Margaret Mellis: A Life in Colour

Margaret Mellis: A Life in Colour

Sue Giovanni

Margaret Mellis: A Life in Colour

Sue Giovanni

Jules Hussey



United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Art, Creativity, Culture, Europe, Gender, Relationships


Margaret Mellis's career has encompassed some of the major movements of 20th century British Art. St. Ives' neighbors, Ben Nicholson and Naum Gabo, saw her talent and potential, but history has relegated her to the sidelines. A dedicated abstract painter and superb colourist, Margaret produced a unique body of work during her later life in Suffolk. Her true legacy has yet to be fully realized. Using recordings from Lives (British Library Sound Archive), the film is told entirely in Margaret's own words, with her writings and diary entries read by Susannah York. "Margaret Mellis: a Life in Colour" puts Margaret's work at center place; a visual feast of texture, shape, and colour. Margaret Mellis, 1914-2009