Letters to Change the World: From Pankhurst to Orwell by Travis Elborough | Goodreads
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Letters to Change the World: From Pankhurst to Orwell

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‘We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed’ Martin Luther King

In an era where the liberties we often take for granted are under threat, Letters To Change the World is a collection of inspiring letters offering reminders from history that standing up for and voicing our personal and political beliefs is not merely a crucial right but a duty if we want to change the world.

Edited by Travis Elborough, the collection includes George Orwell's warning on totalitarianism, Martin Luther King's 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail', Albert Camus on the reasons to fight a war, Bertrand Russell on peace, Emmeline Pankhurst rallying her suffragettes, Nelson Mandela's letter to his children from prison and Time's Up on the abuse of power.

272 pages, Hardcover

First published September 6, 2018

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Travis Elborough

33 books44 followers

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Jelena Nemet.
246 reviews55 followers
March 31, 2020
Sometimes on a street corner, in the brief intervals of the long struggle that involves us all, I happen to think of all those places in Europe I know well. It is a magnificent land mouded by suffering and history. I relive those pilgrimages I once made with all the men of the West: the roses in the cloisters of Florence, the gilded bulbous domes of Krakow, the Hradschin and its dead palaces, the contorted statues of the Charles Bridge over the Vltava, the delicate gardens of Salzburg. All those flowers and stones, those hills and those landscapes where men’s time and the world’s time have mingled old trees and monuments! My memories have fused together such superimposed images to make a single face, which is the face of my true native land. […] It never occurred to me that someday we should have to liberate them from you. And even now, at certain moments of rage and despair, I am occasionally sorry that the roses continue to grow in the cloister of San Marco and the pigeons drop clusters from the Cathedral of Salzburg, and the red geraniums grow tirelessly in the little cemeteries of Silesia.
But at other moments, and they are the only ones that count, I delight in this. For all those landscapes, those flowers and those ploughed fields, the oldest of lands, show every spring that there are things you cannot choke in blood. […] So I know that everything in Europe, both landscape and spirit, calmly negates you without feeling any rash hatred, but with the calm strength of victory. The weapons the European spirit can use against you are the same as reside in this soil constantly reawakening in blossoms and harvests. The battle we are waging is sure victory because it is as obstinate as spring. ~ Albert Camus
Profile Image for Charlotte.
79 reviews
March 21, 2023
I have a lot of appointments, and like to have a book in my bag, that is of short chapters, or subjects. For waiting room jaunts, this book was perfect for that.

I really like history at the moment, and enjoyed that many of the letters within the book, match subjects or people i have been studying/podcast listening about.

There are a few that i found less interesting, some that i found extremely riveting. A great little read, to look back, and see how far, or unfortunately, not so we have come. Nice to see so many women included in this offering also. A wide range of subjects, would recommend.

Profile Image for Sanne.
29 reviews2 followers
December 13, 2023
3 ⭐️ Letters to change the world is a great read to have with you if you have short periods of time to read. The letters are touching, memorable and inspiring. It gives a great look into what people have fought for over the years.

This book is meant to be enjoyed for over a longer period of time. Reading it consecutively can make it quite boring. Space out your readings to make the experience more enjoyable.
Profile Image for Piia.
39 reviews22 followers
January 21, 2024
It took me an embarrassingly long time to finish this but trust me when I say that has nothing to do with the book and everything to do with me and my unorganised life.. I LOVED this book. I’ve cried and smiled and found many new favourites inside the pages of this book. If you’re looking for a read that is at times heart warming, frustrating, saddening, maddening, compelling and just full of humanity, this is the one you need to pick up ❤️
Profile Image for Shaoola.
187 reviews14 followers
June 1, 2021
I only liked two of all the letters collected and composed together in this book, John Steinbeck’s letter to Ernest Heyn on the Exploration of the seas and Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

Profile Image for George.
15 reviews
July 30, 2022
Within this tome, there are some absolute gems. People sharing their compassion, wisdom, eloquence and courage to put the world to rights one struggle at a time. Personal favourite: Martin Luther King Jr's Letter from a Birmingham jail.
Profile Image for Silvia Tivelli.
31 reviews
February 1, 2024
Interessante raccolta di lettere che hanno fatto la storia. La tipologia di libro/narrazione agevola molto chi non può dedicare lungo tempo alla lettura ma deve ripiegare su momenti molto frammentati.
Profile Image for Ceri.
267 reviews5 followers
June 28, 2020
Sensationally thought-provoking and current, “Letters” educates readers on our shockingly unjust past, whilst reassuring and inspiring us with the justice that has prevailed.
Profile Image for Nathalie Franssen.
48 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2022
This is a very inspiring book, showing the importance of making once voice be heard. These are great testimonies and each of them is a gem.
Profile Image for Letture Sale e Pepe.
1,714 reviews42 followers
April 14, 2020
La storia attraverso le più famose lettere scritte. Da Martin Luther King a Karl Marx, da Nelson Mandela a Bertrand Russell. Un giro per il mondo, attraverso spazio e tempo, lettere che hanno cambiato le sorti di un conflitto o realizzato un sogno, trattati di pace o semplice abolizione della schiavitù. Mi sono emozionata a leggere tutta questa corrispondenza epistolare, e leggere quei messaggi sublimi attraverso lettere di personaggi famosi in epoche diverse tra di loro.

Poeti, scrittori, politici o leader, tutti, attraverso carta e penna, hanno espresso il loro pensiero, con leggi, editti, semplici parole o frasi che sono rimaste nella storia.

Adorato dalla prima all’ultima pagina. Amo la storia e leggerla attraverso le parole realmente scritte mi ha dato un motivo in più per sceglierlo.
18 reviews
February 28, 2023
Amazing! This was a journey to different times in history.. some letters kept me up at night
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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