Instagram is turning 10: Here's how it's changed over a decade - triple j
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Instagram is turning 10: Here's how it's changed over a decade

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How to be unique and authentic on a social network of one billion users?()

The app that would go on to colonise most of social media space and become so popular it would shape the world around us — the design of museums and cafes, the arrangement of food on plates, the places people go — was released on the App Store without fanfare 10 years ago, on October 6.

Ten-thousand people downloaded it in a few hours. Ten million did so in the following year. It now has a one billion users.

For a brief history of this sprawling phenomenon, we have to focus on the big picture — the broad trends that define its first decade. There's the story of Instagram largely replacing the blogging platforms that were so popular through the noughties. There's the story of young people innovating on the platform, and creating a new kind of online personality: influencer. There's the back-and-forth pendulum shift between two broad visual aesthetics — polished perfection and 'authenticity'. There's the corporate tale of Instagram gobbling up rivals through copying what had made them popular.

There's the sheer, astonishing fact that 10 years ago there was no Instagram. No selfies. No influencers (as we know them now). No hashtags on menus. It's all happened so quickly.

It began with a bad photo. This was the first of more than 50 billion photos to be uploaded — posted by the co-founder, Mike Krieger, from a San Francisco office:


Ten years on, the app has filled every corner of our world. We're probably too close to what's happening to see how weird that will appear from the perspective of history. Dr Crystal Abidin, a digital anthropologist at Curtin University and co-author of one of the first academic books to focus on the platform — Instagram: Visual Social Media Cultures — calls this "the Instagram of everything".

In fact, it's even changing that world — adding angel wings to restaurant feature walls, or sending thousands of tourists to remote 'Instagram hotspots'. The future will see a shift from "the Instagram of everything, to the everything of Instagram", Dr Abidin said.

"You see landscapes, physical places, people, changing and altering themselves to be Instagrammable — to register a tinkle of attention," she said.

"We see this through cafes that have feature walls, we see this in tourist campaigns that focus on Instagramability, and perhaps more dreadfully we see this in body image issues and what it means to be Instagram-perfect."

The early years — taking over the blogs

It was popular from the start, but there was nothing preordained about its rise. Back then, people shared their photos on platforms like Flickr or Facebook, and added filters through another app, like Hipstamatic. Instagram did both. It was not very innovative or high-tech. Phone camera photos were poor quality, and the filters helped cover that up. Internet connections were dodgy, but the app shrunk the file sizes, which made it a reliable way to upload on the run.

A lot of people were betting other apps would be more popular, said Dr Tama Leaver, also at Curtin University and a co-author of the Instagram book.

"Instagram was by no means a sure thing at the beginning," he said.

"But it's been very good at making popular things that probably already existed elsewhere."

These days, when a single post can occupy a marketing department, and an up-and-coming band may obsess about its visual aesthetic, it's easy to forget how generally unsophisticated Instagram use was back then. That was actually the whole idea. iPhone users posted 'raw' and 'authentic' polaroid-style snaps documenting small, everyday moments. The app wasn't even available on Android until 2012.

Here's Justin Bieber's first post, complaining about traffic in Los Angeles:


"From as early as 2011, we already witnessed the beginnings of the commercialisation of Instagram," Dr Abidin said.

"Influencers at that time, who were called bloggers, who were already making money off their blogs, simply transferred that commerce onto Instagram."

Remember bloggers? In 2010, bloggers were big. There was something called the 'blogosphere'. Within a few years, this hoard of long-form narrative posts had been supplanted by Instagram, which had the advantage of being a central platform. Influencer product-selfies replaced the long written review.

Eventually, Instagram relaxed the limit on captions, so that the app effectively became a blogging platform of its own.

Instagram would go on to repeat this trick of copying from its rivals. Stories (added 2016) took the idea of ephemeral media from Snapchat, IGTV (2018) borrowed from YouTube, and Reels (2020) from TikTok.

"Over the years, all of these other competing interfaces with different formats all get subsumed under Instagram, with different features available," Dr Abidin said.

The middle years — the invention of 'calibrated amateurism'

By the mid 2010s, Instagram was surging, but the ubiquity of the signature 'Instagram look' was creating problems. How do you be unique and 'authentic' when 500 million users are posting photos that look much the same? Popular types of shots (like the aerial brunch pic) were being copied to the point of cliche.

This fakery became obvious around the midpoint of the decade, said Dr Tim Highfield from University of Sheffield.

"About four years ago you started seeing the rise of spaces designed for Instagram, things like the Museum of Ice Cream in the US — spaces where everything is designed so that it will look good on Instagram," he said.

"It's appealing to a lot of those aesthetics that had already become cliche at that point."


Instagram was almost done in by its own popularity, said Dr Leaver.

"The main feed was getting so polished that people felt that they actually couldn't contribute to it because their stuff wasn't good enough," he said.

The pendulum that had swung away from raw, candid photos and toward perfect, polished ones, now began its journey back.

Or at least that was the idea — in practice, content could be as curated as before, but should look less so. This was "calibrated amateurism" — carefully contrived authenticity portraying the raw aesthetic of an amateur. Finstagrams became a thing — secondary profiles where users posted #nofilter photos. Influencers posted on Snapchat and Youtube 'behind the scenes' footage of their day-long photo shoots.

These sneak-peaks were meant to show faults and imperfections, and make the user more relatable, Dr Abidin said.

"It was to remind people that even if they are rolling in millions of dollars, they first started out as ordinary people who are just like us," she said.

"That created a little bit of that 'girl-next-door' grassroots aesthetic that we used to have in the days of blogs."

But it also had the effect of showing how generally fake the Instagram main feed was.


The platform responded by introducing Stories and then IGTV so that this "calibrated amateurism" could take place on the app itself.

"Stories meant that you didn't need to leave, or have multiple accounts, it just gave you different spaces," Dr Leaver said.

"Those different spaces inside the one app allows Instagram to still feel authentic, even if that authenticity is sometimes performed rather than real."

The present and beyond — making the money

When Facebook purchased Instagram in 2012, this relatively new app with millions of users had no business model — no way of making money. It didn't yet sell ad space. Influencers were making money, but not the app.

Over the last eight years, this has changed. Instagram's independence from Facebook has been gradually whittled away, to the point that the founders, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, resigned in 2018 in protest.

"The founders fought really hard to keep Instagram a separate entity," Dr Leaver said.

"But in the last two years Instagram has stopped trying to pretend it's not really Facebook."

One consequence is that Instagram has quietly become a shopfront, like eBay or Amazon. In 2019, it introduced the in-app checkout, allowing users to buy a product without leaving the app, and giving the platform a little slice of the purchase price. With the pandemic, this shift to e-commerce has accelerated.

This could be great for Instagram's money-making, but maybe not for content — the platform risks becoming an endless online mall where the consumers are also the sellers.

"A critique of Instagram would be that it's capitalism's wet dream," Dr Leaver said.

"If every person on Instagram sees themselves as a promo brand, then they behave like the ideal consumer and the ideal user of the platform. I think a lot of people find that repellent."


The flip-side of a hyper-visual social media world has proved to be conformity and cliche — a series of bland images promoting products. The first 10 years of Instagram shows the platform battling this trend through adding new functions. The other lesson of these years is that the app isn't always used the way its makers intend. Often it's the users who push it in new directions. In the last year, Instagram has been increasingly used for protest and political organising — roles that might usually be filled by Facebook or Twitter. Posts on topics like Black Lives Matter have been widely shared in 2020.

"We've seen this is something that has come through in the last year, particularly the rise of these aesthetically appealing how-to guides and information sheets and infographics and things that aren't photos in the slightest," Dr Highfield said.

"There's a shift away from it just being a space for sharing your personal photos and it's this kind of multi-layered repository now of the different ways of visually representing and responding to events and experiences.

"This is being done in ways that would have been very much not what the original developers thought about."

Like with Facebook, as the platform grows it is encountering new problems with disinformation, moderating, and the responsibilities of governance. Dr Leaver predicts the platform will become more intertwined with our world — no longer just an app but an essential service, like water or power. This is the shift from "the Instagram of everything to the everything of Instagram."

"It's the logical endpoint of having a hyper-visual social media world," he said.

"These spaces, which might be museums, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, university campuses, public libraries, are all being designed with that aesthetic, that idea of Instagrammability built into the fabric of space.

"It's baked into the fabric of architecture, it's the way that light moves in a particular space, it's the perfect place to stand to get a halo effect."

Internet Culture