Mr. Vampire - The Criterion Channel
Mr. Vampire

Mr. Vampire

Directed by Ricky Lau • 1985 • Hong Kong
Starring Lam Ching-Ying, Ricky Hui, Chin Siu-Ho

The film that, along with producer Sammo Hung’s SPOOKY ENCOUNTERS, launched an entire hopping-vampire horror-comedy subgenre is Hong Kong cinema at its most gleefully inventive and gloriously unrestrained. The franchise’s recurring star Lam Ching-Ying plays a unibrowed Taoist priest who, when a bloodthirsty revivified corpse pogoes its way out of the grave and begins terrorizing his town, must use a mix of magic and kung fu to stop the mayhem. Unfortunately, his two bumbling assistants (Ricky Hui and Chin Siu-Ho) cause nearly as much trouble as the bouncing bloodsucker.

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Mr. Vampire
  • Mr. Vampire

    Directed by Ricky Lau • 1985 • Hong Kong
    Starring Lam Ching-Ying, Ricky Hui, Chin Siu-Ho

    The film that, along with producer Sammo Hung’s SPOOKY ENCOUNTERS, launched an entire hopping-vampire horror-comedy subgenre is Hong Kong cinema at its most gleefully inventive and gloriously unrestrained. T...
