report was forged.

“The first body was discovered in 2012. There is no DNA report of that. In 2015, another body was discovered. There was allegedly a DNA test, which matched by blood sample. When the DNA experts came to depose, it turned out to be something completely different. Because he admitted to having changed the allele numbers of the electropherogram, ultimately ended up in matching,” Mukerjea said.

Explaining the reason for not demanding a fresh test, she said the “investigation has already been closed”.

“We have asked for a lot of things. But there has been no movement on them. For example, when a lady claimed that she had met Sheena, we asked for a probe . That lady was willing to go and show the exact spot, because she is an police officer herself. The CCTV footage, if any, could have been retrieved. But, nobody took any action,” she added.


This “itself speaks volumes” and this was “really unbecoming of any probe agency", she asserted.

Sheena Bora was allegedly strangled to death in a car by Indrani Mukerjea, her then-driver Shyamvar Rai, and former husband Sanjeev Khanna in April 2012.

Her body was burnt in a forest in Maharashtra's Raigad district, according to the probe agency.

The murder came to light in 2015 after Rai revealed the killing following his arrest in another case.

Indrani Mukerjea was arrested in August 2015 and granted bail in May 2022. The other accused in the case, Rai, Khanna, and Peter Mukerjea, are also out on bail.

The trial in this case is said to be in the final stages.

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Published On:
Mar 3, 2024