Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest • Album by The Fireman

Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest

Timeline More from year 1993
UK release date:
Nov 15, 1993
US release date:
Feb 22, 1994



As soon as Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest was released, cryptically credited to The Fireman, rumours started circulating about Paul’s involvement. An ambient electronic album, the project emerged from Paul’s request to producer Youth for remixes of songs from his previous album Off The Ground, using elements found within the songs themselves. Talking at the time, Youth described how he expanded on the concept: “I thought it would be better to do a more conceptual thing – that is, rather than remix a track I thought we should deconstruct the album into samples and then construct a new mix from those. And Paul liked the idea. He was into it, so I went for it.” Paul then joined him in the studio and the album was born. “It was great fun,” Paul said at the time, “because normally these are the bits that producers try to get me to shut up about – they usually say ‘Stop messing around, Paul, sing the song properly.’” But producer and co-Fireman Youth wanted all the messing around. “It was an interesting release for me.” 

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