London to Dublin from $45 (€39) - Omio

How to travel from London to Dublin

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Travel Information between London and Dublin

distanceDistance286 miles (461 km)
modeAvailable travel modesBus or flight
priceTicket price range- $45
cheapestCheapest modeBus • $45 (€39) • 12 h 15 min
fastestFastest modeFlight • $62 (€54) • 1 h 10 min
carriersPopular travel companiesEuropean Sleeper, Ryanair or Virgin Trains

Take a bus or flight to travel 286 miles (461 km) from London to Dublin. The most popular travel companies which serve this route are European Sleeper, Ryanair or Virgin Trains among others. Travelers can even take a direct bus, ferry, flight or train from London to Dublin.

Travel options
from London to Dublin

How to get from London to Dublin by train, bus or flight.

Our recommendation

The best way to travel from London to Dublin is by taking a flight because it’s the best combination of price and speed.

British Airways
London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
10:10PMDublin Airport (DUB)
0 transfers
British Airways
London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
10:10PMDublin Airport (DUB)
0 transfers
Aer Lingus
London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
11:10PMDublin Airport (DUB)
0 transfers
Other options
Avanti West Coast
London Euston (EUS)
3 transfers
Avanti West Coast
London Euston (EUS)
2 transfers
Avanti West Coast
London Euston (EUS)
1 transfer
Aer Lingus
London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
09:30PMDublin Airport (DUB)
0 transfers
Aer Lingus
London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
08:05AMDublin Airport (DUB)
0 transfers
Aer Lingus
London Heathrow Airport (LHR)
10:30PMDublin Airport (DUB)
0 transfers

Find all the dates and times for this journey by train, bus, flight, and ferry .

Compare prices and tickets Prices for trains, buses and flights

Jun 02
Jun 03
Jun 04
Jun 05
Jun 06
Jun 07
Jun 08
Jun 09
Jun 10
Jun 11
Jun 12
Jun 13
Jun 14
Jun 15
Jun 16
Jun 17
Jun 18
Jun 19
Jun 20
Jun 21
Jun 22

How to Travel from London to Dublin

Flying is the easiest way to travel from London to Dublin, although there are also bus and train routes. If you choose to take a train journey, you can leave London in the morning and arrive in late afternoon. Flying is far quicker, with a journey time of only an hour between the two capital cities. The slowest form of transport will be buses, but this can work out cheapest if travelers book in advance. Most coaches and trains depart from a single location - either Euston or Victoria - while flights depart from all of London's major regional airports, including Gatwick, Stansted, and Heathrow.

Trains from London to Dublin | Buses from London to Dublin | Flights from London to Dublin

London to Dublin Travel Comparison

Average Price

Travel Time

Cheapest Time to Book



12:30 h

1 Week Ahead



7:55 h

2 Weeks Ahead



1:15 h

2 Weeks Ahead

What is the best way to travel from London to Dublin?

Cheapest way to travel from London to Dublin

Taking the bus is the cheapest way to travel from London to Dublin. Buses traveling from London to Dublin depart from London's Victoria coach station and take at least 12 and a half hours to arrive at Dublin Busáras station. Buses are an average of €12 cheaper than taking a flight and €38 cheaper than traveling from London to Dublin by train. 3 buses travel from London to Dublin every day, with the first departing London at 3:18 p.m. All buses that travel from London to Dublin are operated by National Express and involve a ferry journey between Holyhead and Rosslare.

Fastest way to travel from London to Dublin

Taking a flight is the fastest way to travel from London to Dublin. Even when traveling to and from London and Dublin's airports are taken into consideration, flying is still the fastest way to travel from London to Dublin by far. Taking a flight is approximately 4 hours faster than taking the train and 8 and half hours faster than taking the bus. Flights traveling from London to Dublin depart from one of London's 6 airports and arrive at Dublin airport after 1:15 h of flight time. Airlines that travel directly from London to Dublin include RyanAir, CityJet, Air France, British Airways, and Aer Lingus.

Most popular way to travel from London to Dublin

Taking a flight is the most popular way to travel from London to Dublin. While it may be cheaper to take the bus when booking last minute, travelers who plan ahead will find that taking a budget flight is both the cheapest and fastest way to travel from London to Dublin. Even when traveling to and from London and Dublin's airports is taken into consideration of total travel time, taking a flight is still the best option for people traveling from London to Dublin.

How to get from London to Dublin

The Best Way According to our Users

When it comes to choosing a method of transportation from London to Dublin, 74,42% of our customers do not hesitate to choose the flight as their preferred way to travel. Nowadays, passengers who want to fly around Europe have more options than ever before. With dozens of budget airlines covering several routes which connect to virtually all European countries, taking a flight to reach your desired destination is easy and inexpensive. The low fares and the short flight time are, among others, some of the reasons why our users choose the airplane as the best way to get from London to Dublin, even if they have to face baggage limitations and long lines at check-in and security control. You can book your flights with Omio to make sure you are always taking the fastest route or getting the best deal. You can also add extra luggage and book securely with several methods of payment such as Apple Pay, PayPal and more.

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All travel companies: Airlines from London to Dublin

British Airways, Ryanair and Eurowings will get you to Dublin from London at great prices. With over 1000 travel companies on Omio, you can find the best travel times, prices and tickets for your trip.

Air France is France's leading airline offering flights within and outside Europe; you can choose different ticket types for your travel between London and Dublin including: Economy Light, Economy Standard, Economy Flex, Premium Economy and Business.

    FAQs: Travel from London to Dublin

    FAQs: Travel to Dublin easily. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from London to Dublin.

    There are 2 travel options from London to Dublin: bus or flight.

    The cheapest way to travel between London and Dublin is a bus with an average price of $45 (€39).

    This is compared to other travel options from London to Dublin:

    A bus is () less than a ferry with an average ticket price of () from London to Dublin.

    A bus is $17 (€15) less than a flight for this journey with tickets for a flight from London to Dublin costing on average $62 (€54).

    A bus is () less than a train with an average ticket price of () from London to Dublin.

    The fastest way from London to Dublin is by flight with an average journey time of 1 h 10 min.

    There are alternative travel options to Dublin that take longer:

    Bus takes on average 12 h 15 min.

    The London to Dublin distance is around 286 miles (461 km).

    The average frequency per day from London to Dublin is:

      However, we recommend checking specific travel dates for your trip from London to Dublin as scheduled services by bus or flight can vary by season or day of the week.

      These are the most popular departure and arrival points from London to Dublin:

      • Buses most often depart from London at London, Victoria Coach Station and arrive in Dublin at Dublin, Airport (T2 Arrivals Road - Zone 20).
      • Flights from London to Dublin most often leave from London Gatwick Airport and arrive in Dublin Airport.
      • Trains most often depart from London at London Waterloo and arrive in Dublin at Dublin Connolly.

      The following travel companies offer services from London to Dublin:

      • Travel with European Sleeper, Expressway Eurolines or Expressway to go to Dublin by bus. For a good deal on tickets, you can find Expressway Eurolines London to Dublin tickets on Omio for $45 (€39).
      • Travel with Ryanair, Aer Lingus, British Airways, Cityflyer (British Airways 2), easyJet, Air France, KLM, Lufthansa, Eurowings or KLM Cityhopper for flights to Dublin. If you’re looking for a good deal on tickets, check for British Airways London to Dublin tickets on Omio for $62 (€54).

      Yes, there are direct routes from London to Dublin with the following travel companies:

      • You can take a direct bus with.
      • You can take a direct ferry with.
      • You can travel directly by plane with Aer Lingus, British Airways or Cityflyer (British Airways 2).
      • You can travel directly by train with.

      Direct services to Dublin tend to save you time and add more convenience as you won't need to transfer at another stop in between, so it's worth paying attention to before booking tickets for your trip.

      Omio customers who travel from London to Dublin often also extend their vacation to go to Belfast, Galway, Cork or Paris. Omio can help you plan your trip by finding the best connections between Dublin and these popular destinations at a great price.
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