12 Enigmatic Facts About Kevin Corrigan - Facts.net
Cathee Duenas

Written by Cathee Duenas

Modified & Updated: 30 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Imdb.com

Kevin Corrigan is a versatile and enigmatic actor who has made a significant impact on the entertainment industry. With a career spanning over three decades, Corrigan has effortlessly transitioned between comedy and drama, captivating audiences with his raw talent and unconventional charm. While he may not be a household name, his memorable performances in both film and television have solidified his status as a celebrated cult figure. From his early breakthrough in “Goodfellas” to his recent roles in hit shows like “The Get Down” and “Ray Donovan,” Corrigan continues to captivate viewers with his extraordinary range and captivating on-screen presence. In this article, we delve deep into the world of Kevin Corrigan and uncover 12 fascinating facts that shed light on the multifaceted talent that he is.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kevin Corrigan’s versatile acting career spans over 100 films, including collaborations with Martin Scorsese and appearances on popular TV shows, showcasing his diverse talents and captivating performances.
  • Despite his enigmatic and private personal life, Kevin Corrigan’s dedication to character development and award recognition have made him a fan-favorite amongst film enthusiasts worldwide.
Table of Contents

The Early Life of Kevin Corrigan

Born and raised in The Bronx, New York, Kevin Corrigan developed a passion for acting at a young age. Growing up in a city that never sleeps, he was exposed to a diverse range of cultures and experiences which helped shape his unique perspective on the world.

The Breakthrough Role in “True Romance”

One of Kevin Corrigan’s defining career moments came when he landed a role in Quentin Tarantino’s cult classic film “True Romance.” His portrayal of the character “Marvin” showcased his ability to bring depth and authenticity to his roles, earning him critical acclaim.

Collaboration with Martin Scorsese

Corrigan had the privilege of working with the legendary director Martin Scorsese on multiple occasions. Their collaboration in films such as “Goodfellas” and “The Departed” allowed him to showcase his range as an actor alongside industry veterans.

A Notable Television Career

Kevin Corrigan has made numerous appearances on popular television shows such as “The Sopranos,” “Fargo,” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” His ability to seamlessly transition between film and television has solidified his status as a sought-after actor in both mediums.

An Impressive Filmography

With over 100 film credits to his name, Corrigan has built an extensive and diverse filmography. From independent films to big-budget blockbusters, he has consistently delivered captivating performances that leave a lasting impact on audiences.

Connection to Independent Film Scene

Kevin Corrigan has remained connected to the independent film scene throughout his career. His decision to explore unconventional roles and work with emerging filmmakers demonstrates his commitment to artistic integrity and his willingness to push boundaries.

An Accomplished Musician

In addition to his acting talents, Corrigan is also an accomplished musician. He has played bass guitar for the alternative rock band Crystal Robots, further showcasing his diverse range of artistic skills.

Collaboration with Esteemed Actors

Over the years, Kevin Corrigan has had the privilege of working alongside some of the most respected actors in the industry. From Robert De Niro to Leonardo DiCaprio, his on-screen chemistry with these esteemed performers has elevated his own acting prowess.

Commitment to Character Development

One of the reasons Kevin Corrigan’s performances are so captivating is his dedication to character development. He invests time and effort into understanding the intricacies of each character he portrays, bringing them to life in a way that is both believable and compelling.

Award Recognition

Throughout his career, Corrigan has received recognition for his exceptional acting abilities. He has been nominated for various awards, including an Independent Spirit Award for his performance in “Buffalo ’66.”

A Private and Intriguing Personal Life

Kevin Corrigan is known for keeping his personal life out of the public eye. Despite his success in the industry, he maintains a sense of privacy and chooses to let his work speak for itself.

A Fan-Favorite Amongst Film Enthusiasts

Kevin Corrigan’s unique charm and magnetic on-screen presence have made him a favorite amongst film enthusiasts. His ability to effortlessly immerse himself into any role he takes on has endeared him to audiences worldwide.

In conclusion, Kevin Corrigan’s enigmatic nature and unmatched talent have solidified his status as one of Hollywood’s most intriguing actors. With his diverse range of performances and commitment to his craft, he continues to captivate audiences and leave an indelible mark on the cinematic world.


In conclusion, Kevin Corrigan is truly an enigmatic figure in the world of entertainment. With a career spanning over three decades, he has consistently delivered captivating performances that have left audiences mesmerized. From his breakthrough role in “True Romance” to his memorable portrayals in independent films like “Buffalo ’66” and “The Departed,” Corrigan has proven time and time again that he is a versatile and talented actor.Not only is Corrigan a force to be reckoned with on screen, but he is also a respected figure within the industry. His collaboration with renowned directors such as Martin Scorsese and Quentin Tarantino is a testament to his skill and dedication. Despite his success, Corrigan has managed to maintain a sense of humility and groundedness that is refreshing in Hollywood.As we delve deeper into Corrigan’s life and career, we uncover fascinating facts that shed light on the man behind the characters. From his hidden talent as a musician to his love for New York City, there are many facets of Kevin Corrigan that make him an intriguing and multifaceted personality.In conclusion, Kevin Corrigan’s enduring presence in the entertainment industry and his ability to captivate audiences with his performances make him a true enigma. We can only anticipate what he has in store for us in the future and eagerly await his next cinematic masterpiece.


Q: How long has Kevin Corrigan been acting?

A: Kevin Corrigan has been acting for over three decades, with his first notable role in the film “Lost Angels” in 1989.

Q: What are some of Kevin Corrigan’s most memorable roles?

A: Some of Kevin Corrigan’s most memorable roles include his performances in “True Romance,” “Buffalo ’66,” “The Departed,” and “Pineapple Express,” among others.

Q: Has Kevin Corrigan ever worked with renowned directors?

A: Yes, Kevin Corrigan has worked with esteemed directors such as Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, and Judd Apatow, among others.

Q: Does Kevin Corrigan have any hidden talents?

A: Yes, Kevin Corrigan is not just an actor but also a talented musician who has played in several bands throughout his career.

Q: Where is Kevin Corrigan from?

A: Kevin Corrigan is originally from The Bronx, New York City.

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