‎Reviews of Dragged Across Concrete • Letterboxd
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  • Laura

    I remember when this movie came out I was very intrigued by the title, always thought it was very strong and evocative. Well, it's also very apt. A nasty, rough, sad movie. And filled to the brim with pulp. What surprised me was how quiet it was, too. Several long, almost static sequences... Very patient, deliberate screenplay, with time for the dialogue to breathe, no matter how absurd. I was very impressed with Tory Kittles, he gives an understated, funny, very interesting performance – each line delivery better than the one before. The yellow bathed scenes look straight out of an urban version of hell.

  • Jakeellz


    Most evil movie of all time.

  • Kion Karimi


    Compared to his last two movies, this was a huge let down in comparison. There's just lots of dialogue scenes of them sitting in a car before everything starts ramping up later. The brutality was a lot more tame in here then in his other movies and I just felt like I wasn't really invested with the characters here.

  • Sam Baker


    This film fucking slapped so hard, had me feeling sick, then on edge and then fucking shocked. I felt like I was literally dragged across concrete.

  • Erik


    um mundo onde a violência é a única opção e todos sabem disso.

    gosto muito como o filme não tenta subverter a trama em nenhum momento; pelo contrário, ele a reafirma ainda mais no final. a câmera pesada e sóbria do zahler potencializa muito essa atmosfera crua, pessimista; é como se todos soubessem que uma tragédia está por vir e por isso não há porque teme-la. a morte é quase vista como uma libertação daquele mundo tão duro e sujo.…

  • Scriz


    Can't believe I was looking forward to watching this. It was whack

  • Jeremy Beck


    Deeply problematic in terms of politics and ideology, but riveting in execution, with extended set pieces full of inventive gore and clammy tension. Not for the faint of heart; also not to be missed.

  • California Zebra


    Microsoft Store Rental
    Dir. S. Craig Zahler
    02h 39m

    2nd Viewing
    Start time: 6:00 P.M

    Top 150 Film

  • jesmith78


    I enjoyed it. Good performances. Bit silly. Very flabby. Trim 40 minutes there’s a four star film in there.

  • Ugur




  • shiva

    a film with ZERO forward momentum. half star for the brutality, another half star for the lighting.

  • Chris


    Das entschleunigte Finale ist unvorhersehbar und packend. Die skrupellosen Gewaltspitzen schockierend. Die problembehafteten Figuren wuchsen mir ans Herz und ich verlor nicht das Interesse an ihren Observationen, die einen wesentlichen Teil des Films ausmachen.
    Den Jennifer-Carpenter-Teil hätte ich eventuell nicht gebraucht, aber geschenkt.
    S. Craig Zahler gehört aktuell für mich zu den interessantesten aktiven Regisseuren.