Oblivious Reality Show Contestants Lived In The Wilderness For A Year Despite Show's Cancellation

Oblivious Reality Show Contestants Lived In The Wilderness For A Year Despite Show's Cancellation

The contestants only realized when they returned to the modern world that no one had been watching.


In the event that you consent to appearing on a reality television show in which you are living in the woods and taking part in an experiment, you would have the expectation that at least one person from your own country is watching.

It makes sense to want to vent to people who understand exactly what you went through when you get home if you've been through a less than stellar experience for months.

In 2016, a British reality TV program came up with the concept of sending 23 men and women to a secluded area in the Scottish Highlands.

The group was taken into the forest in the Channel 4 program Eden with the expectation that they would establish a society, make their own laws and regulations, build a shelter, and cultivate their own food.

The group was supposed to stay in this state for a year, totally cut off from the outside world, and document events using fixed rigs and personal cameras.

The competitors, on the other hand, strangely weren't informed when the show was canceled and merely carried on living in the wild.

The channel noted in a statement prior to the show's premiere, "The appeal of Eden is that it was a real experiment, and when filming began we had no idea what the results would be and how those taking part would react to being isolated for months in a remote part of the British Isles."

"That's why we did it, and the story of their time, including the highs and the lows, will be shown later this year."

There were undoubtedly many dark points as well, as evidenced by the 13 of the 23 candidates who left the show due to allegations of bullying, infighting, sexual jealousy, and starvation.

Not only did the candidates find no one was watching, but they also noticed that the world had undergone significant changes when they returned to the current era. Most significantly, the UK had decided to leave the European Union, and Donald Trump had been elected president of the United States—two significant developments that many people found surprising.

In a strange twist of events, a spin-off show that aired a year later examined the remaining footage from the community, even though the original show only ran for three months.

Eden: Paradise Lost transported viewers back to the neighborhood and demonstrated how events transpired.